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Может не желание быть похожим, может он просто попал под влияние. Насколько я понимаю, если к нему найти подход то его можно убедить в чем угодно. Ко времени встречи с Йоко отношения между битлами были не очень хорошие, Пол фактически стал лидером группы, и вряд ли это нравилось Джону, но сам он не знал к чему дальше приложить энергию, а Йоко нашла для него что-то новое. Думаю, что до встречи с Йоко Джон не мог себе и представить до чего дойдут ссоры в группе. |
Шутка от Битлз: Пресса: Что Вы подумали, когда двигатель самолета начал дымить? Ринго: Первыми - Битлз, женщины и дети!
Press: Does it bother you that you can't hear what you sing during concerts? John: No, we dont mind. We've got the records at home.
Press: How did you find America? John: Turn left at Greenland.
Press: Are you a mod or a rocker? Ringo: I'm a mocker.
Press: Are you afraid military service might break up your careers? John: No. There's no draft in England now. We're going to let you do our fighting for us.
Press: Are you going to have a leading lady for the film you're about to make? Paul: We're trying to get the Queen. She sell in England, you know.
Press: Are you scared when crowds scream at you? John: More so in Dallas than in other places, perhaps.
Press: Are you wearing wigs or real hair? Ringo: Hey, where's the police? Paul: Take her out! George: Our hair's real. What about yours, lady?
Press: Aren't you tired of all the hocus-pocus? Wouldn't you rather sit on your fat wallets? Paul: When we get tired we take fat vacations on our fat wallets.
Press: Beethoven figures in one of your songs. What do you think of Beethoven? Ringo: I love him. Especially his poems.
Press: Can we look forward to any more Beatle movies? John: Well, there'll be many more but I don't know whether you can look forward to them or not.
Press: Did you really use four letter words on the tourists in the Bahamas? John: What we actually said was "Gosh". Paul: We may have also said "Heavens!". John: Couldn't have said that, Paul. More than four letters.
Press (to George): Did you write "Ringo's Theme"? George: No, did you? You haven't been reading the little bits of paper, have you, that says who writes "Ringo's Theme"?
Press: Do any of you have ulcers? George: None that we've noticed.
Press: Do you ever think of getting a haircut? Paul: No, luv. Do you?
Press: Do you fight amongst yourselves? John: Only in the mornings.
Press: Do you get much fan mail? Ringo: We get 2,000 letters a day. John: We answer every one of them personally.
Press: Do you have any special advice for teenagers? John: Don't get pimples.
Press: Do you have any special message for Dutch youth? John: Tell them to buy Beatle records.
Press: Do you like topless bathing suits? Ringo: We've been wearing them for years.
Press: Do you plan to record any anti-war songs? John: All our songs are anti-war.
Press: Do you speak french? Paul: Non.
Press: Do you wear wigs? John: If we do, they must be the only ones with real dandruff.
Press: Do you worry about smoking in public? Do you think it might set a bad example for your younger fans? George: We don't set examples. We smoke because we've always smoked. Kids don't smoke because we do. They smoke because they want to. If we changed we'd be putting on an act. Ringo (whispering): We even drink.
Press: Does all the adulation from teenage girls affect you? John: When I feel my head start to swell, I look at Ringo and know perfectly well we're not supermen.
Press: Does your hair require any special attention? John: Inattention is the main thing.
Press: Don't you ever get a haircut? George: I had one yesterday. Ringo: You should have seen him the day before.
Press: George, is the place you were brought up a bit like Greenwich Village? George: No, more like the Bowery.
Press: Girls rushed toward my car because it has press identfication, and they thought I met you. How do you explain this phenomenon? John: You're lovely to look at.
Press (to George): Hi, you're not married. George: No, I'm George.
Press: How come the Beatles, rather than 200 other groups, clicked? Ringo: Sometimes I try to figure that out, too.
Press: How come you were turned back by immigration? John: We had to be deloused.
Press: How do you feel about teenagers imitating you with Beatle wigs? John: They're not imitating us because we don't wear Beatle wigs.
Press: How do you add up success? All four: Money! Press: What will you do when Beatlemania subsides? John: Count the money.
Press: How do you feel about a nightclub called Arthur, named after your hair style? George: I was proud--until I saw the the nightclub.
Press: How do you spend your time when you're cooped up in a hotel room between the shows? John: We play tennis and water polo, and hide ourselfs from our perol officers.
Press: How do you stand in the draft? John: About five feet, eleven inches.
Press: How does it feel to be putting on the whole world? Ringo: We enjoy it. Paul: We aren't really putting you on. George: Just a bit of it. John: How does it feel to be put on?
Press: How tall are you, Ringo? Ringo: Two feet, nine inches.
Press: Is it true none of you can read or write music? Paul: None of us can read or write music. The way we work is like, we just whistle. John will whistle at me and I'll whistle back at him.
Press: Is it true you can't sing? John (pointing to George): Not me. Him.
Press: Is your wife expensive? John: Quite, quite... Paul: How much did she cost when you bought her? John: Er, she was about fifty pounds in Nairobi. George: But she was second hand, wasn't she? Press: Was she second hand?? John: How dare you!
John: No more unscheduled public appearances. We've had enough. We're going to stay in our hotel except for concerts. Press: Won't this make you feel like caged animals? John: No. We feed ourselves.
Подобных вещей еще много в нете, к сожалению адреса не осталось.
По-моему Пол сказал после награждения: "Я удивляюсь почему сейчас со мной нет тех троих, с кем я получал орден много лет назад" |
Re: Джон и Пол - две стороны одной медали, а Битлз - группа без лидера! Так это или нет? Автор: be@tle9_09 Дата: 03.11.02 03:43:22 | Перейти в тему |
Мне кажется, что нельзя говорить вообще о Битлз без кого-либо из них. Разве это были бы битлз без того-же Ринго? Да и вообще здесь все не воспринимают его всерьез, он не просто "хороший парень", а все таки еще и "Octopusis Garden" написал! Разве эта песня хуже других, разве без нее альбом был бы полным? НЕТ, БИТЛЗ- ЭТО ИМЕННО 4, ИМЕННО ЭТИХ ЧЕЛОВЕКА! |
А что за лоток? А что за каталог на 40 страниц? Буду очень признательна, если подскажете! P.S. А фильм-супер! |
А где этот фильм увидеть можно может у кого- есть? Для меня любой фильм, в котором хоть пара кадров с Битлами есть, представляет огромный интерес! |
Монстр66-спасибо! Мои опасения насчет перевода подтвердились. |
Кстати, насколько я помню Пол Маккартни хотел стать учителем, до поездки в Гамбург. Интересно, что бы у него из этого получилось? А то его взял да отговорил плохой пацан Джон.:-))) |
Голубяка, спасибо. А последнюю строчку по-русски можно, а то чего-то трудно доходит. На записи кто-то вдали после нее смеется. Всегда хотелось знать- почему? |
Битловедение в школе- мечта еще не кончегося детства! |
Что поет Джон в пародии на Yesterday?(Antology) |