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Шон Леннон приезжает в Россию

Тема: Sean Lennon (Шон Леннон)

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Re: Шон Леннон приезжает в Россию
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 26.03.07 09:34:11   
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Hello. I was at Sean’s concert in Madrid, but I’ve
been ill during all this time and I haven’t had time
or didn’t felt like writing a review until now.

Sean appeared on stage and introduced himself in
Spanish: “Hola Madrid: Mi nombre es Sean Lennon”
(Hello Madrid: My name is Sean Lennon) and started a
joke about the many pronunciations of the word Madrid:
“How do you say: Madrid, Madriz, Madrit, Madrí?
Breaking the ice and creating instantly a close
relationship with the audience by addressing to them
in such a direct way.

Then he started unfolding all these beautiful and sad
songs about loss, death and disappointment:
“Spectacle”, “Dead Meat”, “Wait for me”, “Friendly
Fire”, “Would I Be the One”…

From time to time, between songs, he used to address
to the audience in his peculiar shy and polite way to
make some jokes or comments.
One of the best moments was when he asked for a camera
to take some photographs of three people in the front
row that wear some T-shirts printed every one with one
word, so when the three get together you can read:
“SEAN” “ONO” “LENNON”. Sean and specially Yuka Honda
(that looked a very wonderful and nice person) took
several pictures of them. Sean, smiling said:”It’s
very nice you have done that. “

In another moment he said that he knew a song in
Spanish that he learned by a Spanish friend when being
in a boarding school in Switzerland, and started
singing a kind of joke-silly-song, the kind of songs
people sing when drunks: 'Una cerveza, dos cervezas,
tres cervezas y un... gato!' (One beer, two beers,
three beers and a... Cat!). But I think that maybe
this Spanish friend was from some South American
country, because I never heard this song and nobody in
the room seemed to know it.
Few people from the front rows started to following
him shouting the words of the song but not knowing the
tune at all. There was no way to explain to Sean that
the song was in Spanish, but it wasn’t from Spain! But
the whole thing was very funny and people, I think
appreciated the effort Sean made for communication.

I’m not sure, (maybe it’s my appreciation, because
that night I was ill and with no energies) but I think
that Sean was a little tired, because they have played
the previous night in Barcelona and they have made
the trip from Barcelona to Madrid by bus, which is
like 8 or 9 hours.

In the second part of the concert he changed the
acoustic guitar for an electric one and did a new song
called “Smoke and Mirrors”.
When he reappeared alone for the “encores” and started
playing 'Tomorrow' on acoustic guitar, some loud
techno music interrupted him from a very near place,
but he joked about it: “What? I didn't know there
would be another band playing tonight!”
Then to finish, he did with the whole band a long
version of “Mystery Juice”.

I was at the concert with my daughter and her
boyfriend, and they loved the sound so much that told
me to buy them the record immediately!

I wasn’t at the Barcelona concert, but some reviews
say that when introducing Yuka Honda, he said that she
bought three different types of Spanish ham, which
they loved a lot.

(I have to tell you that the 3 better Spanish hams are
those called: “Jamón de jabugo” Jamón ibérico de
bellota” and “Pata negra”. They should be cut in very
thin slices. I hope Sean and Yuka eat these kinds of
Spanish hams.)

Sean also said that people from Barcelona should be
very happy for their luck of living in a city with
that wonderful sea, fair weather, beautiful girls and

When introducing the song “Mystery Juice” from his
debut album “Into the Sun” he joked that just
interesting people loved that album when released.

When somebody from the audience asked for a Beatles
song, he joked “I’m sorry, but I think you are in the
wrong concert. I just do covers of Black Sabbath”

And that’s all.
Ироничная ухмылка  
Into The Sun (1998)
Автор: DogRe@dsWell   Дата: 29.03.07 17:11:41   
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>альбома "Intro the Sun" у меня нет... ты бы мог скинуть,пожалуста?

вот он:

Я тащусь!  
Re: Шон Леннон приезжает в Россию
Автор: незнакомка   Дата: 02.04.07 18:51:18   
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2DogRe@dsWell,спасибо большое. по гроб благодарна и очень довольна.
Re: Шон Леннон приезжает в Россию
Автор: DogRe@dsWell   Дата: 02.04.07 18:55:31   
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незачто! :-)
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