Terminal Frost (Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here - Live) - Time Arrow (Led Zeppelin: Physical Graffiti Tribute) - Forever Queen (Queen: A Night At The Opera Tribute) - Dans Ramblers (John Lennon: Rock'n'roll - Live) - Ракеты (Aerosmith: Toys In The Attic Tribute) - Юрий Новгородский (Eric Clapton Tribute)
Terminal Frost (Pink Floyd Tribute) - Time Arrow (Led Zeppelin Tribute) - Forever Queen (Queen Tribute) - Dans Ramblers (John Lennon Tribute) - Ракеты (Aerosmith Tribute) - Юрий Новгородский (Eric Clapton Tribute) и другие!
Pink Floyd "Wish You Were Here" live!
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Voo-Doo Records

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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 07.12.15 19:14:41   
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> Охренеть !!! Третий диск просто золотые россыпи
>!!! Большое СПАСИБО !!!!

Саунчеки интереснее, чем основная шоу-программа.
Полу надо выпустить сборник из проверок звука :-)
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 07.12.15 19:16:34   
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 07.12.15 19:17:19   
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 15.12.15 14:34:50   
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На этих выходных ожидаются:На этих выходных ожидаются:
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 19.12.15 11:17:58   
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Have you ever had an out of body experience?? When people start asking questions like that it's either because a) too much acid, or b) it's time for another installment of the Paul McCartney Ultimate Archive series! This time around, it's a double-shot of the first two Fireman LPs. To be truthful, there really isn't too much I could do to make these 'Ultimate' editions. For the first album, there was no known period recordings that I could use to beef the album up, plus with a running time of 77 minutes, there really wasn't a whole lot of room to include any had there been suitable bonus tracks. So for this album, I've included the Rushes LP version of 'Bison', which is faded quite early by comparison to the Long One version which I've substituted in its place on the Rushes LP. In addition to that, Rushes includes the three remixes of Fluid, taken from the promo 3-track CD single. By doing it this way, we wind up with two very packed CDs, which is how I like it!
"Have you ever had an out of body experience??" When people start asking questions like that it's either because a) too much acid, or b) it's time for another installment of the Paul McCartney Ultimate Archive series! This time around, it's a double-shot of the first two Fireman LPs. To be truthful, there really isn't too much I could do to make these 'Ultimate' editions. For the first album, there was no known period recordings that I could use to beef the album up, plus with a running time of 77 minutes, there really wasn't a whole lot of room to include any had there been suitable bonus tracks. So for this album, I've included the Rushes LP version of 'Bison', which is faded quite early by comparison to the "Long One" version which I've substituted in its place on the Rushes LP. In addition to that, Rushes includes the three remixes of Fluid, taken from the promo 3-track CD single. By doing it this way, we wind up with two very packed CDs, which is how I like it!
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 19.12.15 11:18:24   
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 19.12.15 11:19:04   
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Картинка не та... СорриКартинка не та... Сорри
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 19.12.15 11:19:32   
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The thought was there to try and include the live promotional webcast of the Fireman as a bonus for Rushes, but to be honest, the lo-fi sound quality of it really turned me off. Remember, this was quite early in the evolution of webcasts, and had to use an extremely low sample rate. Consequently, it sounds like an AM radio broadcast, which is the sort of thing I'm trying to avoid for this series. Should Paul ever do an official Archive release of this album, I really hope he gives us this broadcast in perfect quality. One can dream, right??The thought was there to try and include the live promotional webcast of the Fireman as a bonus for Rushes, but to be honest, the lo-fi sound quality of it really turned me off. Remember, this was quite early in the evolution of webcasts, and had to use an extremely low sample rate. Consequently, it sounds like an AM radio broadcast, which is the sort of thing I'm trying to avoid for this series. Should Paul ever do an official Archive release of this album, I really hope he gives us this broadcast in perfect quality. One can dream, right??

For those who haven't yet given these albums a try, I think you might find that Rushes is quite the remarkable album. If you go into it NOT expecting a typical McCartney album (and happen to be a fan of Pink Floyd tracks like Shine On You Crazy Diamond or Echoes), you might really get a kick out of this!
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 19.12.15 11:19:51   
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 20.12.15 17:56:49   
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 21.12.15 17:00:24   
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... and wow!... and wow!
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 23.12.15 21:54:52   
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We're here tonight.. and that's enough.. I never quite understood what Paul meant by that line - did he mean like it's enough to get the party started, or did he mean enough's enough? Knowing Paul's penchant for nonsense, it probable means nothing! But what's definitely something is the next installment of the Ultimate Archive Collection! Going 180 degrees from last week's Fireman releases, this time around it's Paul's version of a standards album - 2012's delightful Kisses On The Bottom. There's already been a confusing number of releases surrounding this album. I've tried to make sense of it all and include the most complete versions of everything. First up is the album proper, which includes the two bonus tracks that were issued on the CD when purchased at Target. The Live At Capitol Studios concert is included as well. Again, there were a few slightly different versions of this released. The main different ones were the live download (as included as the Complete Kisses download) and the Live Kisses DVD. For the download, the concert is pretty much presented as it happened with a few notable exceptions. The DVD was chopped up (typical for Paul), but it had a few important bits on it that made it useful. First is the false starts to My Very Good Friend The Milkman, which were omitted from the live download. These have been reinstated to the concert. However, as it appears on the DVD, there is a line of dialogue from Paul that actually hails from later in the show. This becomes evident when one listens to the live download and hears the line (regarding how Paul had been whistling fine all week leading up to the concert) in its actual location later in the show. So for this new version, all the dialogue (and whistling) have been restored to their original locations.  :) Another issue with the DVD is that for many songs, there were occasional punched-in vocals which cropped up here and there. This became apparent to me when I was comparing the live download to the DVD by playing them both at the same time. Every so often there would be a double-tracked effect where the punched-in part would reveal itself. The songs affected by this are Home, My Valentine, My Very Good Friend The Milkman, Get Yourself Another Fool and My One And Only Love. For My Valentine, the guitar solo was punched in as well as some vocals, so as I had just enough space to include it as a bonus, I opted to put it on here!"We're here tonight.. and that's enough.." I never quite understood what Paul meant by that line - did he mean like it's enough to get the party started, or did he mean enough's enough? Knowing Paul's penchant for nonsense, it probable means nothing! But what's definitely something is the next installment of the Ultimate Archive Collection! Going 180 degrees from last week's Fireman releases, this time around it's Paul's version of a "standards" album - 2012's delightful Kisses On The Bottom. There's already been a confusing number of releases surrounding this album. I've tried to make sense of it all and include the most complete versions of everything. First up is the album proper, which includes the two bonus tracks that were issued on the CD when purchased at Target. The Live At Capitol Studios concert is included as well. Again, there were a few slightly different versions of this released. The main different ones were the live download (as included as the Complete Kisses download) and the Live Kisses DVD. For the download, the concert is pretty much presented as it happened with a few notable exceptions. The DVD was chopped up (typical for Paul), but it had a few important bits on it that made it useful. First is the false starts to My Very Good Friend The Milkman, which were omitted from the live download. These have been reinstated to the concert. However, as it appears on the DVD, there is a line of dialogue from Paul that actually hails from later in the show. This becomes evident when one listens to the live download and hears the line (regarding how Paul had been whistling fine all week leading up to the concert) in its actual location later in the show. So for this new version, all the dialogue (and whistling) have been restored to their original locations. :) Another issue with the DVD is that for many songs, there were occasional punched-in vocals which cropped up here and there. This became apparent to me when I was comparing the live download to the DVD by playing them both at the same time. Every so often there would be a "double-tracked" effect where the punched-in part would reveal itself. The songs affected by this are Home, My Valentine, My Very Good Friend The Milkman, Get Yourself Another Fool and My One And Only Love. For My Valentine, the guitar solo was punched in as well as some vocals, so as I had just enough space to include it as a bonus, I opted to put it on here!

To round out the set, I've included several choice bonus cuts, including a few TV appearances, some Various Artists album appearances, the (I Want To) Come Home single, some remixes, along with the video + edit versions of My Valentine. All in all, a rather solid collection. For those who don't like this side of Paul, you need not download this one. I personally find this album to be very enjoyable and extremely interesting. Paul surrounded himself with what has got to be the finest group of musicians he has ever performed with, and obviously had a lot of fun in the proceedings.

As always, great care was taken towards the packaging. The first disc has the standard LP art For the second disc, I had a little fun. Yes, I do realize that Paul was no longer on Capitol by the time this album was released. However, he DID record this at the Capitol Recording Studio and did a lot of older standards (that appeared on 78s), so it made great sense to use the Capitol 78 label for this set!
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 23.12.15 21:55:12   
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 31.12.15 15:23:15   
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Voo-Doo Records
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 31.12.15 15:42:34   
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All you rock hip cats, come on! That jive lingo could only mean one thing - yet another installment of the Paul McCartney Ultimate Archive Collection. This time around, we go back to the '70s for an album that has grown on me of late, Wings At The Speed Of Sound. Of course, this one was already done as an Archive release, towards the end of 2014. Suffice it to say that the audio bonuses on that release were rather skimpy at best. Despite being a 2-CD affair, the LP + the bonus CD added up to a whopping 69 minutes! That would be unthinkable, so I took what Paul gave us and I added a whole lot more! For starters, there's the Holly Days album, recorded by Paul, Denny + Linda in July 1976. It's a fun little album (just under 30 minutes!), and lends itself nicely to a slew of bonus tracks - all demos recorded by Macca during the Summer of '76 (wasn't he supposed to be on tour at this time???) I say it lends itself nicely as all the tracks have a distinct sound to them, with the primary percussion coming from Paul's much-beloved rhythm box. For those demos, I did what I could to polish 'em up and present them in the best possible sound quality, with corrected speed for the first time! On top of that, I've added a few cuts from the Trevor Jones tapes that leaked about six years ago. Those poor tapes never really sounded too good to begin with, and I did what I could with them to at least sound presentable. Finally, I've added the promo edits for the two singles from the Speed Of Sound LP. All in all, it adds up to just under 160 minutes of Paul & Co whooping it up through 1976. Not a bad way to spend New Year's now, is it? Enjoy and have a Happy New Year!!!"All you rock hip cats, come on!" That jive lingo could only mean one thing - yet another installment of the Paul McCartney Ultimate Archive Collection. This time around, we go back to the '70s for an album that has grown on me of late, Wings At The Speed Of Sound. Of course, this one was already done as an Archive release, towards the end of 2014. Suffice it to say that the audio bonuses on that release were rather skimpy at best. Despite being a 2-CD affair, the LP + the bonus CD added up to a whopping 69 minutes! That would be unthinkable, so I took what Paul gave us and I added a whole lot more! For starters, there's the Holly Days album, recorded by Paul, Denny + Linda in July 1976. It's a fun little album (just under 30 minutes!), and lends itself nicely to a slew of bonus tracks - all demos recorded by Macca during the Summer of '76 (wasn't he supposed to be on tour at this time???) I say it lends itself nicely as all the tracks have a distinct sound to them, with the primary percussion coming from Paul's much-beloved rhythm box. For those demos, I did what I could to polish 'em up and present them in the best possible sound quality, with corrected speed for the first time! On top of that, I've added a few cuts from the Trevor Jones tapes that leaked about six years ago. Those poor tapes never really sounded too good to begin with, and I did what I could with them to at least sound presentable. Finally, I've added the promo edits for the two singles from the Speed Of Sound LP. All in all, it adds up to just under 160 minutes of Paul & Co whooping it up through 1976. Not a bad way to spend New Year's now, is it? Enjoy and have a Happy New Year!!!
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 31.12.15 15:42:58   
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 03.01.16 16:58:26   
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 03.01.16 17:15:28   
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Couldn't let the year go by without sneaking one more in there. And what better way to close out 2015 than with a show from that very year! It's been a busy year, Beatle Peedles, one way or another... But it's been a great year.. too! The show in question is from April 28th at Budokan. It's a significant show for many reasons - not the least of which is that it was the first time Paul played Another Girl in concert! So it was most fortunate that an absolutely perfect quality version of the show has been made available. And that's what you're getting here. The full show, in perfect sound quality. But wait! There's more!!Couldn't let the year go by without sneaking one more in there. And what better way to close out 2015 than with a show from that very year! It's been a busy year, Beatle Peedles, one way or another... But it's been a great year.. too! The show in question is from April 28th at Budokan. It's a significant show for many reasons - not the least of which is that it was the first time Paul played "Another Girl" in concert! So it was most fortunate that an absolutely perfect quality version of the show has been made available. And that's what you're getting here. The full show, in perfect sound quality. But wait! There's more!!

For extras, I wanted to keep the sound quality consistent, so I chose to include various TV appearances Paul made over the past few years. Between Kisses On The Bottom and this set, you get quite a number of Paul's TV appearances! In this case, it's a good thing as the TV appearances add several different live songs to this set that weren't played at the Budokan show, including Eight Days A Week, and the newer, more faithful to the record arrangement of Band On The Run (just listen to Paul's bass during the opening - it sends shivers down the spine, it does!)

As this is a newly created release, I had fun with the artwork, utilizing the 'Out There' Tour Infographic that Paul put up on his site a few days ago. And call me crazy, but I believe you cannot have a Japanese-themed McCartney release without having an OBI and some Odeon labels. If only I could find a way to do red vinyl...

So this set brings the total to an even THIRTY titles that I've done since this project began back in May. Fifteen in the first wave, and another fifteen in this one. By my count, there should be another fifteen in the final wave to wrap it all up (including Rarities). But that's a whole year away, right? :wink: Actually, this is my chance to take a brief break like I did after the first wave to recharge the batteries and work on some other things. I've been going at this series pretty hard and heavy of late and I could use a breather. But fear not, there's more great stuff to come in the near future!! Till then, enjoy this set (heck, try to enjoy ALL of them!), and have a very Happy New Year and all the best for 2016!!

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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 03.01.16 17:16:43   
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: McHarison   Дата: 08.01.16 12:33:37   
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