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The Beatles - Revolver Remix (november 2022)

Тема: Битлз - Revolver (1966)

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Re: The Beatles - Revolver Remix (november 2022)
Автор: Стас   Дата: 20.10.22 15:58:01   
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Мне одному кажется что смешки и хихиканье в And Your Bird Can Sing отличаются от версии с Антологии?
Re: The Beatles - Revolver Remix (november 2022)
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 20.10.22 16:26:18   
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>Мне одному кажется что смешки и хихиканье в And
>Your Bird Can Sing отличаются от версии с Антологии?

Это теперь другой микс. В частности, из него убраны "нормальные" вокалы и гитарная партия из предыдущего дубля, на который делались "хихикающие" наложения и дописывалась ещё одна партия соло-гитары.
Re: The Beatles - Revolver Remix (november 2022)
Автор: bimo   Дата: 20.10.22 17:30:39   
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C 7:55 - "Revolver" "Super Deluxe" 4 LP+7" EP Vinyl Box Set Unboxing

Re: The Beatles - Revolver Remix (november 2022)
Автор: bimo   Дата: 20.10.22 17:42:52   
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ещё один счастливый обладатель бокса

Re: The Beatles - Revolver Remix (november 2022)
Автор: Xmastime   Дата: 20.10.22 17:52:04   
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2Макс Жолобов:

>Как оказалось, заявленный ранее I'm Only Sleeping
>(RM11) — это на самом деле I'm Only Sleeping (RM1).
>В книге написано, что этот микс использовали в
>моно-издании штатовского "Yesterday... And Today".
>Но так ли это? Я слышу отличия в американском
>моно-миксе и этой только что обнародованной фонограмме.

Этот RM1 отличается как от американского, так и от английского моно. Судя по всему, это первый из грубых миксов, сделанный 6 мая. Уже позднее были сделаны: для Америки - RM5 от 12 мая, для Англии - RM6 от 6 июня. В книжке действительно мутно написано, без поллитры невозможно понять, что "the first mix to be made" - это RM1, а "the first mix to be released" - это уже RM5
Re: The Beatles - Revolver Remix (november 2022)
Автор: Стас   Дата: 20.10.22 20:28:48   
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Из папиного наследия Джайлс на бонусах не тронул только Taxman (take 11), вроде никаких особых отличий от версии с антологии я не заметил.
Re: The Beatles - Revolver Remix (november 2022)
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 20.10.22 21:09:19   
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Re: The Beatles - Revolver Remix (november 2022)
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 20.10.22 21:26:01   
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>Этот RM1 отличается как от американского, так
>и от английского моно. Судя по всему, это первый
>из грубых миксов, сделанный 6 мая. Уже позднее
>были сделаны: для Америки - RM5 от 12 мая, для
>Англии - RM6 от 6 июня. В книжке действительно
>мутно написано, без поллитры невозможно понять,
>что "the first mix to be made" - это RM1, а "the
>first mix to be released" - это уже RM5

Спасибо за уточнение)
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: The Beatles - Revolver Remix (november 2022)
Автор: Xmastime   Дата: 21.10.22 10:34:01   
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>Из папиного наследия Джайлс на бонусах не тронул
>только Taxman (take 11), вроде никаких особых
>отличий от версии с антологии я не заметил.

Новый микс сильно другой, чем папин. Папа делал свой в подражание классическому стереомиксу 66 года, здесь же инструменты широко раскиданы по каналам. Да и по краям новый вариант длиннее с обеих сторон.

Вот тут можно почитать о том, что новенького появилось, хотя у автора на мой взгляд перебор критики джайловского микса.
Re: The Beatles - Revolver Remix (november 2022)
Автор: Стас   Дата: 21.10.22 11:46:08   
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Получается Джайлс не тронул только I'm only sleeping (take 1).
Re: The Beatles - Revolver Remix (november 2022)
Автор: Бри   Дата: 21.10.22 17:52:45   
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Re: The Beatles - Revolver Remix (november 2022)
Автор: MikeGear   Дата: 21.10.22 21:21:46   
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Шикарно! Заново раскрываются в новом свете привычные вещи: впервые отчетливо услышал зевание Пола в I only sleeping, раньше это казалось просто каким то случайным вздохом. Музыка и голоса, которые будоражили сознание с юношеских лет, стали ещё волшебнее, благодаря этим новым миксам. И сессии показались самыми интересными из всех предыдущих юбилейных переизданий. Но по привычке все равно думается, что в закромах остаются ещё более фантастические (альтернативные) версии этих песен.
Re: The Beatles - Revolver Remix (november 2022)
Автор: Стас   Дата: 21.10.22 22:22:56   
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Но по привычке все равно
>думается, что в закромах остаются ещё более фантастические
>(альтернативные) версии этих песен.

Ждём их на 60-летие альбома в 2026 году :)
Re: The Beatles - Revolver Remix (november 2022)
Автор: bimo   Дата: 21.10.22 23:48:14   
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Вот это да!!!  
Re: The Beatles - Revolver Remix (november 2022)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.10.22 19:04:48   
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А чего все молчат по поводу Yellow Submarine в исполнении Джона, вот это бомба.
Re: The Beatles - Revolver Remix (november 2022)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.10.22 19:12:51   
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Tomorrow you can see the illustrated version in The Daily Beatle that gave us a space.
For now, this is a review made as a fan, true experts have always shared his knowledge here and in other forums and I'm sure they will be posting his insights soon as well. Thank you for that.

By Mike Carrera

Generally, our focus in this space is to compare the alternate material that had already been in circulation officially and unofficially (bootlegs), however today we will also give a quick overview with a very personal opinion of the most noticeable differences in the new stereo mix (Discs 1 and 5), as well as the Outtakes (Discs 2 and 3), all from the 'Revolver 2022' Deluxe Box; without spoiling surprises and detailed facts that you can read in the book that accompanies this release.

Taking risks and presenting something different is appreciated; however, it is not so easy to want to change the history and the ears of those who grew up with the mixes that George Martin and The Beatles released, but it is worth the audacity of Giles and his team, who in some cases gives us things we've never heard before thanks to the tools provided by Peter Jackson and his Artificial Intelligence technology to separate and isolate voices and instruments.

A radically different mix. Starting with a detail that many fans have not liked: the hum of the amplifier that is heard in the original mix during the introduction “one, two, three, four, one, two, (cough), TWO , THREE, FOUR”, has been completely removed; on the contrary, it is present on CD4 Outtakes as part of Take 11. Unlike the original stereo mix where basically the right channel carries all the overdubs: tambourine, cowbell, guitar and vocals; the 2022 mix inverts them to the opposite channel or centers them. The fade out is barely a second longer.

As in the case of "Taxman" (and similar to the version of the album 'Yellow Submarine Songtrack' from 1999 and 'Beatles 1’ (the 2015 edition, not the one released in 2000), Giles Martin and Sam Okell ventured to modify the entire structure of the original stereo mix: where McCartney's vocal tracks are panned to the left and right channels throughout the song – including the well-known 14-second mistake where he only utters “El” from “Eleanor ” and his voice disappears from the left channel and returns until “all the lonely people where do they all come from?”; in this 2022 mix, both channels include Paul's vocals at all times, without hearing that detail in the stereo mix that many grew up with.

Better balanced mix. The yawning and bass sound are fully prominent now.

It is a second longer at the end with a sitar note (at 2:57) not heard in previous official stereo mixes, however the fuzz guitar sound is more buried now, losing the essence of the original recording.

The different vocal tracks that Paul recorded for this song, panned to the left and right channels in the previous stereo mixes have been more unified in this new mix, the differences in tones are being lost due to the vocal harmonies of John, Paul and George -now very prominent throughout the song, which is a point in favor-. As a drawback, the last “whoo-oouu” at the very end of the song as part of those harmonies that we can hear in the left channel of the original mix, is now hidden.

Strangely it is now a reproduction of the MONO mix: The first acoustic guitar chord at the beginning of the song that is omitted in the original stereo mix is there, and John's reply “a life of ease” at 1:47 after Ringo sings “As we live a life of ease” is also included, so the uniqueness that characterized the MONO mix could lose its value when new generations grow up listening to the 2022 stereo mix and find no difference. "A life of ease" in John's voice had already been added to other stereo mixes: 'Yellow Submarine Songtrack' in 1999 and in the same way Giles integrated it in 'Beatles 1' from 2015 ('Beatles 1' from 2000 respects the original stereo mix without this phrase).
Re: The Beatles - Revolver Remix (november 2022)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.10.22 19:12:58   
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It could pass as an "alternate mix" because it lets us hear for the first time the two lead guitars separated on the left (this guitar is completely hidden in the original mix so listening to it now is quite a revelation) and right channels, which at a certain point creates the illusion of listening to an alternate take. Ringo's drums are totally prominent now. It's a second shorter than the original mix, it fades out on the word "like" in "I know what it's (fade) like" (2:32), instead the original mix fades out on the word "dead", from “I know what it's like to be (fade) dead” (2:33).

At 1:58 of this new mix we have a mistake highlighted in the right channel where Ringo's drums are abruptly muted - on the original mix is almost imperceptible because the sound of the "hit-hat" continues in the left channel fading out almost to the end of the song; however in this 2022 mix, that “hit-hat” from the left channel has also been removed four seconds earlier than in the original mix to leave the final vocal harmonies isolated, which creates a strange and annoying effect, especially if you are listening through headphones.

They applied a slight effect on the vocals to make the song sound more powerful. The change is very noticeable when compared to the original stereo mix in phrases like “You'll say you've seen seven wonders”, “When your bird is broken, will it bring you down?. You may be awoken..” or “ But you can't hear me, You can't hear me” after “And your bird can swing”. It’s a matter of tastes and approaches.

A second example (“She Said She Said” would be the first) of the contribution that Peter Jackson's technology brought to this project. For the first time, piano and harpsichord - both played by McCartney - are separated and highlighted on the right and left channels respectively (the original 1966 mix concentrates all the basic instrumentation on the right channel).

This mix injects new life into the song but there are no radical differences. More details about this track are described below (CD2 OUTTAKES TRACK 12).

The initial guitar note is slightly more prominent during the fade-in, although the tape hiss as the volume starts to rise was removed (very noticeable in the original mix using headphones).

In the original stereo mix, the organ played by John Lennon starting from 2:10 is faded out at 2:15 on the left channel and returns at 2:19; however in this new mix the organ never stops playing although it is more hidden. The original stereo version fades out as Paul yells “Every Single Daayyy!” (the MONO version does not include this vocal overdub at the end), but in this 2022 version we have the track with two additional seconds and we hear, in addition to the previous scream, the words “Every Single Day of My (fade-out)”, which in the MONO mix we can hear in full (“Every Single Day of My Life” along with an additional seven seconds of more McCartney vocal ad libs and an extended brass section).

A much more powerful mix. The bass at full.
Re: The Beatles - Revolver Remix (november 2022)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.10.22 19:13:17   
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Recorded under the working title of “Mark 1”, previously available on ‘Anthology 2’ (3:13). The opening is half a second longer in George Martin's version, however Giles delivers the full take at the end with an extra 18 seconds and slightly faster than his father's mix. Both releases are required to have the full take.

Remix Mono (“RM”, which does not stand for “Reduction Mix” by the way. Stereo remixes are abbreviated “RS”) number 11 of this song was selected and sent to produce the master of the ‘Revolver’ LP in the UK. Weeks later and at the request of George Martin himself, the production of the LP had to be stopped so that RM 11 could be replaced by RM 8 (available on Disc 4 –MONO MIX, Track 14 of this new collection), however several copies went on sale. Unlike all the versions that have circulated for years, which come directly from this initial pressing -matrix XEX-606 1-, this 2022 version comes from the master tape and we can hear for the first time engineer Geoff Emerick at the beginning say “RM eleven”. There are widely documented differences in RM 11: Tape loops appear and disappear at different times, John's voice is more prominent, it lasts 3 seconds longer at the end with the piano sound.

The first minute and seven seconds lets us hear a dialogue between John, George Martin, Paul and Ringo about how they should start the song. Including Harrison's count-in, Take 5 is six seconds longer at the beginning and six towards the end compared to the version that appeared on the 'Anthology 2' album, plus we now have it in stereo.

The fuzz guitar present here was later replaced by the brass section (although it is audibly buried in the background in the official mix or in the 5.1 isolations available on bootlegs). This surviving mix of Take 8 includes a different lead vocal from Paul than the final version as well as some experimental harmonies towards the end – “Get You in..into my liiiiife” – almost at the same spot as “I need your love”, I need your love” on Take 5 (previous track).

Previously heard as "background music" by hundreds of people attending the 'Love' show in Las Vegas as they took their seats (Giles created a collage of instrumental tracks, lasting close to an hour as people filed in, and included some alternate versions). This almost instrumental take (with headphones it is possible to hear Paul's guide vocal on the right channel that sometimes just improvises “laa-la-laa-la-la-la”). The brass section is already present before the additional overdubs: vocal tracks, tambourine, organ, etc. A few audience recordings of this 'Love' background music have been in circulation among collectors and partially on Bootlegs, albeit in much lower quality than what we now have. The 2022 Deluxe Box lets us hear part of the “Three, Four” count-in, as well as the ending without fading.

6-LOVE YOU TO (TAKE 1) 02:38 -NEW
Imagined by many as the 'Holy Grail' of unreleased Beatles sessions, it resembles the acoustic demos Harrison prepared years later for his solo album 'All Things Must Pass'. Once considered to appear in 'Anthology 2', it was scrapped. It is introduced by its working title "Granny Smith Take One". A basic take with Harrison on acoustic guitar and vocal, and Paul McCartney doing a vocal harmony three times.

George and Paul practicing on the sitar and tamboura in an instrumental rehearsal with a bit of pain in Harrison's fingers at the end.

8-LOVE YOU TO (TAKE 7) 02:53 -NEW
Geoff Emerick announces "Granny Smith take seven, this is reduction of take six". The take still lacks the long introduction released in the official version, however the rest of the overdubs are present: vocals, tambourine, fuzz guitar and McCartney's vocal harmony that was omitted from the final mix during the following phrases: “You don't get time to hang a sign on me”, “But what you've got means such a lot to me” and “They'll fill you in with all their sins, you'll see”.
Re: The Beatles - Revolver Remix (november 2022)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.10.22 19:13:47   
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The first 21 seconds of Take 1 (the announcement, brief warm-up rehearsals, and George Martin saying “All yours Paul!”) widely available on bootlegs for years, have been omitted from this release; however Take 2 in its real instrumental version before the overdubs appears for the first time, although some bootlegs have also tried to recreate it. The "Take 2" that circulates on unofficial discs comes from a more advanced stage in the recording with multiple vocal overdubs and some instruments.

A big reveal in this 2022 Deluxe Box. This is how “Rain” was recorded, fast and then slowed down to get another texture (in Geoff Emerick's words). We have the backing track with Paul's bass overdub also at this speed; John marks the beginning with "One, Two" and it is possible to hear at the end some words from Harrison. If we slow this version down to approximately -17,642 we'll get exactly the length of the next track (3:11, both start and end at the same time), matching the speed of the official version.

Once the tape was slowed down (the “One, Two” count-in can now be heard at a very slow pitch), John recorded two different vocal tracks that we can clearly hear here before they were mixed together in the final version, left and right channels respectively. The left vocal track shows some slight differences in the way of singing that do not match the second vocal of the right channel, for example in “They run and hide their heads” and “They might as well be dead” or in the first “The weather's fine”. This first vocal track is almost imperceptible in the final mix. ADT (Artificial Double Tracking) was applied later. The backing vocals, tambourine, and the backwards tape with John's voice towards the end are still missing at this stage.
Re: The Beatles - Revolver Remix (november 2022)
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.10.22 19:13:52   
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Another myth that busts with this 2022 release is the supposed phrase "OK Herb" that Lennon mentions towards the end and that is only possible to hear on the MONO mix of the 'Yesterday...And Today' LP. Here we have the unedited take in its original length with count-in and all the vocal overdubs (still without ADT and we clearly hear John sing “BOB Robert” on two occasions), maracas, lead guitar and harmonium; and what John says at the end is: "OK ehh, we'll-", there is a cut but the track continues and Paul whispers "No YOU won't" (Kevin Howlett says in the accompanying book that the phrase is "No WE won't", but amplifying this fragment shows us the actual word).
The official versions (MONO and STEREO) have 41 seconds removed to leave it at 2:11. The edit was thought to happen before the first “Well well well, you're feeling fine” at 00:56 during the guitar riff, however the full take shows us that the edit take place at a different spot. At 01:52 of the officially released version at the end of the second bridge "Well, well, well, he'll make you" right after "Doctor Robert" the cut occurs (from 00:01:53.641 to 00:02: 34.815 using this Take 7), to return after the penultimate “Doctor Robert” as follows:
With BOLD the 41 unused seconds are shown and with RED the points where the edition was made for the official version.
Well, well, well, you're feeling fine
Well, well, well, he'll make you -Doctor Robert (EDIT)-
Ring, my friend I said you'd call- Doctor Robert
Day or night he'll be there any time at all
Doctor Robert
He's a man you must believe
Helping anyone in need
No one can succeed like Doctor Robert
Well, well, well, you're feeling fine
Well, well, well, he'll make you- Doctor Robert (EDIT)
Ring, my friend I said you'd call- Doctor Robert
Ring, my friend I said you'd call- BOB Robert
Doctor Robert

But it is not the only change that was made to the final mix in 1966: the maracas were removed during the two “Well Well Well” verses for the MONO UK and the STEREO version (including this 2022 mix), but not for the MONO mix for the United States on the LP “Yesterday…And Today”, where the two verses contain the maracas, same as this un-edited Take 7 (and during the third verse “Well Well Well” not used in the official versions, in addition to the maracas, Ringo's drumming never stops).

The actual count-in from Take 2 appears for the first time on both tracks (in 'Anthology 2' and 'Anthology Video' John's intro comes from Take 1). Provisionally considered best, several overdubs were made: lead vocals by John and Paul, a second vocal by John in two verses, bass, tambourine and two different lead guitar solos one on top of the other in the middle-eight and the riffs towards the end.
Completely "familiar" for fans these two versions, although the first (TRACK 13) was only possible to obtain in MONO using the filter to isolate or remove certain elements -Out of phase Stereo 'oops'- using the 'Anthology 2' version; now appears in stereo although it is exactly the same version with all the overdubs mentioned above and with an additional second never heard before towards the end when the engineer stops the tape.
TRACK 14 shows another stage of overdubs onto Take 2 (previously available on 'Anthology 2' in a different mix, with the two guitar solos on the right channel and the basic track on the left); we now have an extra 11 seconds over the intro with studio talk, and John and Paul ready for their vocal overdub attempt that ended in uncontrollable laughter, and we only hear one of the two guitar solos on the right channel, so it gives the illusion of being another version (in one of the DTS audio channels of the 'Anthology Video' the other guitar solo is the one that is isolated). The two versions (‘Anthology 2’ CD1 TRACK 19 and the mix of Giles CD2 Track 14) are necessary because they let you hear differences in sounds and voices that John and Paul are making while recording their overdubs. In George Martin's mix for 'Anthology 2', for example, John can be heard intentionally “chewing saliva” after McCartney says “Now, right” just before the first line “You tell me that you've got everything you want” which comes from the second vocal overdub (the 'Giggling' one was the third) which is no longer audible in this 2022 release; but we can hear Paul also “chewing saliva” and exhaling at the start of the take before the “Now, right” as part of this third vocal overdub.

Officially and in Bootleg we have different stages of this First Version:
1- Take 2 with guide vocals from John and Paul without overdubs or laughs, bass or tambourine. It still lacks a guitar solo in the middle-eight (similar to what is heard in the left channel on 'Anthology 2'). Available on Bootleg. Paul is heard saying at the end “That’s it… yeah”.
2- Take 2 only with John's second vocal in the verses “When your prized possessions..” and “When your bird is broken..”; in addition to bass, tambourine and the first guitar solo overdubs. John is heard saying at the end "That was it, wasn't it?".
3- Take 2 with the following overdubs: John and Paul on lead vocals, John's backing vocal in two verses, bass, tambourine and two different guitar solos. Available on the Revolver CD2 TRACK 13 Deluxe Box Set 2022 and on bootleg is the "without laughs" version ripped from the official 'Anthology 2' CD using the 'oops' audio technique circulated for years. John is also heard saying at the end "That was it, wasn't it?" from the previous overdub.
4-Take 2 with the attempted vocal overdub that ended in laughter, available in different mixes on 'Anthology 2', 'Anthology Video' (with lead guitar #2 isolated on a DTS audio channel along with handclaps from John and Paul and a nasal noise he makes, only audible in this mix), and 'Revolver 2022 Deluxe Edition' CD2 Track 14 (with lead guitar #1). In all of them you can hear at the end “That was it, wasn't it?” coming from the second overdub.
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