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Умер Куоримен Эрик Гриффитс....

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Умер Куоримен Эрик Гриффитс....
Автор: McTim   Дата: 31.01.05 17:11:47
Dear friendsDear friends

It is with great sadness that we have to inform you that Eric died last Saturday morning.

As you probably know, after our last gig, which was in Norway at the end of November, Eric was in great pain and had been diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas. He stayed some time in hospital and then went home with his pain stabilised on morphine.

He was able to spend Christmas and New Year with his wife Relda and their three sons, one of whom came over from Australia so they could all be together. Eric took advantage of his opportunity to put all his affairs in order so as to minimise the burden on his family and displayed great courage and equanimity.

Last week he was moved into a hospice but he did not like the atmosphere and was moved back home. Relda said that he was growing very weak and he felt that he had done everything he could and was ready to go. He died peacefully in his own bed around 11am on Saturday.
Из письма от Рода Дэвиса
Re: Умер Куоримен Эрик Гриффитс....
Автор: Al.Parker   Дата: 31.01.05 18:50:10   
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ВСЕ Там Будем.
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Умер Куоримен Эрик Гриффитс....
Автор: McTim   Дата: 31.01.05 19:22:52   
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Re: Умер Куоримен Эрик Гриффитс....
Автор: McDen   Дата: 31.01.05 19:52:19   
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Re: Умер Куоримен Эрик Гриффитс....
Автор: Сергеич   Дата: 31.01.05 22:43:05   
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Очень... Мира и Спокойствия Ему на Небесах...
Re: Умер Куоримен Эрик Гриффитс....
Автор: Dvas Nickolas   Дата: 31.01.05 22:58:35   
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_cancer of the pancreas_
Очень жаль.
Re: Умер Куоримен Эрик Гриффитс....
Автор: Laewsky   Дата: 01.02.05 12:04:42   
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Один за одним они уходят... Время безжалостно. Черт...................................
Re: Умер Куоримен Эрик Гриффитс....
Автор: McTim   Дата: 01.02.05 18:37:32   
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:( сейчас появится статья о нем.. пока статус - не показ.
Re: Умер Куоримен Эрик Гриффитс....
Автор: John Lennon Knows Your Name   Дата: 01.02.05 22:51:58   
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Да, жаль Эрика, я помню его на сцене во время Берлинского Битл-феста несколько лет тому назад, и раньше во время Итальянского брешийского Битл-феста. Он был очень похож на доброго гнома с характерными "развесистыми" ушами. Безусловно был одним из основных энергетических стержней Куорримен. Неизвестно, что с ними произойдет сейчас, когда его больше нет. Мир праху его!
Re: Умер Куоримен Эрик Гриффитс....
Автор: McTim   Дата: 01.02.05 22:53:57   
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почему добавленая статья не появляется? статус - не показ. Ее должны админы прочитать или что? =\
Re: Умер Куоримен Эрик Гриффитс....
Автор: Supermax   Дата: 01.02.05 23:09:27   
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Eric Griffiths, the founding member of the band that became The Beatles, died on Saturday following a battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 64.

Griffiths formed The Quarrymen with his school pal John Lennon and was playing guitar alongside the "Imagine" legend in July 1957 when Paul McCartney came to watch the band perform in their native Liverpool, England.

McCartney and George Harrison subsequently joined the band that eventually metamorphosed into The Beatles.

As the Quarrymen became more driven toward becoming a serious rock 'n' roll band, the original schoolmate members - who had joined the group primarily for fun - slowly dropped out, including Griffiths in 1958.

However, Griffiths reunited with the other surviving founders of The Quarrymen in July 1997 for a special 40th anniversary celebration.

Griffiths - who was diagnosed with cancer last November - died at home in Edinburgh, Scotland. He is survived by his wife of 40 years and three sons.
Re: Умер Куоримен Эрик Гриффитс....
Автор: McTim   Дата: 02.02.05 00:52:42   
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Re: Умер Куоримен Эрик Гриффитс....
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 03.02.05 11:12:00   
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Honoring Eric Griffiths of The Quarrymen

The family of Eric Griffiths (his wife of 40 years Relda and their three sons) have been very touched by the outpouring of sympathy from fans of the Beatles and fans of the Quarrymen worldwide - on the sad passing of Eric on Saturday (January 29th) from pancreatic cancer.

Those who wish to express their sympathy in more than words - may do so in either of two ways: By sending flowers to the funeral. Or by sending a donation in his name to the cancer hospice his family wish to support. Details of both options are provided below.


The funeral will take place on Monday 7th February - in Edinburgh, Scotland (where Eric & Relda lived since 1972) Flowers would need to be delivered to the funeral home - between 9am-11am on Monday 7th February. (Important note: Because of the time of the funeral - the flowers would have to be delivered in that two hours between 9am and 11am on Monday morning. The funeral home is not open till 9am. And flowers delivered after 11am would arrive too late for inclusion. The funeral home is not open on the preceding day) The funeral home is the best in Edinburgh and will be known by all florists in the Edinburgh area.

Persons living in the UK can send flowers via companies such as Inter-Flora - http://www.interflora.co.uk

Persons living outside the UK can arrange to have flowers delivered via a website such as the international wing of FTD. http://www.ftd.com/5962/catalog/international.epl Note that the UK-based Inter-Flora appears to offer a greater range of flowers for delivery in the UK - and it can be utilized from anywhere in the world. http://www.interflora.co.uk

All flowers should be clearly marked: FOR THE FUNERAL OF ERIC GRIFFITHS And delivered to the following address:

William Purves - Funeral Directors
Oak Vale Funeral Home
106 Whitehouse Loan
Edinburgh, Midlothian EH9 1BD
(Note: The above street name is not a typographical error. The second name of the street is "Loan" not "Lane")
Telephone in UK: 0131 447 5858
Telephone from outside UK: 011 44 131 447 5858


You may make a donation in honor of Eric to the cancer hospice his family wish to support. Details of how to make a donations to the Marie Curie Hospice can be found on this website http://www.mariecurie.org.uk/donate/ The website enables you to make a donation using a credit card from any country in the world. You may specify that your gift goes specifically to the Marie Curie Hospice in Edinburgh.

Or you can simply send a donation by mail to:

The Marie Curie Hospice
Frogstone Road West
Edinburgh EH10 7DR

If sending a donation from outside the UK - please remember that banks often charge for processing checks/cheques from other countries - or in international currencies. So if you wish to send by a method other than a credit card - perhaps send your donation by an International Money Order in UK pounds sterling - payable to The Marie Curie Hospice.

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