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Роджер Уотерс / Roger Waters

Тема: Roger Waters

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!!!!!! BREAKING NEWS !!!!!!
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 05.10.05 20:48:02   
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Pink Floyd's Roger Waters' Classical Opera 'Ca Ira'
Debuts at #1 on Billboard's Classical Traditional Chart
Вот так - на зависть всем завистникам!
'Ca Ira' Debuts at #1 on Billboard's Classical Traditional Chart
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 05.10.05 21:49:56   
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[Press Release] PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance - 1 hour, 49 minutes ago
Source: Sony Classical
Pink Floyd's Roger Waters' Classical Opera 'Ca Ira' Debuts at #1 on Billboard's Classical Traditional Chart
Wednesday October 5, 11:51 am ET
Released September 27, Sony Classical/Columbia Records' Lavish First Edition Digipak Includes Full Opera On Two Hybrid SACDs,
Bonus "Making Of 'Ca Ira'" DVD & 60-Page Four-Color Booklet
Sold-Out World Premiere Concert Performance Of 'Ca Ira'
Slated For November 17th and 18th in Rome, Italy

NEW YORK, Oct. 5 /PRNewswire/ -- "Ca Ira," the new classical opera from Roger Waters, entered the Billboard Traditional Classical Chart at #1 in the first week in stores for the Sony Classical /Columbia Records release.


(Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20051005/NYW138 )

The recording of Waters long-awaited "operatic history of the French Revolution" was released on Tuesday, September 27, in a lavish first-edition Digipak that includes a complete recording of the work on two hybrid Super Audio CDs in Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound, which are compatible with standard CD players. The package includes a deluxe 60 page four-color booklet including Roger Waters' lyrics based on Etienne Roda-Gil's original French libretto, the original illustrations created by Nadine Roda-Gil, biographies of Waters and the opera's cast, background and production notes on the opera.

As a bonus for Roger Waters fans, "Ca Ira" includes a special DVD documentary chronicling the "making of" the opera. The "Ca Ira" DVD traces the history of the project, from conception to completion, and includes revelatory interviews with Waters and the cast of "Ca Ira" as well as exclusive in-the-studio footage of the recording of the opera.

"Ca Ira" will have its world premiere in a semi-staged concert performance on November 17th and 18th in Romeat the Santa Cecilia Hall of the Auditorium Parco Della Musica. The concert reunites tenor Paul Groves and soprano Ying Huang with conductor Rick Wentworth, all of whom appear on the recording, and introduces to the work bass-baritone John Relyea. Since the November 17 concert quickly sold out, a second performance has been scheduled for November 18 in the same venue.

Waters, who co-founded the groundbreaking rock group Pink Floyd in 1966, fused the worlds of rock and classical music in such pioneering major works as "The Dark Side Of The Moon" (1973) and "The Wall" (1979) in which he incorporated elements of operatic form - theatricality, coherent narrative, dramatic arcs, thematic music and song cycles - in a pop context.

Waters' work on "Ca Ira," his first opera for full orchestra and voice, began in 1989, during the Bicentennial of the French Revolution. The well- respected and successful songwriter Etienne Roda-Gil and his wife, Nadine, had created an original libretto for an opera, written in French, as part of the Bicentennial. Entitled "Ca Ira," after a revolutionary song of the period, the Roda-Gil's original manuscript, copiously and beautifully illustrated by Nadine, portrayed the events and the spirit of the French Revolution through a multitude of perspectives - ranging from Marie Antoinette to the eyes and ears of the period's revolutionaries and common people - using a circus as a central theatrical framing device and metaphor.

The finished version of "Ca Ira" features orchestration and choral arrangements by Roger Waters with Rick Wentworth. Waters and Wentworth are also the album's producers. Principal characters in the opera are brought to life by the Welsh bass-baritone Bryn Terfel (the Ringmaster, the Troublemaker, Louis Capet - the King of France); internationally acclaimed soprano Ying Huang (Marie Marianne - the Voice of Liberty, Reason and the Republic, Marie Antoinette - the Queen of France); American tenor Paul Groves (A Revolutionary Priest, A Military Officer); and Nigerian "one man orchestra" Ismael Lo (a Revolutionary Slave). Other parts are sung by Jamie Bower (Honest Bird - the young Revolutionary Priest) and Helen Russill (Madame Antoine - the young Marie Antoinette).

Sony Classical, RCA Red Seal and deutsche harmonia mundi are labels of SONY BMG MASTERWORKS, a division of SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT. For e-mail updates and information regarding Sony Classical, RCA Red Seal, deutsche harmonia mundi artists and Arte Nova, promotions, tours and repertoire, please visit www.sonybmgmasterworks.com.

Source: Sony Classical
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: zand   Дата: 05.10.05 22:09:23   
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2Bob Close:

>Pink Floyd's Roger Waters' Classical Opera 'Ca
>Debuts at #1 on Billboard's Classical Traditional

Ага-в чарте классической музыки. Дожили!
ПОЛ МИЛЛИОНА экземпляров Оперы СА ИРА продано в США за неделю
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 05.10.05 22:37:27   
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Первое место в Билбордовском чарте означает,
что продано 500 000 экземпляров Оперы СА ИРА за неделю.
Обсуждать дожили или не дожили не вижу смысло, кроме как в буквальном
Готовый для Книги Рекордов Гинесса!
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 05.10.05 23:26:56   
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Роджер Уотерс может войти в книгу рекордов Гинесса, как первый не оперный артист, продавший за неделю свою 1-ю в жизни классическую оперу пол миллионом и дебютировший в Классическом хитпараде под номером ОДИН!
Кто знает, как дела были у Маккартни Оперы на первой неделе продаж?
Я тащусь!  
Готовый для Книги Рекордов Гинесса! In The Flesh!
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 06.10.05 00:08:31   
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2Bob Close:
>Первое место в Билбордовском чарте означает,
>что продано 500 000 экземпляров Оперы СА ИРА
>за неделю.

Roger Waters opera about the French Revolution to debut in concert in Rome in November
Rome (AP):
An opera by Pink Floyds bass player Roger Waters about the French Revolution will have its concert debut in Rome next month, organizers said Tuesday.

«Ca Ira (There Is Hope),» is scheduled to show at Romes Auditorium Nov. 17 and Nov. 18, according to the Music for Rome Foundation, which runs the auditorium. The production features baritone Bryn Terfel, Chinese soprano Huang Ying and tenor Paul Groves.

In a July interview with The Associated Press, Waters said the themes of «Ca Ira» are especially relevant today.

«Its not just a piece about the French Revolution, its about revolution in a much broader sense, and its about the capacity that human beings have for personal change,» Waters said. «The piece is an exultation and an encouragement to those of us who believe the human race can discover its humanity and its capacity for empathy to the point where it may be possible for us at some point to guarantee the basic human rights of the individual (around the world).»

Waters said the idea for the opera came in 1989, around the time of the revolutions bicentennial.

Оба дня в Риме распроданы
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 06.10.05 00:29:32   
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Roger Waters & ... КУРЬЁЗЫ
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 06.10.05 01:54:44   
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06.10.05 Канадский парламент на слушаниях спел "Another Brick in The Wall (Part II)"
Член канадского парламента от консерваторов Брайан Паллистер (Brian Pallister), возможно, захочет бросить карьеру политика, если дебют как певца принесет ему какие-либо дивиденды. Паллистер лишился права слова в Палате общин 3 октября после того, как спел издевательскую песенку о бывшем руководителе Королевского Канадского Монетного двора Дэвиде Дингуолле (David Dingwall).

Паллистер начал свое выступление с пения "Another Ding in The Wall" (Ding – "динь", звук колокола) на мотив "Another Brick in The Wall (part II)". Слова же там были следующие: "You don't need no information, we're in charge of thought control. Fine wines with caviar in the backroom." ("Нам не нужна информация, мы управляем мыслями. Хорошие вина с икрой в тайных комнатах.") Остальные же консерваторы затем подхватили: "Hey Tories! Leave those Grits alone." ("Эй, Тори! Оставьте либералов одних.")

Спикер Питер Майликен (Peter Milliken) оборвал серенаду, предложив Паллистеру закончить свое выступление словами, а не песней.

По правилам, члены парламента в прошлом имели право делать заявления в музыкальном виде, однако Майликен заявил, что именно ему принадлежит прерогатива решать, что именно приемлемо в определенных обстоятельствах, и что вообще "достаточно". "В этом случае, я думаю, пение не является необходимым", — сказал он палате.

Познания Паллистера в современной музыке затем обнаружились во время прений, когда он творчески переработал "Money For Nothing". Знаменитая песня Dire Straits была переделана следующим образом: "(Dingwall) got money for nothing, chicklets for free" ("(Дингуолл) делал деньги из ничего, на бесплатных жвачках"). Паллистер был недоволен тем, что предыдущий кабинет министров, кабинет либеральной партии, поднял цены на все, от гольфа до жвачки, во время своего правления.

По материалам: Canadian Press

Перевод: Dina

Источник: Pink-Floyd.ru
Опера Уотерса “Ça Ira” дебютировала на первом месте!
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 06.10.05 01:56:21   
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Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 06.10.05 02:43:59   
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Сколько можно повторять - не пользуйтесь жутко неграмотными переводами ПФ.РУ!
Вот и опять - те же грабли - понапереводили,
Правильный перевод! --------------
"You don't need no information, we're in charge of thought control,"
(Вам не нужна информация. Мы под надзором, Контролирующих умы.)
"Fine wines with caviar in the backroom."
(Прекрасные вина с икрой за кулисами.)---------------
[--Нам не нужна информация, мы управляем мыслями. Хорошие вина с икрой в тайных комнатах - вариант пф.ру--]-----------------
После чего присоединилась остальная часть Консервативного партийного собрания :
"Hey Tories! Leave those Grits alone."
(Эй Тори! Оставь в покое радикалов!) ---------------------
[--Эй, Тори! Оставьте либералов одних." - просто "супер" - вариант пф.ру--]
И где ПФ.РУ в палате консерваторов нашли либералов?
Выступление было от радикальной части тори.
И слово динь, может и означает колокольчик,
но в данном контексте "Ещё один Dingwall" ("Another Ding in The Wall" )
обыгрывается сходство фамилии Dingwall (ультра - тори) с названием известного рок-хита.
Завтра (сегодня - проблемы) выложу перевод здесь - сравните
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 06.10.05 03:23:17   
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2Bob Close:

мда, действительно, стоило самому перевести...

разница ощутимая...
Rome Pressconference on Video!!!
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 06.10.05 03:33:49   
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Качаем Видео Прессконференции Роджера в Риме по поводу Премьер Са Иры!!!
Качаем Видео Прессконференции Роджера в Риме по поводу Премьер Са Иры!!!









Waters press conference in Rome video
Posted by Bloody Eugene on 10/5/2005, 11:03 pm

Waters's press conference in Rome.
It's in italian but the videos are in english - just click on the multiple "Video Adsl" links! http://www.kwmusica.kataweb.it/kwmusica/pp_scheda.jsp?idContent=124274&idCategory=2028

Link: http://www.kwmusica.kataweb.it/kwmusica/pp_scheda.jsp?idContent=124274&idCategory=2028

Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 06.10.05 03:44:59   
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Снесло крышу  
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 06.10.05 04:37:37   
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Former SEX PISTOLS frontman JOHNNY ROTTEN denies "hating" progressive rock band PINK FLOYD - despite having sported a T-shirt emblazoned with the words 'I Hate Pink Floyd' during his 1970s heyday.

The flame-haired rocker insists the inflammatory statement was merely a joke, as the WISH YOU WERE HERE stars are so brilliant, nobody could seriously hate them - not even punks.

Rotten, real name JOHN LYDON says, "I never hated Pink Floyd. I was having a laugh.

"How could you hate Pink Floyd? It's like saying, 'Kill the fluffy bunnies.'

"If you're going to make me a monster, at least give me something worth really rebelling against.

"I've run into DAVID GILMOUR several times over the years, and he thinks it's hilarious. He's a great bloke."

03/10/2005 21:20

А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 06.10.05 20:51:09   
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2Bob Close:
>РОДЖЕРА УОТЕРСА 4 окт 2005 г!!!

Уточнение: 8 частей
Re: Rosco ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 06.10.05 23:46:49   
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Rosco - у тебя семь линков - где восьмая?
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 06.10.05 23:56:08   
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Билборд косвенно подтверждает РЕКОРД Уотерса.
СА ИРА стала восьмой пластинкой дебютировавшей в чарте на первой неделе!
И первой такого ранга.
Вот список остальных семи
Ca Ira was one of eight recordings appearing on the chart for the first time this week.
1.Violinist Andr? Rieu's The Flying Dutchman debuted at number two;
2.soprano Ren?e Fleming's Sacred Songs at number three;
3.pianist Fazil Say's Black Earth, which features his own compositions, at number six;
4.soprano Dawn Upshaw's recording of Osvaldo Golijov's Ayre and Luciano Berio's Folksongs at number nine;
5.a recording of Steve Reich's You Are by cellist Maya Beiser and the Los Angeles Master Chorale at number 14;
6.Fazil Say's recording of Beethoven sonatas at number 22;
7.cellist Matt Haimovitz's Goulash, which mixes classical, rock, electronic, and Middle Eastern music, at number 23.
(Заметьте - оратория Паши Макка избежала этой участи!)
Уму не постижимо! Пласидо Доминго на седьмом месте
с прохождением зенита под намбер 2
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 06.10.05 23:58:30   
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Пора писать класические чарты - )))
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 07.10.05 08:08:41   
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2Bob Close:
>Rosco - у тебя семь линков - где восьмая?

7-ю (чтоб 8 было) надо самому прописать;)


ps А 5-я не берётся. Значит видимо 8 и должно быть.
А вы знаете, что...  
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 07.10.05 09:10:57   
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Back Against the WallBack Against the Wall
We don´t need no tribute to Pink Floyd´s The Wall, but this one has its moments

by Katie Vrabel - October 6, 2005


If you are a real fan of The Wall , then let's assume you are with the "Waters camp." You know that those Syd people are just kidding themselves, that if they got to know some mentally ill people in real life, they'd get over that romantic fascination right quick. You love Gilmour's style and sound, but you understand that Pink Floyd's heart and emotional center is Roger Waters, that getting off on Pink Floyd has nothing to do with pot and everything to do with your own little love affair with the dark side of existence (the real stuff) -- the pain, the fear, self-loathing, alienation, futility, reaching out, remembering, regret. You take The Wall , Floyd's 1979 opus, at face value, a Roger Waters Joint, and accept that those parts where it seems a little out of hand, a little over the top, perhaps a little wanky -- this is all on purpose; it's a comment on wank, a comment on over-the-top. It's the fictional Pink -- it's drama -- and it's a mainline connection with your beloved Waters, so it must be all right.
A Waters fan, you connect with message, lyrical content, meaning. You know that Waters is at his best and most effective when his message is delivered in the simplest fashion -- an acoustic guitar, a couple of chords, that stark, cracked, unlovely voice. Which is why you aren't quite sure what to make of this tribute.

For a performance by a bunch of players known for their progressivism (including members of Yes, King Crimson, Styx, Jethro Tull and more), Back Against the Wall is a disturbingly faithful rendition of the original Wall . With The Wall being such a popular and familiar album, even to non-obsessed fans and casual radio listeners, the songs, especially the hits, are anticipated as much as they are heard. So with the differences here at times being so minor, they often stand out as annoying -- a slight change in pacing or phrasing, a wheezy vocal by Ian Anderson on "The Thin Ice," a cheesy, superfluous keyboard flourish by Larry Fast in "One of My Turns." As much as it's kind of nice and kind of fun to hear all these guys in one place and playing some of your favorite songs by one of your favorite bands, you get to wondering wot's uh ... the deal?

Back Against the Wall doesn't have the inherent hilarity or novelty of an odd-style tribute (like Luther Wright & the Wrong's countrified Rebuild the Wall or Easy Star's Dub Side of the Moon ). By performing the songs in the original style of Pink Floyd, rather than their own styles, the performers don't shed any new light on the songs' possible meanings, or the relationships among their playing styles and influences. Everyone might be better served artistically, if not commercially, by a tribute to Floyd's lesser-known, sparser or spacier cuts.

But wait! Back Against is not a complete wash: a fitting, original solo by Ronnie Montrose on "Another Brick in the Wall Pt. 2," a song almost inseparable from its memory in the ears and minds of any rock radio fan; a bluesy lead turn by Steve Lukather on "Hey You." This is no small feat, considering how iconic some of Gilmour's leads have become, how his style hinges on restraint and subtlety. Praise for Gilmour comes along the lines of (forgive the cliché) "what he doesn't play as much as what he plays," how he finds exactly the right note, that sweet sound ... how can you add to that? Ian Anderson's flute alters entirely the character of "Is There Anybody Out There?," providing a lilting, original counterpoint to the simple acoustic guitar basis of the song (performed here by Adrian Belew). Project helmsman Billy Sherwood is a good stand-in for Roger Waters on "Nobody Home" (he really gets it. Hell, they probably all get it -- a bunch of guys, Waters' age, singing an album about this emotionally screwed-up guy who gets even more messed up playing in a rock band ...), with Rick Wakeman prettying up the piano part on that tear-jerker. The one track that will have you blasting your stereo and hitting repeat though, like seriously, over and over again, is "Run Like Hell," a jacked version of an already ballsy cut, thanks to souped-up bass and manic vocals by Jason Chefe, and a supporting cast including Dweezil Zappa and Tony Kaye.

We want your feedback.
Email editor@hartfordadvocate.com

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