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Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)

Тема: Битлз - окружение

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Re: Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Автор: adh   Дата: 17.03.23 14:18:18   
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Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Re: Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Автор: adh   Дата: 17.03.23 14:18:32   
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Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Re: Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Автор: adh   Дата: 17.03.23 14:18:52   
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Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Re: Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Автор: adh   Дата: 31.03.23 13:58:47   
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 Линси де Поль (Lynsey de Paul) — история песни «Sugar Me» (1972) Линси де Поль (Lynsey de Paul) — история песни «Sugar Me» (1972)

Автор статьи: Сергей Курий
Рубрика «Зарубежные хиты»

Долгие годы женщины занимали строго отведённое место в поп-музыке — в первую очередь, от них требовался голос, артистизм, или, хотя бы, красота. Сонграйтеры среди прекрасного пола встречались нечасто, да и успехи в хит-парадах у них были обычно скромные. Как известно, первой женщиной, написавшей и исполнившей британский хит №1, стала 19-летняя Кейт Буш. Однако и у неё была своя предшественница…

Английская девушка из еврейской семьи — Линси Монктон Рубин — имела множество достоинств. Во-первых, она была красива и впоследствии крутила романы с такими знаменитыми мужчинами, как Шон Коннери, Ринго Старр и Джордж Бест. Во-вторых — хорошо рисовала. Именно образование графического иллюстратора привело её в музыкальную индустрию, где она оформляла обложки пластинок. А тут ещё Линси решила стать автором песен — причём поначалу писала их для других, а не для себя.

Вот и песню «Sugar Me» («Подсласти») она первоначально написала для Питера Нуна — экс-вокалиста группы HERMAN’S HERMITS. Однако менеджер Линси — Гордон Миллс — убедил её попробовать спеть самой. И действительно в исполнении автора композиция с запоминающимся фортепианной линией и скрипичным соло зазвучала соблазнительно и сексуально.

Певица хотела выпустить сингл под своим именем. Но тут, как раз в 1972 году, на Олимпиаде в Мюнхене произошёл теракт — палестинская организация «Чёрный сентябрь», захватила в заложники 11 спортсменов сборной Израиля (все они погибли). Поэтому Линси, от греха подальше, посоветовали заменить свою, явно еврейскую, фамилию псевдонимом. Певица взяла приставку «де» от девичьей фамилии матери — «де Гроот» — и среднее имя отца — «Поль».

Так на свет родилась Линси де Поль, первый сингл которой сразу сделал её «звёздой». «Sugar Me» стала №5 в Британии, а в 1974 году даже вышла на советском виниловом сборнике «Эстрадная орбита».

Ещё больше позиции певицы укрепили две британские музыкальные премии «Ivor Novello» (за авторство песен) и участие в «Евровидении-77», где она вместе с Майком Морганом исполнила песню «Rock Bottom», заняв 2-е место.

2 октября 2014 года стало известно, что Линси де Поль умерла от кровоизлияния в мозг в возрасте 64 лет.

Автор: Сергей Курий
Re: Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Автор: adh   Дата: 25.04.23 17:37:36   
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Lucy Bayliss was born in England to Robert and Lynn Bayliss in 1974, as the middle child of three daughters and was raised in Majorca. She studied ballet and worked as a model. Lucy met Julian in 1994 in Barbados while with their respective partners. They started to date during Christmas of 1997. Lucy quit her modeling career to help run Julian's record label, Music from Another Room, and his film production, Pictures from Another Room. Julian and Lucy divided their time between Italy, France, and England. In 2005, her father was arrested for alleged sexual child abuse. By 2007, Julian and Lucy have broken up.Lucy Bayliss was born in England to Robert and Lynn Bayliss in 1974, as the middle child of three daughters and was raised in Majorca. She studied ballet and worked as a model. Lucy met Julian in 1994 in Barbados while with their respective partners. They started to date during Christmas of 1997. Lucy quit her modeling career to help run Julian's record label, Music from Another Room, and his film production, Pictures from Another Room. Julian and Lucy divided their time between Italy, France, and England. In 2005, her father was arrested for alleged sexual child abuse. By 2007, Julian and Lucy have broken up.
"With Lucy, I'm determined not to make the same mistakes again. Before, music was 100% and friends, family and loved ones got left by the wayside. But over the past seven years I've realised how valuable and important it is to spend time with the people you really care about. Relationships come first with me now and if I had to give up music tomorrow to pay more attention to that I would. Music is still important, but it has its place now." -Julian (1998)
Re: Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Автор: adh   Дата: 25.04.23 17:39:17   
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Olivia D'Abo and JulianLennon at the premiere of Spirit of '76 in Hollywood, 1990
Olivia D'Abo and JulianLennon at the premiere of Spirit of '76 in Hollywood, 1990

Olivia Jane D'Abo was born in London to Mike d'Abo and Maggie London on January 22, 1969 with older brother Ben and younger half-siblings, Bruno, Ella, and Louis. Her mother, an actress, had a cameo appearance on The Beatles movie A Hard Day’s Night in 1964 and her father was a musician (Manfred Mann). In the 1980s, Olivia moved to California, attending high school while working as an actress. From 1988 until 1993, Olivia played Karen Arnold on The Wonder Years. She continues to act in movies and television. In 1990, Olivia started to date Julian; she sang background vocals on his Help Yourself album (released in 1991). After her breakup from Julian in 1994, the next year Olivia welcomed a son Oliver William in November of 1995 from a relationship. In 2002, Olivia was married to Patrick Leonard until their divorce in 2012. Julian and Olivia remain friends.
Re: Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Автор: adh   Дата: 09.05.23 22:27:40   
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Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Re: Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Автор: adh   Дата: 11.06.23 15:15:40   
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I dated John Lennon for a little while. I have to say that in secrecy [laughs]. He was so nice and polite. He’d take me to clubs, and he took me to Carnaby Street to get all the t-shirts. We didn’t know what was in London. So John was all, “Don’t worry, Ronnie: I will take you.” And then at night they’d take us to clubs. I remember one night I was with John and he said, “Ronnie, sing a little bit of ‘Be My Baby’ in my ear.” So I went, [full voiced] “Be my little baby!” And he almost passed out. Not fainted, but his head was to the side and he couldn’t get over it. I can’t sing low, I had to go all out. It blew his mind.
"I dated John Lennon for a little while. I have to say that in secrecy [laughs]. He was so nice and polite. He’d take me to clubs, and he took me to Carnaby Street to get all the t-shirts. We didn’t know what was in London. So John was all, “Don’t worry, Ronnie: I will take you.” And then at night they’d take us to clubs. I remember one night I was with John and he said, “Ronnie, sing a little bit of ‘Be My Baby’ in my ear.” So I went, [full voiced] “Be my little baby!” And he almost passed out. Not fainted, but his head was to the side and he couldn’t get over it. I can’t sing low, I had to go all out. It blew his mind."
The Beatles, barely a year into their own superstardom, counted themselves as huge fans and wanted to be introduced. “They had seen us on Sunday Night at the London Palladium and they said, ‘We have got to meet these girls with the black long hair and slits up the side,'” Spector, 75, tells PEOPLE.
Both groups were invited to a show business party at a glitzy London townhouse. Despite the fact that Lennon was married and Spector was linked to her producer (and future husband) Phil Spector, that didn’t stop the Beatle from making a move. “John took me into a room to show me the beautiful lights over London,” she remembered. “I said, ‘Wow, it’s so beautiful.’ And he said, ‘Yeah, you are.’”
He tried to steer her to a nearby bed, but her heart remained with her boyfriend back home. “I was young then, and I was seeing Phil. I didn’t want to kiss other guys and stuff,” she explains. “I just dug my feet into the carpet, ‘We gotta go downstairs, John!’”
Lennon, however, took the romantic rejection in stride. “He said, ‘Okay, I guess I lost on that one!'” Spector recalls.
The incident failed to damage their friendship. Lennon would act as Spector’s official guide whenever the Ronettes came to London. “He was so nice and polite,” she told PEOPLE in a 2017 interview. “He’d take me to clubs, and he took me to Carnaby Street to get all the t-shirts. We didn’t know what was in London, so John was all, ‘Don’t worry, Ronnie: I will take you.’ And then at night they’d take us to clubs. I remember one night I was with John and he said, ‘Ronnie, sing a little bit of “Be My Baby” in my ear.’ So I went, [full-voiced] ‘Be my little baby!’ And he almost passed out. I can’t sing low, I had to go all out. It blew his mind.”
Once, the duo arranged a double dinner date with Spector’s sister — and fellow Ronette — Estelle Bennett and George Harrison. It seemed like a great idea until the sisters’ mom accidentally crashed it.
“My mother toured with us everywhere. John and George were picking us up at the hotel to take us to dinner. They were so nice and polite, they said, ‘Mrs. Bennett, would you like to go to dinner with us?’ And my mother said, ‘Sure, let me get my purse!’ I almost had a heart attack! We were just at the age where we wanted to go out and have fun, and here’s Mom with us!? No no no. But we didn’t know how to say that. So we took her to dinner like good little girls, and of course John and George were so polite: ‘Ok, Mrs. Bennett, we’ll wait for you to get your purse.’ And I’m looking at them: ‘We wanna see England without mom!'”
The Beatles and the Ronettes would remain close, with the Fabs inviting them on their 1966 world tour. Years later, they released her solo debut on their own label, Apple Records. Though her producer/then-husband Phil wanted to credit it to “Veronica” (her given name), the band suggested her affectionate nickname. “The Beatles named me Ronnie Spector,” she says now. “It was really the Beatles that said, ‘Veronica just doesn’t sound right on your records. Everybody knows her as Ronnie.'”
- Ronnie Spector

Re: Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Автор: adh   Дата: 11.06.23 15:19:47   
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Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Re: Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Автор: adh   Дата: 11.06.23 15:22:30   
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Ше́лли Але́ксис Дюва́ль (англ. Shelley Alexis Duvall; род. 7 июля 1949, Форт-Уэрт, Техас) — американская актриса кино и телевидения, номинантка на премии BAFTA (1978) и «Эмми» (1988, 1992), обладательница приза за лучшую женскую роль на Каннском кинофестивале (1977)[1].Ше́лли Але́ксис Дюва́ль (англ. Shelley Alexis Duvall; род. 7 июля 1949, Форт-Уэрт, Техас) — американская актриса кино и телевидения, номинантка на премии BAFTA (1978) и «Эмми» (1988, 1992), обладательница приза за лучшую женскую роль на Каннском кинофестивале (1977)[1].

Наиболее известна по участию в фильмах «Нэшвилл» (1975), «Три женщины» (1977), «Энни Холл» (1977), «Сияние» (1980), «Попай» (1980), «Бандиты во времени» (1981) и «Портрет леди» (1996).
Re: Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Автор: adh   Дата: 16.06.23 14:20:44   
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Пол Маккартни никогда не брал Джейн Эшер с собой на гастроли. И отснятые пленки ей не показывал. В любом случае его больше интересовали американки. Пол Маккартни никогда не брал Джейн Эшер с собой на гастроли. И отснятые пленки ей не показывал. В любом случае его больше интересовали американки.

My Miami date Diane Levine. A fellow Gemini. I called for Ms Levine at her father’s office and then
we went to a drive-in movie together.
Re: Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Автор: adh   Дата: 16.06.23 14:25:23   
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Diane Levine, the girl who caught Paul’s eye.Diane Levine, the girl who caught Paul’s eye.

Well, I’ve always kept it a secret. But for the 20th anniversary, it’s okay. I hope Paul doesn’t mind.

It started at a private beach. Three of my friends and I were relaxing after taking the college boards. I was seventeen. We were Seniors at Miami Beach High School.

We heard sirens. We thought it was an ambulance or something. There they were. They popped out of a car. They were white—blue-white, skinny. They looked white because everyone in Miami Beach is tanned. We couldn’t believe our eyes for a minute. I backed up. I was totally blown away.

A bunch of people were converging on them—press photographers. The Beatles were in the water taking pictures. Some girls were chasing Paul. I was standing by myself. He was coming in my direction. At that point I was really thrilled. I held out my hand. I said, “I don’t want an autograph. I don’t want to rape you. I just want to shake your hand and welcome you to the United States.”

It’s not like I was a spectacular beauty. I was really quite shy. He had sand and water on his hand. He sort of wiped his hand on his bathing suit and shook my hand. Then he said, “Come with me.” We ran toward a house where the entourage was. He sat me down and just started to joke immediately. I felt so at home with Paul. We had this Gemini thing in common, I suppose. We really clicked. It was very nice.

After we talked for about 45 minutes, he was whisked away. He yelled out form the car window, “come to the concert.” so I went to the Deauville Hotel, but I didn’t have a ticket. A man who had been taking our pictures on the beach came running out. He said, “Wait, I’ll get you into the show. Paul said he wants to see you.”

When the show was over, I was taken up to the room. The Beatles were just as excited about the show as everyone else. After they left, the hotel guard told me I had to leave. I gave the guard a note thanking the Beatles and wishing them luck. I said I was sorry I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye. I left my father’s number and my home number.

Then next day, when I dropped by my father’s office after school, he said, “Who is this Paul McCartney calling you?”
Re: Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Автор: adh   Дата: 07.07.23 01:05:04   
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Sean Lennon and Charlotte Kemp Muhl in New York City, posing for a coffee-table book Sean + Kemp (released in 2010). Sean Lennon and Charlotte Kemp Muhl in New York City, posing for a coffee-table book Sean + Kemp (released in 2010).

Photographed by Alex Freund
Re: Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Автор: adh   Дата: 07.07.23 01:07:42   
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Re: Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Автор: adh   Дата: 07.07.23 01:09:44   
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Шон Леннон с избранницей Шарлоттой КемпШон Леннон с избранницей Шарлоттой Кемп
Re: Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Автор: adh   Дата: 09.07.23 23:22:33   
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Julian Lennon is a 60 year old British Musician. Born John Charles Julian Lennon on 8th April, 1963 in Liverpool, Merseyside, England, UK, he is famous for John Lennon's son. His zodiac sign is Aries.

Petra Nemcova is a 44 year old Czech Model. Born Petra Němcová on 24th June, 1979 in Karvina, Czech Republic, she is famous for 2003 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. Her zodiac sign is Cancer.
Re: Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Автор: adh   Дата: 18.09.23 13:41:00   
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Pattie Boyd’s only appearance in the Get Back documentary. George and her were in a big fight during January 1969, because of Eric Clapton’s 20 year old ex-girlfriend who was staying at their home at the time Charlotte Martin had dated Clapton for more than two years and was flirtatious with George. George ‘helped’ her through the break up while she lived and him and Pattie’s home. Pattie confronted George about the supposed affair and George denied it Pattie left Kinfauns and went to go stay with friends in London. This was January 1st 1969, the day before the Get Back sessions began George ended the affair on January 9th, 1969 and him and Pattie reconciled. On Jan 10th George famously quit the Beatles temporarily This clip is from Jan 24 1969. Does anyone know what George and Pattie might be whispering to each other?Pattie Boyd’s only appearance in the Get Back documentary. George and her were in a big fight during January 1969, because of Eric Clapton’s 20 year old ex-girlfriend who was staying at their home at the time Charlotte Martin had dated Clapton for more than two years and was flirtatious with George. George ‘helped’ her through the break up while she lived and him and Pattie’s home. Pattie confronted George about the supposed affair and George denied it Pattie left Kinfauns and went to go stay with friends in London. This was January 1st 1969, the day before the Get Back sessions began George ended the affair on January 9th, 1969 and him and Pattie reconciled. On Jan 10th George famously quit the Beatles temporarily This clip is from Jan 24 1969. Does anyone know what George and Pattie might be whispering to each other?

Единственное появление Пэтти Бойд в документальном фильме Get Back. В январе 1969 года Джордж и она ссорились из-за бывшей девушки Эрика Клэптона Шарлотты Мартин, которая в то время останавливалась у них дома. Шарлотта встречалась с Клэптоном более двух лет и флиртовала с Джорджем. Джордж «помогал» ей пережить расставание, пока она жила в его и Пэтти доме. Пэтти столкнулась с Джорджем по поводу предполагаемого романа, а Джордж отрицал его. Пэтти ушла из Кинфаунса и поехала жить к друзьям в Лондоне 1 января 1969 года, за день до начала сессий Get Back. Джордж закончил роман 9 января 1969 года, и он и Пэтти помирились. 10 января Джордж временно покинул группу The Beatles. Этот клип был снят 24 января 1969 года. Кто-нибудь знает, о чем могут шептаться Джордж и Пэтти?
Re: Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Автор: adh   Дата: 18.09.23 13:45:24   
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June 25, 1967 - Charlotte Martin at the Beatles performing “All You Need Is Love”, at the Abbey Road Studios. Charlotte attended with Kim Moon, Pattie Boyd and the Shrimpton sisters, among other celebrities (including Jane Asher, Mick Jagger…)June 25, 1967 - Charlotte Martin at the Beatles performing “All You Need Is Love”, at the Abbey Road Studios. Charlotte attended with Kim Moon, Pattie Boyd and the Shrimpton sisters, among other celebrities (including Jane Asher, Mick Jagger…)
Re: Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Автор: adh   Дата: 18.09.23 13:45:52   
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June 25, 1967 - Charlotte Martin at the Beatles performing “All You Need Is Love”, at the Abbey Road Studios. Charlotte attended with Kim Moon, Pattie Boyd and the Shrimpton sisters, among other celebrities (including Jane Asher, Mick Jagger…)June 25, 1967 - Charlotte Martin at the Beatles performing “All You Need Is Love”, at the Abbey Road Studios. Charlotte attended with Kim Moon, Pattie Boyd and the Shrimpton sisters, among other celebrities (including Jane Asher, Mick Jagger…)
Re: Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Автор: adh   Дата: 18.09.23 13:46:48   
Цитата | Сообщить модераторам | Ссылка
Charlotte Martin & Eric Clapton, London, Summer'67
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