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The Beatles Capitol Albums Vol. 1

Тема: Битлз - американская дискография

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Re: Capitol U.S. Beatle CD box coming in November
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 19.11.04 11:07:45   
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С Амазона отписали, что бокс выслали и дата прибытия в Москву 11 - 18 дней.
Re: Capitol U.S. Beatle CD box coming in November
Автор: Евгений Соколов   Дата: 23.11.04 11:48:26   
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Почему до сих пор нет в Легионе?
Re: Capitol U.S. Beatle CD box coming in November
Автор: new beetle   Дата: 23.11.04 12:00:38   
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Так значит все-таки нет? Более, чем странно...
Re: Capitol U.S. Beatle CD box coming in November
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 24.11.04 15:23:33   
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Here's the transcript of a short interview with Bruce Spizer done by CNN (thanks to Bruce and Steve Springer):

PHILLIPS: The date was February 7, 1964. We remember that well, don't we, Tony? The day American music and four lads from Liverpool would never be the same. The Beatles landed at New York's JFK airport to screaming fans and a media throng. Their manager Brian Epstein even said the band knew America would either make or break the Beatles as world stars. Today the Beatles are set to conquer the continent again. Capitol Records is releasing a box set of the original American edition of the first four Beatles albums, and even the most ardent Beatles fan will hear some new things. Beatles historian and author of "The Beatles Are Coming," Bruce Spizer joins me from New York to rock and roll through this new release. Good to see you, Bruce. Try not to start dancing. Why is this a big deal?

BRUCE SPIZER, AUTHOR, "THE BEATLES ARE COMING": These are the albums Americans grew up with and the things we remember. The British albums didn't have the 45 hit singles on them, whereas Capital to market the Beatles in America put the hit singles on it, songs like, "I Want to Hold Your Hand" and "She Loves You" which weren't on those British albums or on albums like "Meet the Beatles" and the Beatles' second album.

PHILLIPS: Now, to give fans a difference and to explain what we're talking about here, 32 songs in stereo for the first time. Let's take a listen to "Things We Said Today." All right, so listening to this, why should this make us appreciate the abilities of the fab four even more?

SPIZER: When the British catalog came out in 1987, the first albums were only in mono. Whereas when we hear a song like "Things We Said Today" in stereo, you can hear the brilliant harmonies by Paul and John, how beautiful they really are.

PHILLIPS: And there were some changes. Capitol Records added, deleted, emphasized here, did a little switchy changey. Let's take a listen to "Roll Over Beethoven."

Now, you said Capital actually gave a little extra echo in this version? SPIZER: Yes, when they dubbed it from the original mixer, they punched it with extra echo on it to give it a more brighter sound, more energetic, and thinking that this would be something Americans would appreciate. And, yes, admittedly it's a little bit hokey, but you know it's wonderful to hear it like this way again.

PHILLIPS: Interesting. You say something Americans would appreciate. Do you think, though, when you look at the package this comes in that it gives the American perspective or is it more the British perspective?

SPIZER: I think because they use the original Capital masters from a sound standpoint, it's right on target. These are the albums that we all grew up with and loved. I think the great thing about it, when I sat down and listened to these CDs, I really felt that it was like I had gotten together with a group of old friends I hadn't heard from in a while. The running order of the songs was what I was used to and the bright sound of everything. They did a fabulous job in mastering these CDs.

PHILLIPS: And, you know, when you listen to the songs before hearing them, obviously like this, you remember these songs a certain way. Do you think the Beatles wanted -- would want everyone to hear the songs this way?

SPIZER: Well, I think this was not what they intended, but what you have to realize is America was their biggest market, and still is, and the way that "I Want To Hold Your Hand" was added to the album "Meet the Beatles" helped sell that album, and at the time, rock albums only sold 200,000 or 300,000 units but "Meet the Beatles" sold 3.6 million units in just two month's time. So obviously Capital was doing something right.

PHILLIPS: And within this box set too, there are a lot of quotes and sort of personal comments from the Beatles. Paul McCartney saying, yes, it's pretty funny, I remember when dads were telling their kids, oh, they're just weird guys wearing wigs. You sort of get this human insight into the Beatles that maybe we haven't had...

SPIZER: It was a very innocent time, and I think the book was great. It had wonderful pictures and images from the timeframe, a good essay by Mark Lewis who is a leading Beatles expert, and it's a very good package. And to complement it, I wrote an essay for -- which is from an American perspective, which I have on my website, That gives -- it's from an American slant. The package is superb, and the music is superb. I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't view this as a cause for celebration hearing these albums again on CD.

PHILLIPS: You've probably been asked this a million times, but why do you think that even kids that are 12, 13 love the Beatles?

SPIZER: It's the quality of the music. I know that sounds like a silly trite answer, but it's so true, and because of the outstanding song-writing abilities of John and Paul and later on George. These are classics songs. We're talking about it 40 years later, and 40 years from now hopefully we'll still be around talking about it some more.

PHILLIPS: I have no doubt that we will be. Bruce Spizer. Go get it if you haven't gotten it. It's the new release, "The Beatles, the Capital Album's Volume I." I know there's a Volume II headed our way also. Bruce, thanks.

SPIZER: Thanks. Glad to be here.
Re: Capitol U.S. Beatle CD box coming in November
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 30.11.04 17:15:40   
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Всего за 3 бакса в Интернете можно докупить очень приятный довесок к боксу:Всего за 3 бакса в Интернете можно докупить очень приятный довесок к боксу:

Special CD-size 12-page booklet providing the American Perspective of the 1964 Capitol Albums! The booklet contains an essay by Bruce Spizer regarding the significance of the Beatles albums released by Capitol Records in 1964. The booklet easily fits into the CD pocket or the booklet of The Capitol Years; Vol. 1 CD box set.
Re: Capitol U.S. Beatle CD box coming in November
Автор: Heinrich Ptiza   Дата: 01.12.04 10:53:12   
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Вернулся позавчера из Канады. Лежит во всех магазинах. Стоит 50 ихних баксов (или около того). Приятно выглядит. Обещан второй том. Но я его не купил :)
Re: Capitol U.S. Beatle CD box coming in November
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 01.12.04 11:06:01   
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THE BEATLES CAPITOL ALBUMS, VOL. 1 has debuted at no. 116 on the Canadian Album chart. In the December 4 Billboard Top Internet Sales Chart, the album debuted at no. 7, and as previously noted, debuted at no. 35 on the Billboard Top 200 Album Chart.
Re: Capitol U.S. Beatle CD box coming in November
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 03.12.04 12:09:30   
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"Capitol Albums" выпущены на "лицензии". Весьма оперативно.

The Capitol Albums / First Time Ever on CD / 8 page fullcolour booklet
Meet the Beatles ! 2004
Second Album 2004
Something New 2004
Beatles' 65 2004
Re: Capitol U.S. Beatle CD box coming in November
Автор: Wallrussian   Дата: 03.12.04 17:36:51   
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Кем выпущены, нашими фирмами? И где это продается? Если нашими, то ОЧЕНЬ уж быстро.
Re: Capitol U.S. Beatle CD box coming in November
Автор: илюха   Дата: 03.12.04 17:39:57   
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Да нормально, они обычно в Пурпурный легион или Союз заходят, с витрины берут и идут пиратить. Если в каком левом каталоге нет определенных дисков, значит, их в эти магазины не завозили.
Re: Capitol U.S. Beatle CD box coming in November
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 03.12.04 17:48:26   
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>Кем выпущены, нашими фирмами? И где это продается?

Это так называемая "лицензия". А найти можно будет на той же Горбушке. Поскольку диски только что вышли, то видимо появятся в продаже со следующей недели.

(По поводу скорости) "Акустик" кстати тоже издали, аж с 12-страничным буклетом. Ремастер Рок-н-Ролла еще не видел.
Re: Capitol U.S. Beatle CD box coming in November
Автор: karp   Дата: 03.12.04 18:01:47   
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>Если в каком левом каталоге нет определенных
>дисков, значит, их в эти магазины не завозили.
ну, это не совсем так...
Re: Capitol U.S. Beatle CD box coming in November
Автор: Wallrussian   Дата: 03.12.04 18:02:52   
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А хотя бы, как это будет выглядеть? Неужели все скопируют один в один?
И откуда сведения? Успел обзвонить кучу друзей - никто ничего не слышал.
Кстати, Корвин, так и не понял, как этот 12-тистраничный буклет приобрести, о котором ты писал выше. Я б и больше заплатил. Только карты у меня нет.
Re: Capitol U.S. Beatle CD box coming in November
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 03.12.04 19:16:46   
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>А хотя бы, как это будет выглядеть? Неужели все
>скопируют один в один?

Думаю картонную коробку наши пираты воспроизвести не смогут.

>Кстати, Корвин, так и не понял, как этот 12-тистраничный
>буклет приобрести, о котором ты писал выше. Я
>б и больше заплатил. Только карты у меня нет.

Надо кликнуть на обложку бокса, а на открывшейся странице кликнуть на картинку с буклетом. Появится форма заказа.
Re: Capitol U.S. Beatle CD box coming in November
Автор: Wallrussian   Дата: 03.12.04 19:40:05   
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Я все так и делаю, но мне отвечают, что ваша шоппингкарта пуста. Если б она у меня вообще была. Об этом я и пишу: как купить без карты?
Re: Capitol U.S. Beatle CD box coming in November
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 03.12.04 19:48:49   
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>Я все так и делаю, но мне отвечают, что ваша
>шоппингкарта пуста. Если б она у меня вообще была.
>Об этом я и пишу: как купить без карты?

А вот ЭТО я не знаю поскольку не пробовал. ;-)
Re: Capitol U.S. Beatle CD box coming in November
Автор: Wallrussian   Дата: 03.12.04 20:14:24   
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Есть способ! Можно какому-нибудь обладателю карты заказать сразу десяточек. А мы у него выкупим. И это будет реальный вклад в развитии битломании в России.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Capitol U.S. Beatle CD box coming in November
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 08.12.04 20:03:20   
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Обсуждение буклета и способов его заполучения:
Re: Capitol U.S. Beatle CD box coming in November
Автор: new beetle   Дата: 09.12.04 06:54:52   
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На сайте ПЛ два бокс-сета: один за 65,48 у.е., другой (с пометкой Ltd) за 69,98 у.е.
Кто знает, в чем разница? Какой лучше? Собираюсь заказывать, трудно вслепую сориентироваться.
Re: Capitol U.S. Beatle CD box coming in November
Автор: new beetle   Дата: 09.12.04 07:11:50   
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И еще: какой в ПЛ курс доллара? Они всегда любили пару рублей сверху накинуть. :(
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