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Книга Мэй Панг

Тема: Джон Леннон - May Pang (Мэй Панг)

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Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.04.06 16:33:28   
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Джулиан и МэйДжулиан и Мэй
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.04.06 16:35:00   
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Просто МэйПросто Мэй
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.12.06 15:57:43   
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Interview: May PangInterview: May Pang
From Dave White,
Your Guide to Classic Rock.

Lennon's "Lost Weekend" Lover

After chatting with May Pang for a few minutes, you begin to understand why John Lennon was attracted to her. She is smart, funny, easygoing, and very knowledgeable about music.
Pang was personal assistant to Lennon and Yoko Ono when, in 1973, she began a romantic relationship with Lennon that came to be known as his "Lost Weekend," even though it lasted for a year and half, with Yoko's full knowledge and permission.

Lennon's former lover and his widow have not remained close. In fact, prior to a chance meeting (in Iceland, of all the unlikely places) on October 9, 2006 -- what would have been Lennon's 66th birthday -- they hadn't spoken in nearly 20 years.

May Pang:
We were [staying] in this hotel and, lo and behold, in the same hotel, on John’s birthday, was Yoko Ono. This was the first time we’ve actually seen each other since 1988. I went up to her and I just sort of said, “Hello” and I wished her well on her project -- she was unveiling a sculpture in Reykjavík –- and it was so funny because that’s neutral territory ... where they’ve had all the summit meetings ... so it was quite fitting for us actually! I sat back down and she came around again and she spotted me and she started waving wildly at me and saying, “Hi! Hi! Hi!”

About Classic Rock:
Do you speak with her often?

May Pang:
No, not at all. In fact the person that I have a very close relationship is [John’s first wife] Cynthia.

About Classic Rock
How did that happen?

May Pang:
I guess I understood her situation and what had happened, and when I was with John, I guess it helped give her closure to her relationship with John, which I don’t think she had at the time. Once he went with Yoko it was like she was left out in the cold, never getting that closure or talking to him. It just developed because of Julian [John and Cynthia’s son] … Julian would come over and … I was like the surrogate mother, making sure everything was okay, and she appreciated that. And we just continued to be friends from that moment on.

About Classic Rock
Often your time with John is referred to as “the lost weekend” … reflect on that, if you will.

May Pang:
You know, that’s the party line. That phrase is the party line. John came to me and said, “I have to say something.” People don’t realize that “The Lost Weekend” refers to the Ray Milland movie. People ask, “Why is she writing a book or why does she talk about John when she only spent a weekend with him?” … I’m very proud of the fact that I lived with this man [at a time when he had] a #1 album [Walls and Bridges] and I was part of that. I lived with him for more than a year and a half. The other misconception is, you know, we were not in hiding. [Yoko] knew where we were, she called us every day.

About Classic Rock
Wasn’t this, in a way, arranged by Yoko?

May Pang:
It was with her permission. She wanted him to go out. They were having problems. He was ready to go out with somebody whether it was me or anybody else. That’s what people don’t understand – they were really having problems in their relationship. It sounds better [to say that] she put us together, but it wasn’t as easy as that. It was more that he pursued me. I didn’t jump for this one. I had been with them for three years. The last thing I was thinking about was going out with John Lennon.

About Classic Rock
Aside from the characterization of your relationship with him, what would you say is the biggest misconception that people have about Lennon?

May Pang:
He always used to say, "I’m a chameleon." He would say what he wanted to say at the moment, how he felt at that moment. If he said he hated something … it wasn’t necessarily the same for him two weeks from that moment. They didn’t allow him to change his mind.

May Pang:
[On Lennon, the activist]
He was learning, every day of his life. He would sit up with his first cup of coffee … and he would read The New York Times, and he would just absorb. He absorbed info constantly. But he realized he couldn’t change a lot of things. He realized that after he did Some Time In New York City, which was a very heavy, activist type protest album. He couldn’t record for a while, because he read all the reviews and, as a musician, he couldn’t handle it. And he didn’t come back until Mind Games, which was a year later. He just went into hiding.

May Pang:
[On a post-Beatles Lennon-McCartney reunion]
At one point … he started asking, "should he write with Paul again?" and I said, "You should. Solowise, both of you are good, but as a duo, kind of hard to beat." And we were thinking about going down and visiting Paul, and I knew that it was a possibility that something might have happened. Unfortunately, it didn’t come to fruition because certain things happened and he went back to The Dakota [to reunite with Yoko].

About Classic Rock
What’s your favorite Lennon album?

May Pang:
I guess I would have to say the one that I worked on, Walls and Bridges and probably behind that … Rock and Roll. And there’s another misconception. When you hear the voice come in whispering John’s name [and singing background vocals] on "#9 Dream" they think it’s Yoko but it’s really me.

About Classic Rock
Do you have a favorite song of his?

May Pang:
Well, probably the one that he wrote for me, "Surprise Surprise (Sweet Bird of Paradox)." He’s written other songs about us but that was the first one about me, so that’s the closest one to me.
Today, May Pang still lives in New York City, raising two children, making frequent personal appearances, maintaining her blog, and marketing a line of Feng Shui jewelry and furniture through her Web site. She is also working on an exhibition of Lennon photos.

Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 02.12.06 16:06:00   
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2Primal Scream:
Буквально две минуты назад смотрел сам (не зная сообщения) - синхронно идем!
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.08.07 09:10:48   
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John Lennon: Pictures Without Music

John Lennon's former girlfriend, May Pang, is publishing a book next March of photos she took of the former Beatle.

"Instamatic Karma" contains 150 pictures, Pang says, which she took of Lennon in 1973 and 1974. Among the shots are John with Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr and of Lennon at work recording his "Walls and Bridges" album.

May has just put up a Web site, too. It has accompanying music, but don't worry, none by Lennon.

One thing that's guaranteed: May's relationship with Lennon will never be acknowledged by Yoko Ono. And that's ironic, since May was Yoko's assistant, and it was Yoko who sent Lennon off with her in 1973.

In case you don't know: Instamatic was the name of the most popular Kodak camera of that era. It was a name as big as iPod is today.

Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 10.08.07 12:56:04   
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Выше представлена книга 'Loving John' - она есть в переводе.
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.11.07 09:12:07   
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Выход новой книги Мэй Пэнг Instamatic Karma: Photographs of John Lennon запланирован на март 2008 г.

ISBN: 031237741X
ISBN-13: 9780312377410
Format: Hardcover, 192pp
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Pub. Date: March 04, 2008

JOHN LENNON's ex-girlfriend MAY PANG is set to release a book of previously unseen photos taken of the late BEATLE during their 18-month romance. The book, titled Instamatic Karma in reference to Lennon's song Instant Karma!, features 150 photographs of the Imagine singer, including shots of him in the studio recording his album Walls And Bridges, and images with his Fab Four bandmates Sir Paul MCCartney and Ringo Starr. Lennon dated his assistant Pang in 1973, when the star had temporarily separated from his wife Yoko Ono. Instamatic Karma will be released early next year (08).
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.12.07 15:07:28   
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Instamatic Karma: Photographs of John Lennon (Hardcover)Instamatic Karma: Photographs of John Lennon (Hardcover)
by May Pang (Author)

Book Description

“There were times I was a bit reticent in taking out my camera, like when some ‘old friends’ stopped by to hang out. I didn’t want to intrude on these moments, but John insisted. He felt that I captured him in ways that no one else did because of his comfort level with me…For years, only my closest friends got to see these photos—which were literally tucked away in a shoebox in my closet. They were surprised that these images did not convey the John that was portrayed in the press during our time together. In fact, they saw a side of John seldom seen.”—From INSTAMATIC KARMA

John Lennon is the most famously photographed Beatle—everyone from Iain MacMillian to Annie Lebowitz took iconic images of him—but there have never been pictures of him like these taken by May Pang, Lennon’s girlfriend from 1973 to 1975. In INSTAMATIC KARMA, they’re collected for the first time. With very few exceptions, these photos are that rare thing: never-before-seen images of an icon. The photos here show Lennon in a variety of settings: at work, at play, at home, and away. They show a playful Lennon, a casual, unguarded Lennon; they’re the kind of photos one lover takes of another. May has written rich captions to accompany her photos--taken together, they tell a simple story of the time May and Lennon spent together; a time, according to legend, when Lennon was unhappy and unproductive, estranged from his family and bandmates. Pang’s photos clearly tell another story—they show Lennon clowning around, working on his hit album “Walls and Bridges”, embracing old friends and family, hanging out in their apartment on Manhattan’s East 52nd Street, relaxing in the country in upstate New York or spending peaceful days swimming in the waters of Long Island.

The photographs in INSTAMATIC KARMA are both color and black & white, casual Polaroids and more composed shots. Each one is an intimate glimpse into a fascinating time in John Lennon’s life.

About the Author

MAY PANG worked for ABKCO, the Beatles’ management company, in the early 1970’s, and from there was hired as John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s personal assistant. After her relationship with Lennon ended, Pang worked for Island Records and United Artists. In addition to photography, she designs a line of feng shui jewelry and furniture. She lives in New York with her two children.

Hardcover: 160 pages
Publisher: St. Martin's Press (March 4, 2008)
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.02.08 09:30:58   
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'My lost weekend with Lennon': May Pang breaks her silence over their relationship'My lost weekend with Lennon': May Pang breaks her silence over their relationship

A sequence of three pictures taken in Palm Springs as Lennon and May Pang
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.02.08 09:31:18   
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Книга Мэй Панг
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.02.08 09:31:38   
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Книга Мэй Панг
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.02.08 09:32:18   
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May Pang had and 18-month relationship with Lennon May Pang had and 18-month relationship with Lennon
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.02.08 09:32:50   
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Christmas 1974 in West Palm Beach, Florida with John's son Julian who brought him windscreen-wiper glassesChristmas 1974 in West Palm Beach, Florida with John's son Julian who brought him windscreen-wiper glasses
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.02.08 09:33:29   
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Julian (standing) and John were both good swimmers and loved taking a dip at Long Island SOund Julian (standing) and John were both good swimmers and loved taking a dip at Long Island SOund
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.02.08 09:33:58   
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Ringo Starr was a vistor at our rented Santa Monica beach house Ringo Starr was a vistor at our rented Santa Monica beach house
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.02.08 09:34:41   
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Paul McCartney also dropped by the beach house Paul McCartney also dropped by the beach house
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.02.08 09:35:32   
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Lennon missed the meeting that was meant to bring The Beatles to an end, so he signed the papers at our Disney hotel - my photo of him doing so has been valued at £1.2mLennon missed the meeting that was meant to bring The Beatles to an end, so he signed the papers at our Disney hotel - my photo of him doing so has been valued at £1.2m
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.02.08 09:36:56   
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Синтия одобрила книгу Мэй

Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 21.02.08 13:16:53   
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хм...бывшая девушка делает неплохие деньги на своей любви...
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Minin&Pojarskyi   Дата: 21.02.08 13:42:54   
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>хм...бывшая девушка делает неплохие деньги на
>своей любви...
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