>>У Джона была анорексия? Откуда Вы только это берёте...
>Из головы! Это просто мое мнение, ни на чем не
>основанное. Ну просто очень уж худой! Хотя, Миг
>Джаггер всю жизнь такой, и никто его в анорексии
>не подозревает...
Джону предписывали наоборот булимию:
Author Debra Sharon Davis claims in her book "BackStage Pass VIP" that Lennon suffered from food fetishes and loved bowls of Rice Crispies topped with ice cream
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/the-beatles/9126443/John-Lennon-suffered-bulim... .
но это утверждение было опровергнуто Йоко:
John did not have an eating disorder. Sometimes he slipped and ate a bar of chocolate. His diets included vegetarian diet, macrobiotic diet and, very rarely a juice-only diet. All of the above are internationally approved health diets.
http://www.nme.com/news/music/yoko-ono-31-1275279#cyFmO3PKiCKfh8jp.99Фрагмент интервью с продюсером поздних альбомов Джона Джеком Дугласом:
You mention his insecurity. There have been reports he suffered from an eating disorder. Did you ever see any signs of that?
No, he absolutely did not suffer from an eating disorder. I mean, he was trying to do sushi and brown rice to cleanse his body. And he was doing a lot of yoga and he was meditating. There was a song on [Double Fantasy] called "Cleanup Time" that was about really cleaning yourself up, no drugs, no alcohol. He liked to smoke pot but only at the end of the session when we were finished, he liked to light up a joint. But he couldn't resist like every once in awhile ordering a pizza or a cheeseburger and putting it in the maintenance room and keeping it warm on a piece of equipment. You know, we used to go out after the sessions to a place where you could get a real Brit breakfast so he'd have Welsh rarebit and fried tomatoes, the whole bit. No, he had no eating disorder. But he lost weight because in all honesty he was tired of being the fat Beatle, is what he thought of himself as. So he enjoyed being thin and really in shape.