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Роджер Уотерс / Roger Waters

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Редчайшее видео Уотерса EITHER ME OR HIM (Me or Him)
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 05.02.06 06:14:27   
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Очень клип похож на работу Паркера в Стене -
те же панорамы столкновений бунтующих с полицией.
Amusing Ourselves to Death 20Ann Edition Breaking News!
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 06.02.06 06:26:04   
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January 30, 2006
Сын знаменитого писателя Нейл Постмана Эндрю (тоже писатель)
переиздал в качестве 20-ти летнего юбилейного издания
книгу своего покойного отца Нейл Постмана
(скончался в Октябре 2003 года в возрасте 72-х лет)
Amusing Ourselves to Death - Twentieth Anniversary Edition
(Penguin Books, 2006)
В новом вступительном слове к книге
"Introduction to the Twentieth Anniversary Edition
of Amusing Ourselves to Death" ,
Эндрю коснулся и Роджера Уотерса, который по этой книге
и сочинил свой самый сильный альбом "Amused to Death"
Ниже приводятся эти слова в полном объёме, как они напечатаны в переиздании книги -
We’ll also disregard Roger Waters, co-founder of the legendary band Pink Floyd, whose solo album, Amused to Death, was inspired by the book. Go, Dad.
О реакции Уотерса не сообщается.
Вот так вот везде "любят" Уотерса.

( )
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Alex_White   Дата: 06.02.06 10:32:12   
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Действительно кадр из клипа ооочень напоминает Стену.
disregard СОВСЕМ НЕ ОЗНАЧАЕТ delight!
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 06.02.06 22:17:24   
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На сайте Колин Тернер
написал - In an online interview, Andrew,
in a passing reference to Roger,
seems to be delighted that his Dad was Roger's inspiration.

Однако в интервью Andrew написал черным по белому
We’ll also disregard Roger Waters<..>. Go, Dad.

Очевидно Колин забыл поставить кавычки delight,
или просто рука не поднялась написать disregard...

Что бы то ни было disregard СОВСЕМ НЕ ОЗНАЧАЕТ delight!
Re: Roger Waters & ...No More Pink Floyd Ever
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 06.02.06 23:30:02   
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No More Pink Floyd Ever

by Paul Cashmere

February 6 2006

Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour has made it understood that the band will never group again.

In an interview with magazine La Republica, Gilmour confirmed that the band’s recent appearance at Live 8 was the last ever. "I think enough is enough” he stated. “I am 60 years old. I don’t have the will to work as much anymore. Pink Floyd was an important part in my life, I have had a wonderful time, but it’s over. For me it’s much less complicated to work alone.”

The appearance at Live 8 was the first time the band had performed in more than a decade and the first time since ‘The Wall’ that Gilmour, Nick Mason and Richard Wright had performed since Roger Waters.

Gilmour said that by agreeing to Live 8, it removed the end story ending on the soar note relationship between himself and Waters. “There was more then one reason, firstly to support the cause. The second one is that the energy consuming and uncomfortable relationship between Roger and me that I was carrying along in my heart. That is why we wanted to perform and to leave the trash behind. Thirdly I might have regretted it if I declined”.

Next month, Gilmour will release ‘On An Island’, his first solo album in 20 years and third solo album to date. The album features fellow Pink Floyd member Richard Wright on keyboards.
Сева - это Уотерс в журналистике
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 07.02.06 00:57:07   
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Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 07.02.06 08:54:48   
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Знаменитые Black Hills, откуда родом главные героиЗнаменитые Black Hills, откуда родом главные герои
RADIO KAOS Билли, Бенни и дядя Дэвид. Это название встречается также
на альбоме в песне Sunset Strip, в которой описывается жизнь Билли в Америке
и его тоска по дому
В Польше состоится премьера полной постановки оперы Роджера Уотерса
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 08.02.06 23:04:31   
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1 hour, 59 minutes ago 1 hour, 59 minutes ago

Официально объявлено, что мировая премьера полной постановки оперы британского музыканта Роджера Уотерса, бас-гитариста рок-группы Pink Floyd, состоится в Июле в Польском городе Познань.

Представление оперы, озаглавленной Ca Ira - "Есть Надежда", совпадёт с церемонией, посвящённой годовщине восстания рабочих против коммунистических властей Польши в 1956г., в котором погибло более 70 человек.

"Представление состоится 7 июля на площади международной ярмарки в Познани перед 10,000 зрителей", как гласит заявление муниципальных властей города.

"Это произведение основано на событиях Французской Революции. Автор говорит в нём о вечной жажде свободы, борьбе ради свободы и общечеловеческих идеалов. Мы знаем много подобных бунтов, происходивших в Польше."

В заявлении также говорится о дальнейших планах подготовки постановки оперы Уотерса в других европейских городах.

Впервые произведение было представлено широкому кругу зрителей в Риме в ноябре прошлого года, хотя это была не полная постановка оперы, но произведение было сыграно полноценным оркестром.
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: karp   Дата: 08.02.06 23:29:20   
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Ты, конечно, скажешь, что я предвзято сужу, но....
устроить с 10-к премьер... я согласен (!) - это гениальность :-)
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 08.02.06 23:43:25   
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>Ты, конечно, скажешь, что я предвзято сужу, но....
>устроить с 10-к премьер... я согласен (!) - это
>гениальность :-)

Ты прав!

Это гениальность =)
Re: Roger Waters & ... the hard headed guitarist says "No!" :-)
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 09.02.06 00:02:51   
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Veteran guitarist David Gilmour has again rubbished reports Pink Floyd will reunite for a world tour, by declaring the legendary band to be over. Veteran guitarist David Gilmour has again rubbished reports Pink Floyd will reunite for a world tour, by declaring the legendary band to be "over".

Gilmour insists he will never perform with the Wish You Were Here rockers again, and will instead concentrate on his solo career.

However, he is keen to point out that the decision is not a result of his fractured relationship with Pink Floyd bassist Roger Waters.

In an interview with Italian newspaper La Repubblica, Gilmour says, "The band? It's over. Reunited because of the good cause (Live 8), to get over the bad relationship, and not to have regrets.
"I think I've had enough. I am 60. I don't want to work much anymore. It's an important part of my life, I have had enormous satisfactions, but now it's enough.
"The issue about Roger is irrelevant, because even without him I don't want to go on as Pink Floyd. I'm happy with my life.
"Playing as Pink Floyd is a business too big for me now. When you move as a band, all is gigantic, the expectations are enormous, the pressures very high. We have been asked to play one hundred gigs.
"I am fine as I live now. It was fantastic but now I don't feel like any more."

Gilmour: Pink Floyd over, for good
By JAM! Music

Pink Floyd fans can officially put the reunion rumours to bed.

Despite a successful one-off show at Live8 last summer and speculation of tour dates later this year, the band is "over," according to former singer-guitarist David Gilmour.

Speaking in an interview with Italian newspaper La Repubblica, he stated that a reunion is definitely not in the cards.

"The band? It's over," announced Gilmour. "Reunited because of the good cause, to get over the bad relationship, and not to have regrets.

"I think I've had enough. I am 60. I don't want to work much anymore. It's an important part of my life, I have had enormous satisfactions, but now it's enough. It's much more comfortable to work on my own."

Gilmour also stated that his thoughts have nothing to do with the tension between he and founder Roger Waters, who left the band in 1983, and didn't play with them again until Live8.

"The issue about Roger is irrelevant, because even without him I don't want to go on as Pink Floyd... I am fine as I live now. It was fantastic but now I don't feel like (it) any more."

Hopes of a Pink Floyd reunion dashed
Wednesday, February 8 2006, 14:26 GMT -- by Fiona Edwards

Any hopes that Pink Floyd would be reforming after their appearance at Live 8 have been dashed.

Guitarist and co-frontman Dave Gilmour has revealed to Italian newspaper La Repubblica that he has no intention of continuing with the band, denying rumours of a tour on the cards for the rock legends.

He said: "The band? It's over. Reunited because of the good cause, to get over the bad relationship, and not to have regrets.

"I think I've had enough. I am 60. I don't want to work much anymore. It's an important part of my life, I have had enormous satisfactions, but now it's enough. It's much more comfortable to work on my own."

He also insisted that his decision not to carry on performing with the band had nothing to do with Roger Waters, who caused much bad feeling amongst the band when he quit acrimoniously in 1983.

"The issue about Roger is irrelevant, because even without him I don't want to go on as Pink Floyd. I'm happy with my life.

"Playing as Pink Floyd is a business too big for me now. When you move as a band, all is gigantic, the expectations are enormous, the pressures very high. We have been asked to play one hundred gigs!

"I am fine as I live now. It was fantastic but now I don't feel like any more."

Pink Floyd @ Albert Hall: UPDATED
Gilmour: Pink Floyd is over, for good
Artists: Pink Floyd
Dads, put away your credit cards and return to those dusty LPs racked so neatly on the top shelf: Pink Floyd will not reform to play again, ever.

Guitarist David Gilmour told Italian newspaper La Repubblica that the band would never unite as they did for last summer's Live8 ever again.

"The band? It's over. Reunited because of the good cause, to get over the bad relationship, and not to have regrets.

"I think I've had enough. I am 60. I don't want to work much anymore. It's an important part of my life, I have had enormous satisfactions, but now it's enough. It's much more comfortable to work on my own."

Of course, Pink Floyd lost co-founder Roger Waters in 1983, who didn't play with Gilmour and company again until Live8. But Gilmour was quick to state that saying a definite no to a future reunion had nothing to do with their well-documented disagreements.

"The issue about Roger is irrelevant, because even without him I don't want to go on as Pink Floyd. I'm happy with my life. Playing as Pink Floyd is a business too big for me now. When you move as a band, all is gigantic, the expectations are enormous, the pressures very high. We have been asked to play one hundred gigs!

"I am fine as I live now. It was fantastic but now I don't feel like any more."
Re: Roger Waters & ... the hard headed guitarist says "No!" :-)
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 09.02.06 00:05:16   
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Pink Floyd star declares band 'over'
David Gilmour ends all speculation
Pink Floyd guitarist and co-frontman David Gilmour has declared the band officially "over".

Rumours have abounded that the rock giants would reform for a tour in the near future after their successful reformation at Live8 last summer.

After recent newspaper speculation that the group would play a series of London dates later this year, Pink Floyd issued a statement denying this would happen. But the door hadn't closed completely - until now.

Speaking in an interview with Italian newspaper La Repubblica Gilmour said: "The band? It's over. Reunited because of the good cause, to get over the bad relationship, and not to have regrets.

"I think I've had enough. I am 60. I don't want to work much anymore. It's an important part of my life, I have had enormous satisfactions, but now it's enough. It's much more comfortable to work on my own."

And Gilmour stressed that his thoughts on the situation have nothing to do with his feelings regarding Roger Waters, the bassist/frontman/leadsinger who was reunited with the band onstage at Live8 for the first time after quitting acrimoniously in 1983.

He insisted: "The issue about Roger is irrelevant, because even without him I don't want to go on as Pink Floyd. I'm happy with my life. Playing as Pink Floyd is a business too big for me now. When you move as a band, all is gigantic, the expectations are enormous, the pressures very high. We have been asked to play one hundred gigs!

"I am fine as I live now. It was fantastic but now I don't feel like any more."

Gilmour releases a solo album, 'On An Island', on March 6.
Истерики Гилмора.
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 09.02.06 00:24:53   
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Практически все кому не лень перепечатали так или иначе
Гилмора, который почему-то за всех утверждает, что Пинк Флойд умер!
Пинк Флойд умер! Да здравствует...
Речь пойдет об Уотерсе.
Стало известно, что слухи о ноябрьских концертах Пинк Флойд в Лондоне
запустил не кто иной, как сам ... Роджер Уотерс.
Эти слухи стали первыми шагами в "добивании" Гилмора на очередное "реюнион" выступление.
В этом Уотерсу существенную поддержку оказывает и Ник Мэйсон, который после издания своей книги
"Pink Floyd: сугубо личная биография ", получил абсолютную финансовую независимость от всех коммерческих предприятий Дэвида Гилмора (чего не скажешь о нашем бедном-бедном Рике (Rich) Wright).
Их (Waters-Mason) последующие шаги покрыты "топ сикретом."
Я открою свой источник новости, только после интервью Уотерса, в котором он ясно скажет,
что он (Роджер) и Ник отказываются от своих планов "добивать" Гилмора на предмет воссоединения.

А пока...
История, сограждане, ... ИСТОРИЯ Пинк Флойд творится Роджером Уотерсом и Ником Мэйсоном
прямо у нас на глазах!!!
Roger Waters to headline this year's Rock In Rio... in Lisbon...?
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 09.02.06 01:17:31   
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Как сообщает Хосе Мендес, участник Roger Waters Online Messgae Board, утверждено,что Роджер будет хедлайнером в Rock In Rio фестиваль, который состоится 2 Июня сего года...в Лиссабоне, Португалия(?)!!!

Вот текст этого сообщения:

Roger in Lisbon - Rock in Rio 2006!!!
Posted by Jose Mendes on 2/8/2006, 9:21 pm

Hello everyone.
Surprise Surprise: It's with enormous pleasure that I can report to you that Roger Waters is confirmed to headline this year's Rock In Rio Lisbon in ... Lisbon, Portugal on June the 2nd.

You can look into

where they can obtain further info. I'm off to buy a pair of tickets.

Josй Mendes

Roger Waters to headline this year's Rock In Rio... in Lisbon...?
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 09.02.06 01:19:40   
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Для знатоков португальского публикую текст, который даётся по ссылке Для знатоков португальского публикую текст, который даётся по ссылке
Rock in Rio-Lisboa 2006 traz Roger Waters pela segunda vez Portugal

Fundador dos Pink Floyd é o cabeça de cartaz para o dia 2 de Junho. O mesmo dia em que actua também Rui Veloso, Santana e os Jota Quest.

Roger Waters é o primeiro cabeça de cartaz anunciado pela organização do Rock in Rio-Lisboa. Com esta revelação, começa também a divulgação das bandas que vão animar a Cidade do Rock nos dias 26, 27 de Maio e 2, 3 e 4 de Junho.

Roger Waters vai encerrar as actuações do Palco Mundo no dia 2 de Junho, o mesmo dia em que toca também Carlos Santana, Rui Veloso e os Jota Quest – banda brasileira que pediu para actuar neste dia, assim que soube o alinhamento.

Com esta revelação, juntamente com a confirmação de Rui Veloso no Palco Mundo, fica completo o cartaz do Palco Mundo para o dia 2 de Junho. Os fãs de guitarra têm no Rock in Rio-Lisboa 2006 uma oportunidade de ouro para ver os seus ídolos a actuar numa noite que se adivinha muito especial, no primeiro dia do segundo fim-de-semana daquele que é considerado o maior evento de música e entretenimento do mundo.

Esta é a segunda vez que o fundador dos Pink Floyd vem a Lisboa e promete um grande espectáculo. Em 2002 Roger Waters iniciou a segunda parte da digressão “In The Flesh” com dois concertos em Lisboa.

Já em 2005 lançou uma ópera em três actos sobre a Revolução Francesa, intitulada Ça Ira. A peça inspira-se num libreto original do compositor Etienne Roda-Gil e de sua mulher Nadine, no qual os acontecimentos históricos são descritos de vários pontos de vista, usando um circo como centro dramático.

Nos últimos meses, depois da reunião dos Pink Floyd no Live 8, houve alguma especulação sobre o regresso da banda mas tal não se veio a verificar.

Mais sobre Roger Waters

Texto: Paulo M. Guerrinha
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Roger Waters & ...ATD will always be the sweetest food for my right brain hemisphere…
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 09.02.06 02:06:15   
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Интересное мнение одного из участников RogerWatersOnline Message Board, с коим я по сути солидарен
ATD will always be the sweetest food for my right brain hemisphere…
Posted by sigi on 2/7/2006, 8:01 pm

Excuse my poor English. Why do you constantly cry for PF resurrection? I watched this board last few years without posting anything. I think there are so many bright and pleasant people chatting on this board. I hope I can say I am a real Roger Waters and PF fan. We all know that Roger was always the most important part of the band. He was the driving force, the soul all the time. I really love the albums Roger wrote as a member of Pink Floyd. But I must say that Pros and Cons, Radio K.A.O.S. and especially ATD are even more important to me. Simply, ATD will always be the sweetest food for my right brain hemisphere. I really don’t think ATD would be better if any other PF member would collaborate with Roger on it. For me, PF ended after The Final Cut and the continuation is called Roger Waters.
Listening to Gilmour’s On an Island, I brushed up that the new Roger’s ALBUM we are all expecting like the rain on the desert should not be affected by anybody else. I think it would be a real waste to degrade Roger’s work just to have a PF album. I’m sure for all of us on this board is not important the market rating of prospective PF album.
Let’s be patient and wait for new Roger’s solo album and the tour as well. He won’t disappoint us, he never did…

Сид Барретт по недосмотру стал лицом группы.
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 09.02.06 02:56:25   
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Читайте на сайте продолжение перевода книги Ник Мэйсона
Pink Floyd: сугубо личная биография или же

Отрывочек из части второй первой главы, в которой расскрывается история выражения
Looking Through The Knotholes In Granny's Wooden Leg -
если помните, Роджер Уотерс в семидесятые любил так объявлять на концертах композицию Echoes...
...Будучи лицом группы - теперь уже с названием Tea Set - Крис своей губной гармошкой неудачно
изображал усы Гитлера, при этом приговоривая - 'Пардон за это, ребята',
он объявлял каждый наш номер ('с чрезвычайным апломбом', как выразился Боб Клуз) словами
'Посмотрим В Отверстие от Выпавшего Сучка В Деревянной Ноге Бабули'
('Looking Through The Knotholes In Granny's Wooden Leg').
Вскоре мы разошлись с Крис, тогда как раз Syd Barrett регулярно начал играть с нами.
Роджер знал Сида по Кембриджу - мать Роджера учила Сида в младших классах -
и мы планировали ввести его в группу даже до того, как он прибыл в Лондон,
чтобы обучаться в Camberwell College of Art. В случае с Сидом это была уже не вербовка,
а именно присоединение к нам. Боб Клуз очень хорошо вспоминает этот момент :
'я помню репетицию, которая запечатала судьбу Крис Денниса.
Она проходила на чердаке в Stanhope Gardens.
Крис, Роджер, Ник и я работали по нескольким текущим R&B хитам.
Сид, прибыв поздее, спокойно наблюдал сверху лестницы.
По окончании репетиции он сказал,
"Да, это звучало великолепно, но я не вижу, что я должен делать в группе".
' Хотя Сид не был уверен, где бы он мог подойти нам, он правильно почувствовал, что он должен присоединиться. В результате дни Крис Денниса и его звукоусилительной PA системы были сочтены.
Так как Боб был ответственен за то, что принял на работу Криса,
Роджер решил, что он соответственно должен отвечать и за процедуру увольнения,
которую Боб предпринял с телефона - автомата на станции метро Tottenham Court Road.
Когда это произошло, Крис по любому остался за бортом.
И таким образом, отчасти по недосмотру, Сид стал лицом группы.
Рок ин Рио - Лиссабон 2006
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 09.02.06 03:41:55   
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Роджер Уотерс будет хедлайнером на фестивале Рок ин Рио - Лиссабон 2006,
26, 27 мая 2, 3 and 4 июня в Лиссабоне, Португалия.
2 Июня 2006 года он будет закрывать фестиваль. По словам сайта " " Роджер Уотерс обещает показать большое шоу (promete um grande espectaculo)
Уже известны имена трех других участников фестиваля, которые выступят на закрытии вместе с Уотерсом на одной сцене.
Это Rui Veloso (который уже подтверждено выступит с Palco Mundo), Santana и бразильская группа Jota Quest
Уотерс уже выступал в Португалии в 2002 году со своим шоу 'In the Flesh'

Вполне возможно, что выступление станет началом его мирового турне с обязательным заездом в Россию.
По словам сайта " ", ходили слухи, что Пинк Флойд еще раз воссоединятся, но они так и не подтвердились. (Сайт не казывает кем)
это будет концерт в духе LIVE 8 благотворительный под названием ‘For A Better World’
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 09.02.06 04:19:35   
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Rock in Rio has been the world’s largest music event in recent years. Rock in Rio III (Brazil - 2001) drew over 1.35 million people, was broadcasted in over 50 countries and had an audience of over 750 million people! The following Rock In Rio took place in the Portuguese capital, the week before the European 2004 Soccer Championship, held in our country, kicked off in June. 2006 is the year Rock in Rio returns to Lisbon !

The Bela Vista Park will host the new edition of the world’s biggest music festival that takes place outside Brazil for the second time in its history. On May 27th and 28th, as well as on June 2nd, 3rd and 4th, all roads will lead you to the “City of Rock”.

Some of the most notable names in the Portuguese and International music scene will be present during the five days of the festival attended by more than 500,000 people, as expected, which means about 100,000 people every day in average.

The Rock In Rio event is themed ‘For A Better World’ taking the social dimension as a key defining principle. As in previous editions, Rock in Rio-Lisboa 2006 will focus its action on the children as the seed for the future of the mankind and on the need of the individual contribution to the creation of a Better World.

The social project of Rock in Rio-Lisboa is expressed by two main points: the social awareness, which intends to mobilize all the people to their responsibility in turning the world into a better place to live, through daily actions; and the allocation of funds to the national and international institutions with child-oriented programs.

As before, the organization will donate part of the festival’s revenues to several charities, contributing to improve conditions of hundreds of children in need.
Среди других
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 09.02.06 04:24:48   
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По неподтержденным слухам
Dave Matthews Band - группа, редко концертрирующая в Европе!

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собираются подписи за участие других артистов, типа
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