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Mark Lewisohn writing new multi-volume Beatle bio

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Mark Lewisohn writing new multi-volume Beatle bio
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 26.04.04 08:34:44
An MTV note (see the April 21 section) quoted a publisher (who didn't win the bidding war for rights) as saying, "To call it just a book is missing the point. This would treat the Beatles as important figures of the 20th century, as if the history of the Beatles is the history of the '60s in its entirety."

Mark Lewisohn has confirmed for us that he is working on a multi-volume Beatle biography. "Yes, this project is happening," he told us in an email. "It has evolved from my original plan to write an entire biography on 1963 alone."

"This is an exacting task which will occupy me for many years to come, but I am tremendously excited by the challenge."

"Web reports that Crown Books have signed up the US rights are correct, as is the stated structure of the project (1940-63, 64-67, 68-Now). I believe Crown will be issuing some kind of press statement to the trade this coming week. Time Warner has the UK rights," he added.
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Re: Mark Lewisohn writing new multi-volume Beatle bio
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 27.04.04 14:37:55   
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А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Mark Lewisohn writing new multi-volume Beatle bio
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 30.04.04 09:04:04   
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Beatle Bits # 171
AbbeyRd webmeister Steve heralded the upcoming three volume Mark Lewisohn Beatle bibles with bold headlines.

I think that Lewisohn basically deserves this treatment because in my opinion, no other author has matched ML's incredible attention to detail.

When ML's first Complete Beatles Recording Sessions guide first appeared in the late 80s, it was the book of dreams for many Beatles fans.

Given complete access to Abbey Road Studios, ML ferreted out just about everything that was possible to ferret about the Beatles recording sessions from 1962 to 1969.

Updated volumes of the book added even more crucial information to the Beatlmaniac who just has to know what was done by any of the Fabs at any particular recording or mixing session.

However, as ML is attempting a more conventional, biographical work with the forthcoming project- which preliminary reports say will be divided as 1940-63, 1963-68, and 1968 to NOW-he will most likely stray into the territory that some Beatle fans get their bowels in an up-roar over.

In a nutshell, ML will have to produce new and controversial aspects of the Beatles lives for his 3 volumes, and of course that will bring out the apologists for that particular Beatle, as well as those fans seeking to reinforce their pre-existing beliefs.

What if ML discovers that John Lennon really was a really nasty bastard; Paul McCartney a cunning phony; George Harrison a hypocrite, and Ringo Starr a big goof?

I think you get my meaning.

Even a journalist and author with the Beatle bona fides of ML may find the going rather tougher when he ventures into the flesh and blood of perhaps the 4 most famous-and loved- musicians who ever walked the planet.

Still, I wish Mark well, and look very forward to reading what he has dug up this time.

// posted by Terry @ 7:30 PM
Re: Mark Lewisohn writing new multi-volume Beatle bio
Автор: Daniel Baggins   Дата: 12.01.13 20:56:07   
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The Beatles - The Complete Story - Special Edition [Hardcover]

Hardcover: 1856 pages
Publisher: Little, Brown (10 Oct 2013)
ISBN-10: 1408704781
ISBN-13: 978-1408704783

There is also The Complete Story Volume 1: Tune In for £30 for 800 pages

Hardcover: 800 pages
Publisher: Little, Brown (10 Oct 2013)
ISBN-10: 0316729604
ISBN-13: 978-0316729604

'The Beatles have retained their magic and popularity like no other band before or since. Their story is such a strong part of our culture that everyone thinks they know it, but no one has ever REALLY told it properly - until now. Mark Lewisohn's three-part history is entirely new and revitalising - an enthralling account packed full of untold insights, anecdotes and photographs. There is no one more qualified to write this book, which will remain the definitive unauthorised narrative. Lewisohn's words breathe life into familiar moments and unveil thousands of new ones to tell the gripping story of the greatest band there has ever been.'
Re: Mark Lewisohn writing new multi-volume Beatle bio
Автор: Daniel Baggins   Дата: 12.01.13 22:13:33   
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Добрый профессор  
Re: Mark Lewisohn writing new multi-volume Beatle bio
Автор: В и т а л и й   Дата: 01.03.13 22:32:16   
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Официально объявлено о выходе первого тома в октябре 2013. Официально объявлено о выходе первого тома в октябре 2013.
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