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Phish - никто не знает эту рыбу?

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Phish - никто не знает эту рыбу?
Автор: Трицератопс Рокс   Дата: 02.03.04 18:15:52
Сегодня, с подачи Романа Шебалина (thanks!) познакомился с этой бандой... Весьма приятная современная группа, которая предпочитает давать концерты, а не работать в студии. Поэтому и большинство их альбомов - концертные.

Чем интересна эта банда? Да хотя бы тем, что сыграла ВЖИВУЮ свои любимые альбомы, включая "My Generation" The Who, "Dark Side Of The Moon" Pink Floyd и... The White Album понятно кого! Белый Альбом - целиком и вживую!!

Может, у кого есть еще какие записи?
Re: Phish - никто не знает эту рыбу?
Автор: Lenka   Дата: 02.03.04 18:18:47   
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а вкусная рыба?
В смысле, интересная команда?
Re: Phish - никто не знает эту рыбу?
Автор: Трицератопс Рокс   Дата: 02.03.04 18:21:31   
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Занятно :) Их собственных номерников у меня нет (хотелось бы послушать). Есть только два альбома с упомянутыми каверами - живые версии Dark Side... и Белого Альбума :) Интересно. Не осетрина, конечно... Но за хорошо прожаренного окунька сойдет. Вообще интересно - были ли у кого еще такие "каверно-живые" проекты?
Re: Phish - никто не знает эту рыбу?
Автор: Трицератопс Рокс   Дата: 02.03.04 18:23:26   
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Я имею в виду - чтобы не песнями, а целыми альбомами
Re: Phish - никто не знает эту рыбу?
Автор: Трицератопс Рокс   Дата: 03.03.04 12:24:33   
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Кстати - только что прослушал "Живую" акустическую версию Revolution 9 в их исполнении! Угар полный :)
Re: Phish - никто не знает эту рыбу?
Автор: Трицератопс Рокс   Дата: 03.03.04 12:28:13   
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И фортепианная версия Helter Skelter не хуже :)))
Re: Phish - никто не знает эту рыбу?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.03.04 12:36:48   
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Эта группа считается преемниками Greatful Dead, как в смысле подхода к своей карьере, сконцентрированном на концертных выступлениях, нежели на записи в студии, так и по культовости в Штатах.
У меня есть их диск 96 года Billy Breathes, расхваленный критикой в свое время. Неплохая мелодичная пластинка, спродюсированная Стивом Лиллиуайтом.
Re: Phish - никто не знает эту рыбу?
Автор: karp   Дата: 03.03.04 13:19:30   
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Слышал в основном концертные записи (когда интересовался, на бутлеговских серверах обычно был набор Grateful Dead, Phish, MMW).
То что я слышал оставило приятное ощущение. Очень разнообразная группа. От приколов а-ля Заппа до кантри-рока.
Re: Phish - никто не знает эту рыбу?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.05.04 10:52:13   
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Phish Going Belly UpPhish Going Belly Up

Phish will soon be bouncing 'round the country on its phinal tour.

The jam band dropped a bombshell on their loyal fans Tuesday, when frontman Trey Anastasio posted a letter on the band's official Website ( announcing plans to split up at the close of its summer tour.

The band's final studio album, Undermind, will be released June 15, and it will perform together for the last time at its two-day summer festival in Coventry, Vermont on Aug. 14 and 15. The tour kicks off June 17 in New York.

"Last Friday night, I got together with Mike, Page and Fish to talk openly about the strong feelings I've been having that Phish has run its course and that we should end it now while it's still on a high note," Anastasio wrote on the site.

"We don't want to become caricatures of ourselves, or worse yet, a nostalgia act. By the end of the meeting, we realized that after almost 21 years together we were faced with the opportunity to graciously step away in unison, as a group, united in our friendship and our feelings of gratitude."

Anastasio made it clear that devastated fans shouldn't cling to shreds of hope that the band is simply going on hiatus, as it did from 2000 to 2002.

"For the sake of clarity, I should say that this is not like the hiatus, which was our last attempt to revitalize ourselves," he wrote. "We're done."

Phish fans flooded message boards to discuss the breakup.

"I mean, sure, they're not what they once were, but done?" wrote a poster by the name of Ladyphish. "I don't know if my mind can comprehend life without the possibility of Phish."

The band was formed in 1983 in a dorm lounge at the University of Vermont. Over the years, it drew wide acclaim for their lengthy, improvisational jam sessions at its live shows, drawing a near cult following.

When the band took its two-year hiatus, fans fretted that all was not well between the band members.

Anastasio had previously expressed his concern that the cost of the band's concert productions had eclipsed the music, and told Rolling Stone in an interview that he had no interest in following in the footsteps of the Grateful Dead--a band wedded to touring to cover the cost of its overhead and support its staff of crew members.

Each member of the band spent the time off working on solo projects intended to revive their creative strengths and their dedication to Phish.

To the relief of Phishheads, the quartet rebounded onto the scene with a concert in New York on New Year's Eve 2002 and the release of its seventh studio album, Round Room, in the winter of 2003.

Now, just a year and a half later, the members are calling it quits for good with a wrap-up festival in their home state of Vermont, where it all began.

"It's been an amazing and incredible journey," Anastasio wrote. "We thank you for all the love and support you've shown us."
Re: Phish - никто не знает эту рыбу?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.08.04 19:28:55   
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Phish Bids FarewellPhish Bids Farewell
Mon Aug 16

After jamming on to the bitter end, the quartet offered up a tearful farewell to an estimated 65,000 phaithful early Monday morning in a farm field in Coventry, Vermont--not far from the spawning grounds where the band got its start.

Concluding the last of Sunday's three sets, Phish encored with concert rarity "The Curtain With," a song that, in the words of band leader Trey Anastasio, served as an appropriate coda to Phish's 21-year odyssey with the refrain: "Please, we have no regrets."

Before launching into it, Anastasio explained how he wrote the wistful ditty--while living alone in a cabin not far from Coventry in the mid-'80s at a time when the Burlington-based quartet was beginning to gel as a band.

It was "The Curtain With" that Phish agreed would be the last song the band would ever play.

With blue stage lights twinkling, Anastasio, keyboardist Page McConnell, bassist Mike Gordon and drummer Jon Fishman took their final bow at 12:25 a.m.

Phish's last hurrah almost didn't happen.

The group and its promoter, Great Northeast Productions, nearly had to cancel the two-day festival at Newport State Airport due to inclement weather on Friday after 50 percent of the parking was deemed unusable following torrential downpours that left hundreds of cars stuck in deep mud, requiring a small fleet of tow trucks to extricate the cars.

Vermont State Police began erecting roadblocks and telling ticketholders, who were waiting in traffic for up to 30 hours, that they would not be admitted due to safety concerns. The police said parking at the venue had basically "become impossible"; the promoter, meanwhile, offered the promise of a full refund.

But that didn't stop the die-hard Phishheads. In a scene reminiscent of Woodstock--whose 35th anniversary fell coincidentally on the same weekend as the Phish fest--fans ditched several thousand vehicles along Interstate 91 and walked up to 12 miles with whatever they could carry (usually a tent and some beer), determined to share in the groove with the Phab Four.

By the time Phish took the stage at 6:10 p.m. for the first of three sets on Saturday, officials estimated that between 65,000 to 68,000 fans had made it in, mainly thanks to locals who converted their property into ad hoc parking lots and even shuttled fans to the site.

State police closed off part of the interstate late Sunday and early Monday so fans could find the cars they abandoned. They also had tow trucks standing by and even tried to hire buses to help ferry concertgoers, but several local bus lines refused for fear of getting stuck.

Not that fans minded the inconvenience. They were too busy noodle dancing in the muck and savoring the last performances of such Phish gems as "You Enjoy Myself," "David Bowie (news)," "Harry Hood," "Hailey's Comet," "Bathtub Gin," "Guyute" and "Run Like An Antelope"--and that was just the first night.

Anastasio and company kicked off Sunday's first set with "Mike's Groove-Mike's Song," "I Am Hydrogen" and "Weekapaug Groove"--three tunes that got the jam-happy crowd moving. That was followed by "Reba" and a latter-era Phish favorite, "Wolfman's Brother." For that song, Anastasio let fans in on an inside band joke (Fishman's the Wolfman's brother) and then he and Gordon brought their mothers and their manager out to join them in a "sexy bump" dance.

During the second set Sunday, a choked-up McConnell had trouble singing "Wading in the Velvet Sea" and needed a little assistance from Anastasio. A little while later, Anastasio--his voice breaking--thanked fans for all their support over the years, saying he wanted to express his "deep, deep love and appreciate for what you've given us." He was followed by McConnell, then Gordon and finally Fishman, each of whom offered similar sentiments.

"To always have these three people there with you...excuse me," Anastasio said, bursting into tears. He composed himself and added, "We're gonna blow off some steam now."

The band kicked into full jam mode, improvising until "The Curtain" came down.

Despite all the good vibes, the Coventry concerts weren't without incident.

Three Phish fans from Colorado were killed en route to the show on Friday, when their car veered into the wrong lane, striking a pick-up truck. The driver of the pick up and another passenger were injured.

And a twentysomething man was discovered dead in a tent early Monday morning. The man wasn't carrying any identification. Police have scheduled an autopsy to try and determine cause of death.

An estimated 37,000 fans who couldn't make the show watched the final gig from the rain-free confines of 50-plus Regal movie theaters nationwide. A Regal rep said it was the company's largest concert simulcast to date.

And for those who missed Phish's swan songs, the band plans to make clean digital copies available for download via

The band plans to donate more than $100,000 of the profits from Coventry to Vermont charities, with all the net proceeds from its music downloads to the Mockingbird Foundation, a charity created by Phish fans that supports music education for children.
Re: Phish - никто не знает эту рыбу?
Автор: Olga Palna   Дата: 18.08.04 03:06:33   
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У меня есть Quadrophenia в их концертном исполнении. Ничего так... бодренько. Но оригинал живее :)
Re: Phish - никто не знает эту рыбу?
Автор: Евгений Глухов   Дата: 18.08.04 08:38:37   
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Phish - я знаю эту рыбу, но... не знаю, где ее ловить! Очень хотелось бы White Album послушать, ну а посмотреть было бы совсем здорово.
А еще эти ребята не дураки поджемовать со звездами, судя по записям в Интернете.
Re: Phish - никто не знает эту рыбу?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.11.05 12:12:47   
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Live at Madison Square Garden New Year's Eve 1995 [LIVE] DVD  December 20, 2005Live at Madison Square Garden New Year's Eve 1995 [LIVE] DVD

December 20, 2005
Re: Phish - никто не знает эту рыбу?
Автор: Umakava   Дата: 15.11.05 10:24:25   
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Насколько я знаю, играть эти самые живые каверы любимых альбомов было ежегодной традицией для Phish на концертах, приуроченных к какому-то там из традиционных американских праздников, то ли хеллоуин, то ли день благодарения, то ли рождество... Было, до распада группы. Сейчас её члены занимаются сольными карьерами, но сайт у них единый (

Мне нравятся альбомы Lawn Boy (любимый), Junta, Story of the Ghost ( Есть в их музыке элемент, который не совсем нравится - когда одна и та же строчка зацикливаетя и повторяется снова и снова, в течение множества тактов... Утомляет, да и странно при их бесспорном музыкальном и поэтическом таланте. Но, это, ессно, дело личных заморочек каждого.

Несколько лет назад повезло побывать на сольном концерте Трэя Анастасио (лидер группы - гитарист и певец). Супер.

Я бы определённо рекомендовал хотя бы ознакомиться с этой группой всем, кого занесло на данный сайт.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Phish - никто не знает эту рыбу?
Автор: tarick   Дата: 15.11.05 16:07:02   
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обожаю эту банду!!!! одна из моих любимых! играют на самом высшем уорвне! удивляюсь что столько играют и еще так малоизвестны! всем советую послушать их Billy Breathes - альбом очень мелодичный с красивыми инструментальными композициями!
Re: Phish - никто не знает эту рыбу?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.11.05 09:41:07   
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Трей Анастэйсио оказывается только что выпустил сольник. Народ его ругает. Предупреждаю: это один из вирусоносных дисков Sony.Трей Анастэйсио оказывается только что выпустил сольник. Народ его ругает. Предупреждаю: это один из вирусоносных дисков Sony.
Re: Phish - никто не знает эту рыбу?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 10.06.06 09:50:25   
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DVD Release Date: July 11, 2006 DVD Release Date: July 11, 2006

Product Description
Live in Brooklyn was filmed on June 17, 2004 at Keyspan Park at Coney Island in Brooklyn, NY. It marked the start of what would be the final Phish tour and was the first date after the emotional news of their breakup was announced. The show was simultaneously broadcast to movie theaters nationwide-arguably the most successful live theatrical broadcast to date, with legions of loyal Phish fans reportedly dancing in the aisles across the country. Included on this DVD are the two complete sets the band performed that day along with sound check footage and three full peformances from the second Brooklyn date. Phish were a cultural phenomenon-touring and recording for 21 years with a remarkably dedicated following who cintniue to celebrate everything Phish.

Track Listings:
A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing
Dinner and a Movie
Curtain With
Sample in a Jar
Moma Dance
46 Days [Disc 2]
Possum [Disc 2]
Oh Kee Pa Ceremony [Disc 2]
Suzy Greenburg [Disc 2]
Axilla I [Disc 2]
2001 [Disc 2]
Birds of a Feather [Disc 2]
Kung [Disc 2]
Mike's Song [Disc 2]
I Am Hydrogen [Disc 2]
Weekapaug Groove [Disc 2]
Divided Sky [Disc 2]
Re: Phish - никто не знает эту рыбу?
Автор: SkyElevator   Дата: 10.06.06 11:01:53   
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Когда-то скачал одну их вещь отсюда:
Правда, не знаю, работает ли это еще
Re: Phish - никто не знает эту рыбу?
Автор: Ourson   Дата: 21.04.20 13:20:47   
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ПО-моему очень толковая группа. Любимый альбом наверное A Picture of Nectar. Хотя большинство их работ традиционно ровные и интересные.
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