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Country Singer Johnny Cash

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Country Singer Johnny Cash
Автор: Sundari-Xvostyadeva   Дата: 12.09.03 16:23:55
Re: Country Singer Johnny Cash Dies at 71 :((((((
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 12.09.03 16:46:55   
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Действительно жаль....
Такая фигура в музыке. Что еще сказать...
Re: Country Singer Johnny Cash Dies at 71 :((((((
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 12.09.03 16:53:36   
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Еще один титан закончил свой путь.
В субботу 13-го смотрите на MTV церемонию Video Music Awards 2003
Джей Си номинант в категории "Лучшее видео года".
Re: Country Singer Johnny Cash Dies at 71 :((((((
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 12.09.03 17:05:33   
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Кантри потерял "человека в черном"
В Нэшвилле в возрасте 71 года скончался легендарный американский музыкант Джонни Кэш. По словам менеджера Кэша Лу Робина, причиной смерти стал отказ легких, произошедший из-за осложнений, вызванных диабетом.
Джонни Кэш пел в основном о жизни простых американцев - работяг, алкоголиков, бездомных. Например, в его песне One Piece at a Time рассказывается о рабочем с автомобильного завода, который построил себе машину из украденных деталей.

Героем The Ballad of Ira Hayes был индеец, один из солдат, поднявших во время Второй мировой войны американский флаг на острове Иво-Джима, который в повседневной жизни постоянно сталкивался с расизмом.

"Человек в черном" (таково было прозвище Джона Кэша) исполнял, как правило, собственные вещи. Впрочем, он был одним из первых, кто начал петь песни Боба Дилана и Криса Кристофферсона. С Бобом Диланом Кэша связывала многолетняя дружба, и Дилан признавал, что "Человек в черном" оказал большое влияние на его творчество.

В доску свой

Кэш никогда не сидел, но людям хотелось в это верить
Кэш пользовался большой популярностью среди заключенных. Как и в случае с Владимиром Высоцким, ходила легенда, что он сам сидел. Впрочем, это была всего лишь легенда.

Кэш родился 26 февраля 1932 года в Арканзасе в лачуге у железнодорожного полотна в семье, где было семеро детей. В детстве он работал в кооперативе, который выращивал хлопок.

Военную службу Кэш проходил в частях американских ВВС в Германии; там-то он и научился играть на гитаре.

Демобилизовавшись в 1954 году, Джонни Кэш создал группу, которой удалось подписать контракт с фирмой Sun Records, и быстро стал звездой.

Позднее он пристрастился к алкоголю и наркотикам. Его брак с первой женой, от которой у него было четверо дочерей, распался. Второй женой Джонни Кэша была певица Джун Картер, умершая в мае этого года. Их дочь Розан Кэш также стала популярной певицей.

Кэш закончил выступать в 1997 году, но продолжал записывать альбомы. В 2002 году он выпустил пластинку American IV: the Man Comes Around, который пользовался большой популярностью. Кроме того, Джонни Кэш выпустил две автобиографии и снялся в нескольких фильмах.

PS Кстати, мне очень нравится его последний альбом. Там он спел битловскую In my life
Re: Country Singer Johnny Cash Dies at 71 :((((((
Автор: Mr.Moonlight   Дата: 13.09.03 10:16:24   
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Я видел Джони Кэша в двух фильмах "Gunfight" и "The last days of Franc & Jessy James". Это, разумеется, вестерны, и в обоих Кэш играл ганфайтеров. В первом он участвует вместе с Керком Дугласом (в конце Кэш мочит его в дуэли на скорость), а во втором - с Крисом Кристоферсоном. Кэш был блестящим актером. Высокий рост, крупные черты лица, слегка рябоватые щеки - Кэш просто излучал суровость и обаяние обитателя Дикого Запада.
Re: Country Singer Johnny Cash Dies at 71 :((((((
Автор: Mary-Key   Дата: 13.09.03 13:19:28   
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Re: Country Singer Johnny Cash Dies at 71 :((((((
Автор: Toha   Дата: 13.09.03 16:06:23   
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Ой... мне очень-очень жаль. ;-((((
Re: Country Singer Johnny Cash Dies at 71 :((((((
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 15.09.03 11:33:07   
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Tributes to the Man in Black
(Filed: 13/09/2003)

Elvis Costello: "He was a great, great man. I am saddened and very sorry for all Johnny's family. He made me feel very welcome in his home and I will never forget that."

Bob Harris (BBC Radio 2's country music show host): "Next to Hank Williams, Johnny Cash is seen as the foremost country male figure in the second half of the 20th century. One of the great things he brought to the music was a more open mind, bearing in mind he came from a rockabilly and rock'n'roll background, and of course he also encompassed gospel and folk."

Gennaro Castaldo (HMV records): "Johnny Cash was a true music legend. Ironically, it sometimes takes the death of a great artist for some music fans to buy their albums and really listen to their songs. It's likely that we will see a very substantial surge in sales of all of Johnny's albums."

Mick Jagger: "I was really saddened to hear of Johnny's death. He is a great loss to the music community. His influence spread over many generations of different people. I loved him as singer and a writer. I remember years ago a big part of our repertoire was two of my two favourite Johnny Cash songs, I Walk The Line and Ballad Of A Teenage Queen."

George Clooney: "He just lit up a room and he's going to be missed."

Bono (lead singer of U2): "I considered myself a friend, he considered me a fan - he indulged me. He showed me around his house, his ranch, his zoo - seriously, he had a zoo in Nashville - his faith, his musicianship, it was a lot to take in.' He was more than wise. In a garden full of weeds - the oak tree."

Ed Benson (head of the Country Music Association): "He was not only a giant in the music business but a cultural icon ... something very few people can say," he said.

Tom Petty: "His ability to take a song and make it his own is just uncanny. I heard him sing my song "I Won't Back Down," and I just thought, God, he must have written that, because it never rang so true to me as when I heard him sing it."

John Mellencamp: John Cash is an American original, uncompromised in his craft and incomparable in its execution. He makes you feel that he is playing solely to reach the best part of your spirit."

Merle Kilgore (best man at Cash's wedding and co-writer of Ring of Fire): It's a sad day in Tennessee, but a great day in Heaven. The 'Man in Black' is now wearing white as he joins his wife June in the angel band."

Nick Cave (Australian singer): "He was the real thing. He had such a wealth of experience in his voice, heaven and hell and no-one could touch him."

Emmylou Harris (country singer): "There's never been a voice that had that kind of power, that voice-of-God kind of quality to it. It's probably one of the most recognisable sounds around the world."
Re: Country Singer Johnny Cash Dies at 71 :((((((
Автор: Mr. Zero   Дата: 15.09.03 11:44:20   
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Очень жалко.
Re: Country Singer Johnny Cash Dies at 71 :((((((
Автор: yellow submarine   Дата: 08.10.03 17:34:34   
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Да, безмерно жаль. Мое увлечение музыкой кантри началось лет 35 назад именно с него. Он был неповторим и неподражаем, его ни с кем нельзя было спутать. Без Кэша мир музыки кантри обеднел.
Re: Country Singer Johnny Cash Dies at 71 :((((((
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.08.04 10:01:34   
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Cash's son produces album tributeCash's son produces album tribute

Johnny Cash's son has produced an album by big-name artists, paying tribute to his family's musical heritage.

Emmylou Harris and Sheryl Crow are among the singers brought together by 33-year-old John Carter Cash.

The album, The Unbroken Circle - the Musical Heritage of the Carter Family, celebrates music by the Carter trio - Johnny Cash's family by marriage.

The country singer's mother-in-law Maybelle Carter belonged to the family trio before it disbanded in 1941.

Family estate

Cash appears on the 15-track album singing Engine One-Forty-Three, while his wife June Carter Cash performs Hold Fast to the Right.

Both died within months of each other in 2003, leaving their son to deal with the family estate.

More than 650 items, including handwritten lyrics, photos, vintage clothing and musical instruments, will be auctioned at Sotheby's in New York in September.

The artists on the album, produced at the Cash Studio Cabin, give current renditions of Carter trio classics.

Emmylou Harris and the Peasall Sisters contribute On the sea of Galilee, alongside George Jones with Worried Man Blues.

Singer Sheryl Crow performs No Depression in Heaven, while Rosanne Cash sings The Winding Stream and others.

John Carter Cash developed his recording skills working with his father in the studio cabin.

He was keen to allow the album's artists to bring their own interpretations to the tribute tracks, first performed by his grandmother Maybelle with Alvin Pleasant (AP) Carter and Sara Carter.

"My parents taught me some great lessons," he said.

"I also learned that you have to continue to develop and move forward even though it isn't always easy."
Re: Country Singer Johnny Cash Dies at 71 :((((((
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.09.04 12:25:12   
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Johnny Cash auction yields nearly $4 millionJohnny Cash auction yields nearly $4 million

NEW YORK (Reuters) -- A three-day auction of items owned by the late Johnny and June Carter Cash raised nearly $4 million, more than twice the amount expected, as over 1,000 bidders snapped up property from the country music icons.

A 1986 Grammy that went for $187,200 was the most expensive item sold, auction house Sotheby's said. The winning bid was nearly 27 times the $7,000 expected price.

"We're thrilled with the results," said Leila Dunbar, head of Sotheby's collectibles department. "It's been an extremely intense group of people showing their admiration for Johnny and June, which is not surprising, given the lengths of their careers and the accomplishments of their careers."

The total for the auction was $3.98 million, Sotheby's said. The sale was expected to bring in about $1.5 million.

The Grammy that pulled in the top bid was awarded for best spoken word or nonmusical recording. Johnny Cash shared it with Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis, Roy Orbison, Rick Nelson and record producers Sam Phillips and Chips Moman for interviews taped during a 1985 reunion of the music legends.

Dubbed the "Man in Black" because of his trademark black stage garb, Cash recorded hundreds of songs in a career spanning almost 50 years. June joined his touring show in 1960 and performed with him for three decades.

Other top bids included $131,200 for a custom-made Grammer model guitar used by Cash on his tours. The guitar was expected to bring in $10,000 to $20,000.

A hand-crafted black Martin guitar, often used in Cash's publicity photos, also went for $131,200. It had been expected to sell for $8,000 to $12,000.

Items closely linked with a music star's career are often most prized by collectors, Dunbar said.

The auction also included numerous pieces of furniture, fine art and jewelry collected by the couple and represented about one-third of their estate, Sotheby's said.

June Carter Cash died in May 2003 following surgery. Johnny Cash, who suffered a variety of health problems, succumbed to complications from diabetes in September 2003.

The idea of the auction came from the Cashes, who talked to Sotheby's in 2000 about disposing of some of their things, Dunbar said. After their deaths, their family finalized plans for the auction. Proceeds will go to the Cash estate.
Re: Country Singer Johnny Cash Dies at 71 :((((((
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.09.04 11:02:31   
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Cash sings again
Sun Sep 26 Variety

Following Elvis Presley, John Lennon and the Beach Boys this season, the latest music icon to be lionized in a new Broadway musical will be late country singer Johnny Cash.

Tony-winning director Richard Maltby Jr. ("Ain't Misbehavin'") has signed on to direct "Ring of Fire," a celebratory journey through the Man in Black's experience of life, love, loss and faith.

The show will feature more than 40 songs by Cash and his wife, June Carter Cash, including classics such as "I've Been Everywhere," "Folsom Prison Blues" and "A Boy Named Sue," plus the title song.

Producer Bill Meade and Phoenix Prods. are planning to play select cities next fall before hitting Broadway in 2006.

Cash also is the subject of Fox 2000's biopic "Walk the Line," in production with James Mangold directing. Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon play the country legend and his wife.
Re: Country Singer Johnny Cash Dies at 71 :((((((
Автор: Jack Pumpkinhead   Дата: 27.09.04 21:27:13   
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Он вообще-то давно уже умер, ещё в прошлом году... Жаль его...Он вообще-то давно уже умер, ещё в прошлом году... Жаль его...
Re: Country Singer Johnny Cash Dies at 71 :((((((
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.07.05 17:25:44   
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 His distinctive bass voice has chronicled the lives of coal miners and sharecoppers, prisoners and outcasts. His own story is as compelling as any of the characters in his songs. Johnny Cash was born at the height of the Depression in rural Arkansas, and the legacy of his childhood shines through in many of his classic songs. After a stint in the Air Force, he went to Nashville where he began his recording career with Sam Phillips's Sun Records (where Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis and Carl Perkins also started). BIOGRAPHY traces the singer's life from his hard-scrabble childhood through his more than 70 albums to his recent battles with failing health. Hear some of his legendary hits, and explore his legacy musicians Tom Petty and Roseanne Cash, Johnny's daughter. JOHNNY CASH goes beyond the vinyl to explore the sometimes- troubled personal life, including his marriage to June Carter and his battles with drug addiction in the early 1960's. From the million dollar quartet to nine Grammy awards, this is the saga of the Man in Black.  " His distinctive bass voice has chronicled the lives of coal miners and sharecoppers, prisoners and outcasts. His own story is as compelling as any of the characters in his songs. Johnny Cash was born at the height of the Depression in rural Arkansas, and the legacy of his childhood shines through in many of his classic songs. After a stint in the Air Force, he went to Nashville where he began his recording career with Sam Phillips's Sun Records (where Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis and Carl Perkins also started). BIOGRAPHY traces the singer's life from his hard-scrabble childhood through his more than 70 albums to his recent battles with failing health. Hear some of his legendary hits, and explore his legacy musicians Tom Petty and Roseanne Cash, Johnny's daughter. JOHNNY CASH goes beyond the vinyl to explore the sometimes- troubled personal life, including his marriage to June Carter and his battles with drug addiction in the early 1960's. From the ""million dollar quartet"" to nine Grammy awards, this is the saga of ""the Man in Black."" "
Re: Country Singer Johnny Cash Dies at 71 :((((((
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.08.05 17:02:39   
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Johnny Cash Played By Joaquin Phoenix In New Film  Johnny Cash Played By Joaquin Phoenix In New Film

Joaquin Phoenix has signed up to play Johnny Cash in a film about the late great country singer’s life.

He will star alongside Reese Witherspoon who will play June Carter-Cash in the forthcoming film 'Walk The Line'.

In an interview with Newsweek Phoenix denied using his own experience of losing his brother (River) in order to portray Cash convincingly.

He said: "I don't need to pull from my experience for a character, and I've never understood why actors would, except for lack of ability, imagination or research,"

"I had all three things, so this is a little frustrating to me, because it denies my work and the research that I did."

"It bothers me that this happens, because it's slightly exploitative. Suggesting that I would use this personal part of my life for a fucking movie ... it kind of makes me sick."

Phoenix had the pleasure of meeting Cash about 5 years ago, when they spoke about Phoenix’s role in the film ‘Gladiator’, Cash said to him: "I really loved that 'Gladiator.'”

I really like the way you say 'Your wife moaned like a whore as they ravaged her again and again and again".

'Walk The Line' is out in America in November.
Re: Country Singer Johnny Cash Dies at 71 :((((((
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.08.05 17:03:21   
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ALL IN THE FAMILY Reese Witherspoon and Joaquin Phoenix, at Memphis's Orpheum Theatre, pair up as June Carter and Johnny Cash. The two first collaborated on Cash's breakthrough crossover hit, Ring of Fire, in 1963.ALL IN THE FAMILY Reese Witherspoon and Joaquin Phoenix, at Memphis's Orpheum Theatre, pair up as June Carter and Johnny Cash. The two first collaborated on Cash's breakthrough crossover hit, "Ring of Fire," in 1963.
Re: Country Singer Johnny Cash Dies at 71 :((((((
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.08.05 17:04:13   
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CLASS OF '55 Actors in the roles of rock 'n' roll pioneers Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison, and Jerry Lee Lewis—and Waylon Jennings—join Joaquin Phoenix (far left, as Cash) at Sun Studio. From left: Joaquin Phoenix, Shooter Jennings, Waylon Payne (seated), Jonathan Rice, and Tyler Hilton.CLASS OF '55 Actors in the roles of rock 'n' roll pioneers Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison, and Jerry Lee Lewis—and Waylon Jennings—join Joaquin Phoenix (far left, as Cash) at Sun Studio. From left: Joaquin Phoenix, Shooter Jennings, Waylon Payne (seated), Jonathan Rice, and Tyler Hilton.
Re: Country Singer Johnny Cash Dies at 71 :((((((
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.08.05 17:04:55   
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HIGHWAYMAN Joaquin Phoenix, as Cash, takes five on South Main Street in Memphis.HIGHWAYMAN Joaquin Phoenix, as Cash, takes five on South Main Street in Memphis.
Re: Country Singer Johnny Cash Dies at 71 :((((((
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.08.05 17:06:14   
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SOLITARY MAN Joaquin Phoenix, as the Man in Black, on stage at the Orpheum Theatre in Memphis. SOLITARY MAN Joaquin Phoenix, as the Man in Black, on stage at the Orpheum Theatre in Memphis.
Re: Country Singer Johnny Cash Dies at 71 :((((((
Автор: Горыныч   Дата: 22.08.05 17:23:46   
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to: Primal Scream - фотка на сиденье машины. Я б и не узнал его здесь.
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