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Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)

Тема: Битлз - окружение

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Девушки и женщины Битлов (Unofficial Beatles' girls)
Автор: Expert   Дата: 14.04.09 14:19:18
Время от времени всплывает информация чьих-либо воспоминаний.
Re: Unofficial Beatles' girls
Автор: Expert   Дата: 14.04.09 14:21:04   
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Patricia InderPatricia Inder
Патриция Индер, которой Леннон предлагал руку и сердце, но та сочла идею несерьезной.

The day John Lennon proposed to me (pity I thought he was joking!)

Re: Unofficial Beatles' girls
Автор: Expert   Дата: 14.04.09 14:24:42   
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Шарлота Мартин, французская модель, подруга Эрика Клэптона и других замечательных гитаристов 60-ых годов. Шарлота Мартин, французская модель, подруга Эрика Клэптона и других замечательных гитаристов 60-ых годов.

Charlotte Martin: Charlotte was a popular french model in the sixties and seventies. She is mostly remembered for her relationships with Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page. Eric Clapton and Charlotte were together for over two years, but their relationship ended because he fell in love with Pattie Boyd. Eric said Charlotte "was in the way of someone else, who, even though I couldn't have her, was commanding my every thought." Charlotte then moved in with George and Pattie Harrison at their modern bungalow Kinfauns. Charlotte had a brief affair with George, which devastated Pattie because she considered Charlotte a friend (Pattie also had no idea at the time that she was the reason for Charlotte and Eric's break-up). Charlotte went back to Paris for a while and eventually began a long lasting affair with Jimmy Page. They had a daughter named Scarlett.
Re: Unofficial Beatles' girls
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 14.04.09 17:07:42   
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Подружка многих, в том числе и Ринго - Памэла Дес Баррез.Подружка многих, в том числе и Ринго - Памэла Дес Баррез.
Re: Unofficial Beatles' girls
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 14.04.09 19:20:19   
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>Подружка многих, в том числе и Ринго - Памэла
>Дес Баррез.

Та самая "Лепильщица" - Сюзи CreamCheese, которая есть в фильме Uncle Meat Заппы!
Re: Unofficial Beatles' girls
Автор: Птица Алконост   Дата: 14.04.09 19:22:38   
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А насколько достоверно все это?
Re: Unofficial Beatles' girls
Автор: Expert   Дата: 14.04.09 20:57:33   
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2Птица Алконост:

>А насколько достоверно все это?

А почему бы и не пуркуа?
С другой стороны возражений не поступает.
Тем более к заявке прилагаются как правило фотодокументы, справки, заверенные свидетельства очевидцев и пр.
Re: Unofficial Beatles' girls
Автор: Expert   Дата: 14.04.09 21:00:33   
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Известная Фрэнси Шварц - Francie Schwartz - Пол и Фрэнси 1968 год. Известная Фрэнси Шварц - Francie Schwartz - Пол и Фрэнси 1968 год.
Для Птицы Алканост - фото и воспоминания Фрэнси :)
Re: Unofficial Beatles' girls
Автор: Птица Алконост   Дата: 14.04.09 21:00:56   
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>А почему бы и не пуркуа?
>С другой стороны возражений не поступает.
>Тем более к заявке прилагаются как правило фотодокументы,
>справки, заверенные свидетельства очевидцев и
Нет, я не возражаю, просто пытаюсь понять:))
Re: Unofficial Beatles' girls
Автор: Expert   Дата: 14.04.09 21:01:58   
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Q: Your impressions of Ringo, John and George?Q: Your impressions of Ringo, John and George?

A: You mean my impressions of them circa 1968? Or since? George is the only one I saw after I left London, it was just a couple years later, and I don't think he'd changed.

In order of your question: Ringo -- salt of the earth type. My heart went out to him the night he came over to Paul's house (with his now deceased first wife Maureen, aka "Mo") and told Paul "I don't want to drum any more... it's not fun." I made a very vague reference to that incident in "Body Count". In the studio he rarely spoke or chatted between takes. He was always polite to me, but "we" were a clique within the extended group (Paul & I, John & Yoko) and Ringo was sort of the outsider. When I see him on TV nowadays, I think he's basically an older, wiser version of his young self. Steady as a rock, he is. What you need in a drummer.

John. Funny, sarcastic, emotionally accessible, artistically and musically brilliant, cute, deeply sexy, and smaller in stature than I'd imagined. An aura of mystery and unpredictability. Remember, the night I attended the second session of the "White Album," and met the Other Three, Yoko was there. So in my mind's eye, I never see them separately. It was John who inspired me to become a full-time writer, because so many times I heard him say that his work (as an artist, writer, composer) was his only justification for living -- or words to that effect. He talked the talk and walked the walk. I liked him very very much. He was a great house mate (J&Y lived with us for almost a month). Loved his Kellogg's corn flakes.

George. Adorable, funny, spiritual, kind, and full of the "love thing", the brotherly love associated with pot-smoking children of the 60's. George was very empathetic around me. When Paul's "evil twin" was running things in the studio, or just being cold to me in front of the others, George would emotionally rescue me. We connected that first night at EMI. Later he gave me a mantra, told me how to meditate in one easy lesson, hypnotized me with his love and sympathy. Favorite moments with George include the night he let me into the "box" where he laid down the tracks for "Not Guilty" (the rock version - a slow version was released on one of his solo albums). Right before the first take; he was standing in front of me, I was sitting Indian style on the floor; he said, "Wanna see me do my Elvis impression?" He gave so much of himself away, so easily. If he hadn't been married I would have made a major move toward him. He turned me on!
Re: Unofficial Beatles' girls
Автор: Expert   Дата: 14.04.09 21:02:44   
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2Птица Алконост:

>Нет, я не возражаю, просто пытаюсь понять:))

Понять или уличить в подлоге?
Re: Unofficial Beatles' girls
Автор: Птица Алконост   Дата: 14.04.09 21:04:30   
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>Понять или уличить в подлоге?
Re: Unofficial Beatles' girls
Автор: Expert   Дата: 14.04.09 21:08:30   
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Похоже Битлз только начали обживать помещения Сэвил Роу.Похоже Битлз только начали обживать помещения Сэвил Роу.

Reunião de diretoria na Apple, na Savile Row, antes dos móveis terem chegado. Entre as várias pessoas estão John, Yoko, Paul, Francie Schwartz, Neil Aspinall, Derek Taylor, Mal Evans, Peter Brown e Magic Alex
Re: Unofficial Beatles' girls
Автор: Expert   Дата: 14.04.09 21:14:22   
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Взял из темы Окружение Битлз (Beatles People)Взял из темы "Окружение Битлз (Beatles People)"

Designer 'a sexual first' for Lennon

October 06, 2006 11:36am
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AUSTRALIAN-Chinese fashion designer Jenny Kee claims she was John Lennon's first Asian conquest, possibly paving the way for his future wife, Yoko Ono.

"He'd never been with an Asian girl before, so what can I say?" the eccentric designer told Who magazine.

Kee describes in her new autobiography how she ended up in bed with the famous Beatle when she was a 17-year-old groupie.

"He chose me. He said: 'I've never been with an Asian girl before'," she said.

"Sleeping with John Lennon was a fantastic thing.

"I wasn't a hardened groupie. I was very naive.

"I'd only had two boyfriends before that."

Kee said the experience had changed her life, but it wasn't spontaneous: she'd had a strategy for ending up in Lennon's bed.

"There was wall-to-wall security, but we pressed all the buttons in the lift until it jammed, and that's how we got onto the stairwell and met them," Kee said.

"There was no holding back.",23663,20534340-7484,00.html
Re: Unofficial Beatles' girls
Автор: Expert   Дата: 14.04.09 21:33:06   
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Джекки деШэннон (Jackie DeShannon) не имеет к теме прямого отношения - певица, композитор, была на разогреве Битлз во время американского турне 1964 года. Здесь она делится своими воспоминаниями:Джекки деШэннон (Jackie DeShannon) не имеет к теме прямого отношения - певица, композитор, была на разогреве Битлз во время американского турне 1964 года. Здесь она делится своими воспоминаниями:
Re: Unofficial Beatles' girls
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 15.04.09 10:28:29   
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>>Подружка многих, в том числе и Ринго - Памэла
>>Дес Баррез.
>Та самая "Лепильщица" - Сюзи CreamCheese, которая
>есть в фильме Uncle Meat Заппы!

Старик Державин нас приметил(с)...)))
Re: Unofficial Beatles' girls
Автор: Expert   Дата: 20.04.09 20:53:30   
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Ссылку нашел в теме про девушек Битлз:
Re: Unofficial Beatles' girls
Автор: Expert   Дата: 22.04.10 13:33:22   
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The affair of Graciela Borges and Paul McCartneyThe affair of Graciela Borges and Paul McCartney

In the very success of “Dos Hermanos” (Two Brothers), the movie that starred with Antonio Gasalla, the actress Graciela Borges told her “intimate” story with Paul McCartney, a secret that caused shock in the Argentine fans of the most popular band in history.

The confession took place during an interview where the actress was surprised by the question, and replied laughing: “It was many years ago … ja ja ja. That was the ‘big mouth’ of (Juan Alberto)Badia.”

Juan Alberto Badia is known beatle fan. For that reason, he was considered a reliable source.

“I was a very close friend for a short time. That was long ago. It was in London,” Graciela said.

Unfortunately Borges would not go into the details of their relationship with the author of “Yesterday”, “Hey Jude” and “HelterSkelter”, except for some comments:

“He was a very nice person and I felt very well. We had an excellent relationship.”

She said she kept in contact “for a year.” “After that I lost him. He did not stop growing as an artist and creating beautiful music, ” Grace said.
Re: Unofficial Beatles' girls
Автор: Alisa5White   Дата: 22.04.10 14:18:25   
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где то был один сайт британский кажется - посвященный этому делу - как найду сразу сюда сброшу
Re: Unofficial Beatles' girls
Автор: Theodor   Дата: 22.04.10 16:14:36   
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>Подружка многих, в том числе и Ринго - Памэла
>Дес Баррез.

Она еще фигурирует в документальном фильме BBC о калифорнийском роке. Правда, говорит там только о музыке.
Re: Unofficial Beatles' girls
Автор: Expert   Дата: 22.04.10 18:23:58   
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In 1957, Thelma Pickles entered Liverpool College of Art. Helen Anderson introduced her to John Lennon. John was sitting on the signing in table in front of the collage with Tony Carricker.In 1957, Thelma Pickles entered Liverpool College of Art. Helen Anderson introduced her to John Lennon. John was sitting on the "signing in" table in front of the collage with Tony Carricker.

"My eyes definitely set on John. Tony was prettier, more handsome, with dark hair and dark eyes, but John was so powerful. When he was in a group like that, the focus of attention went to him. He had a presence. I found him very striking from that moment on"

Thelma and John`s friendship blossomed when they were in no hurry to go home and sat on the steps of the Queen Victoria monument for a talk near the bus terminal. During this time, John started calling her "Thel". In February of 1958, John and Thelma became a couple, becoming close by the understanding of broken families.

"Most people stopped short. They were probably frighten of him, and on occasions, there were certainly fights. But with me, he met someone with almost the same background"

At first, Thelma believed that John didn`t care about his father`s leaving, but realized that he did care.

"As I got to know him, he obviously cared. But what I realized quickly was that he and I had an aggression towards life that stemmed entirely from our messy home lives"

John and Thelma had a rebellious streak. John`s Aunt Mimi Smith hated his tight trousers while Thelma`s mother hated her black stockings. John and Thelma would sag off college in the afternoons to see films and would hang out at Ye Crack bar with other students. In July of 1958, John`s mother, Julia, got killed in a car accident, sending John to a tailspin. At one night, John rounded on Thelma in front of several students and was rude to her.
"Don`t blame me, just because your mother`s dead"
John went quiet and things went to a turning point, now respecting her, who in return, his own viciousness with a sentence that was equally offensive. When together, the affinity was special with a particular emphasis on sick humor.

"John laughed and ran up to them to make horrible faces. I laughed with him while feeling awful about it. If a doddery old person had nearly fallen over because John had screamed at her, we`d be laughing. We knew it shouldn`t be done. I was a good audience, but he didn`t do it for my benefit. Children often find that kind of sick humor amusing. Perhaps we just hadn`t grown out of it. He would pull the most grotesque faces and try to imitate his victims"

On the nights when John`s Aunt Mimi Smith was due to go out for the evening of bridge, John and Thelma would meet on a seat in a brick-built shelter on the golf course. When the coast is clear, they would go inside the house to spend some more quality time together. Well aware of John`s failing in the art classes, Thelma would write fake papers for him so that he won`t fail in lettering. By July of 1958, John was growing attracted to another student, Cynthia Powell.

"I was in his camp of boys because I was a bit of an arty beatnik. Cynthia was dainty and sweet. We used to take the mockery out of her, but John always said he fancied her. He was certainly always attracted to her from the first time he saw her in the canteen"

By the end of July of 1958, Thelma left college temporarily and the relationship between her and John was over, but remained friends.

"It just petered out. I certainly didn`t end it. He didn`t either. We still stayed part of the same crowd of students. When we were no longer close, he was more vicious to me in company than before. I was equally offensive back. That way you got John`s respect."

While she was away, she heard that John and Cynthia were close. She was startled, but pleased.

"I thought she`d be good for him, temper his aggression. I knew she`d have to tailor herself into looking like Brigitte Bardot for him, and I remember reflecting on the fact that he`d teased her so much about being so proper. I remember thinking: `He`s got what he wanted-again`"
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