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   16 февраля 2001 года

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Сегодня ранним утром Джордж Харрисон общался со своими фанами через Интернет

Автор: Corvin

Пардон за вчерашнюю путаницу. Сегодня рано утром состоялся не один, а два чата Джорджа Харрисона, приуроченные к выходу ремастированной пластинки "All Things Must Pass". Первый из чатов имел место на Yahoo в 4 часа утра по московскому времени. Харрисон общался с фанатами около 45 минут, затем с десятиминутным опозданием прибыл на второй чат, устроенный MSN и начавшийся в 5.10 утра. Официальные протоколы чатов еще не опубликованы, но вы уже сейчас можете ознакомиться с вопросами и ответами, имевшими место на MSN.com.

DishDiva George, welcome to MSN Live!

George_Harrison_Live Hello, good evening! How's your father! How's your uncle?

DishDiva George, the Internet was not a part of your promotion last time around for "All Things Must Pass." What part does the Internet play in promotion for "ALL Things Must Pass" now?

George_Harrison_Live I suppose the fact that it is just like this. And everyone is listening. It eliminates the time of someone printing up a Newspaper.

SR Is it true that you were really asked to join the beatles because you knew all the chords to "Twenty Flight Rock"?

George_Harrison_Live No! Paul knew "Twenty Flight Rock" but I did too.

Spockmiester55 What is the difference between the old and new release if any?

George_Harrison_Live The new release is remastered and is much much better to the record that existed up until now and it has five bonus tracks on it. It also has new packaging.

Sherwood Will your other past releases receive the deluxe treatment as "Pass" did?

George_Harrison_Live It depends really. They will all be remastered. Whether the artwork will change, I don't know. It depends what we feel at the time and what the record company feels at the time.

jerryfender Don't you miss the old packaging with albums vs CD's? All Things Must Pass was great because even the box was huge!

George_Harrison_Live Twelve inch square artwork gets you more scope and greater impact. Those days the album cover used to be part of the overall package. It seems to become less important because it is smaller and not so many people are interested in the artwork.

doodah Where were you spiritually then when you wrote the lyrics for "My Sweet Lord", and where are you now spritually, have you grown?

George_Harrison_Live Somebody said a very famous Indian saint said "if there is a God, we must see him. And if there is a soul we must perceive it." In the West they still argue if God really exists. Basically, I am in the same place. The song really came from Swami Vivekananda.

iluvgeorge Will you be touring?

George_Harrison_Live At the moment, no.

lidbaby Any musicians you like right now?

George_Harrison_Live Hoagy Carmichael. There are many, many, many musicians.

babe Is most of what's been written about you pure rubbish? Is there any one book that's more accurate than any other?

George_Harrison_Live The one that is the most accurate is "The Beatles" by the Beatles. When a book is written by someone who doesn't like you, it may not be very good.

WildingTangent Are you still writing and recording songs? How would your style of music these days?

George_Harrison_Live I am still doing that, yes. Hopefully, there will be one coming out at the end of the year.

tedsblues recording...analog or digital?

George_Harrison_Live I have always recorded analog except when I was in a live concert. Generally, I record on analog but I hear that digital these days are getting better. The bandwidth is getting better.

arainyfriday Looking back, how do you view your book "I, Me, Mine"? If it were to be re-released, would you make changes based on perspective you have gained over the years?

George_Harrison_Live It was ok for the time. I thought it was well made. It was an excuse to have a nice leather book like the Bible.

liam0241 What was the inspiration for the song 'Run of the Mill'

George_Harrison_Live There was an expression that came from Yorkshire where they made fabric. Run of the mill just means average. I was using that phrase more or less, because, the Beatles were just splitting up. I don't know if they had that expression in America.

sasha Hi Mr. Harrison. My dad and I like your site. Did you do it?

George_Harrison_Live I am not a technician. But I sat with people from Radical Media. They came to my house and set up the computers. The technicians did it and I kept thinking of ideas. I didn't have a concept of what a website was and I still don't understand the concept. I wanted to see little people poking each other with sticks much like Monty Python.

rico What do you wish you could do, that you have'nt done already?

George_Harrison_Live Dematerialize my body.

OKRichH I consider this a great priviledge to chat with you. Was the recording of "All Things Must Pass" a fulfilling outlet for you?

George_Harrison_Live Yeah, at the time it was very fulfilling- a chance to do a record of my own material.

Brit What's the most popular misconception about you that people have?

George_Harrison_Live That I am series. Pisces are depicted as two fish going in opposite directions. That I am serious! Many people do not see the humorous side. It is just as big!

Beat Are you interested in all in the different sounds that electronics can add to guitar sounds, or are you more of a 'back to basics' advocate?

George_Harrison_Live More of back to basics. I really like the sounds they had in the 50's. Now you just buy something and plug it in. You can sound liek Jimi Hendrix or whoever and everyone sounds the same.

jediprincess00 What would you like to say to the younger generation that looks up to you?

George_Harrison_Live: Try to realize what the purpose of being in a body is. There is only one purpose really and that is what you have to try to not forget. Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going?

DishDiva George, it has been a pleasur having you as our guest tonight!

George_Harrison_Live Lots of love and kevlar to everyone! It has been nice talking to you. Please enjoy the website!

Дополнительные ссылки:
Beatles.ru: Завтра состоится чат с Джорджем Харрисоном (15/02/2001)

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"Нисхождение в Эреб" - где купить

Автор: Corvin
Нисхождение в Эреб

Несколько человек обратились ко мне за прошедшие дни по поводу книги "Нисхождение в Эреб. Джон Леннон периода Битлз". Эта книга существует, просто в московском "Библио-Глобусе" она кончилась. Она там продавалась около двух недель назад. Эту книгу можно купить например на Ozon.ru. Цена (без достави) - 72р.50к. В заключение процитирую описание этой книги на "Озоне":

"Автор книги сделал попытку показать эволюцию личности героя 60-х годов, основателя легендарного ансамбля `Битлз`, Джона Леннона, с первых лет его жизни до зрелого возраста. Собранный материал дает читателю возможность наглядно увидеть, как жизнь в условиях материнской депривации повлияла на формирование характера мальчика, о котором в будущем будет говорить весь мир, и к каким тяжелым психологическим последствиям и деформации личности она его привела. В одном из разделов книги помещена подборка текстов песен Леннона, по большей части написанных во время существования `Битлз` и тесно связанных с его личной жизнью, которая позволит читателю совершить нисхождение в глубины сознания Поэта. По замыслу автора книги этот раздел должен представить собой психологический портрет Джона Леннона, составленный из мозаики отдельных текстов. Заключительный раздел представляет собой попытку художественного осмысления автором образов лирики Битлз. Книга может быть интересна не только тем, для кого `Битлз` были когда-то частью жизни, но также психологам, педагогам, социальным работникам и просто вдумчивым родителям."

Дополнительные ссылки:
Beatles.ru: Вышла новая книга о Джоне Ленноне: "Нисхождение в Эреб. Джон Леннон периода Битлз" (5/02/2001)

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