>Скорее всего там будут следующие песни:
>Words of love
>And I love her
>I'm takin' 'bout you
>Besame mucho
>I call your name
>Honey don't (вокал Ринго)
>The night before
>Twist and shout
>There's a place
>Dream baby
>Ask me why
>P.S I love you
>A picture of you
>Beautiful dreamer
>Do you want to know a secret?
>Please please me
>I'll get you
>Anna (Go to Him)
>If I fell
>She loves you
>From me to you
>I want to hold your hand
>Please mr.Postman
>You can't do that
>You should have known better
>I'm happy just to dance with you
>+другие варианты тех песен, что вышли в 1994 году.
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