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Пол Маккартни решил сочинить балет

Дата: 17 февраля 2011 года
Разместил: Corvin
Источник: Gzt.ru
Тема: Пол Маккартни - балет "Ocean's Kingdom" (2011)
Просмотры: 3930

Пол Маккартни решил сочинить балет

Сэр Пол Маккартни объявил, что начал работу над балетом, который, как предполагается, будет поставлен в Нью-Йорке. Об этом он сказал газете Sun после церемонии чествования лауреатов британской киноакадемии Bafta— там экс-битл вручил награду автору музыки к фильму «Король говорит!» Александру Десплату. По словам Маккартни, он очень увлечен новой затеей.

Название будущего балета пока не уточняется, хотя ранее экс-битл уже упоминал об этом проекте. Маккартни никогда не стеснялся экспериментировать, и до сих пор, пожалуй, самым смелым его шагом было написание классической музыки— «Ливерпульской оратории».

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Автор: CorvinДата: 17.02.11 11:53:16
Mac swan

SIR PAUL McCARTNEY has tried his hand at most things, from singing with the Frog Chorus to dabbling with mind-bending drugs.
Now the former BEATLE is adding yet another string to his bow - ballet.

But don't panic, he's not getting his tutu out for some pas de chat.

Macca has spent the last year knocking out a score which will be choreographed by the best in the business and turned into a big New York production.

He will then bring the show to Britain for all the punters who have caught the ballet bug after watching the film Black Swan.

I bumped into the rock Lord at the Baftas in London on Sunday night where he confirmed his plans. He said: "I have been working on a ballet for a while. I'll be making a proper announcement in a few weeks. It's a really exciting project for me."

Macca made a real night of it after presenting the Original Music award at the bash to ALEXANDRE DESPLAT for his work on The King's Speech soundtrack.

While handing over the prize Macca told the audience: "Some of the best music ever written comes from the movies - A Hard Day's Night, Yellow Submarine."

But as well as giving out gongs on Sunday, Macca was being awarded them at the same time.

He bagged the Best Solo Rock Vocal Performance at the Grammys for track Helter Skelter.

Originally a Beatles song, Sir Paul's winning version was performed by him alone for his 2009 live album Good Evening New York City. He beat ERIC CLAPTON, JOHN MAYER, ROBERT PLANT and NEIL YOUNG in the category at the LA awards.

He was able to celebrate at the official Baftas afterparty at Grosvenor House.

Macca - there with his girlfriend NANCY SHEVELL and daughter MARY - stuck around to the bitter end talking to JONATHAN ROSS and all the nominees.

Wossy tweeted: "At Bafta party I told Sir Paul McCartney that since playing Beatles Rock Band as RINGO I had greater respect for him as a drummer... "

This was followed by: "... to which he replied that whenever he played, everyone beat him!"

When all Macca's best pals are incredibly gifted musicians, it's no wonder.

He'll have to get Dance Central going so he can challenge them to a ballet dance-off instead.

Автор: Valeriy_KДата: 17.02.11 11:55:12
А почему бы и нет?А почему бы и нет?
Автор: PURPLEДата: 17.02.11 13:56:11
Пусть будет так!!!


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Тема: Пол Маккартни - балет "Ocean's Kingdom" (2011)


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