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9 октября в Ливерпуле откроют памятник Джону Леннону

Дата: 7 октября 2010 года
Разместил: Corvin
Источник: Rus.ruvr.ru
Тема: Джон Леннон - памятники
Просмотры: 3825

9 октября в Ливерпуле откроют памятник Джону Леннону

В день 70-летия участника группы The Beales Джона Леннона 9 октября у него на родине в английском городе Ливерпуль будет открыт памятник, посвященный его творчеству.

В субботу 9 октября монумент откроет первая жена Джона Синтия и их сын Джулиан. В тот же день в Исландии его вторая жена Йоко Оно и их сын Шон зажгут свет на другом памятнике Леннону, который был построен по инициативе Йоко в Исландии и открыт в 2007 году. Эти два символических действия откроют двухмесячный глобальный фестиваль Джона Леннона, который будет проходить в разных городах мира и завершится 8 декабря, в день 30-летия со дня убийства Джона.

К 70-летнему дню рождения музыканта компания EMI выпустила в свет в обновленной цифровой редакции все восемь сольных альбомов Леннона, созданных после распада группы The Beales в 1970 году.

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Автор: AndreyДата: 07.10.10 21:43:21
Monument honours LennonMonument honours Lennon

A GLOBAL peace monument is to be gifted to the people of Europe on the occasion of John Lennon's 70th birthday. It will be unveiled as part of a gala ceremony in Lennon's birthplace of Liverpool by his eldest son Julian and first wife Cynthia.

Taking place on Lennon's birth date of October 9th, the unveiling of the 18ft monument entitled 'Peace & Harmony' in Liverpool city centre will be attended by two thousand dignitaries and fans from all over the world and will form the most significant global birthday celebration dedicated to John's life and work.

Commissioned by the Global Peace Initiative, an American arts organization dedicated to creating peace monuments around the world to promote global peace, the European Peace Monument has been created by American art prodigy Lauren Voiers in Phoenix, Arizona.

When unveiled in Liverpool's Chavasse Park - a five acre green space in the heart of the city overlooking the River Mersey - it will give hundreds of thousands of visitors to the city the opportunity to celebrate the life and spirit of Lennon and his message of peace.

US artist Lauren Voiers has been asked by Julian to incorporate, within the monument's design, a white feather - which to Julian is a symbol of both his father's spirit and of peace.

As Julian Lennon explains: "One of the things my father said to me was that should he pass away, if there was some way of letting me know he was going to be ok, it was by, in some shape or form, presenting me with a white feather."

The unveiling of the monument by the Lennon family is a remarkable moment in Liverpool's cultural history and one that will be remembered for many years to come. And the fact that this event is to be attended by dignitaries from all over the European Union shows the significance of the monument holds to the wider global community.

Jerry Goldman, MD The Beatles Story, Liverpool comments: "Lennon's message of peace is timeless and is one that is now more relevant than ever. We hope that this imposing monument dedicated to John will become a place that people from all over the world will visit to contemplate peace and John Lennon's contribution to it through his music."

The unveiling of the John Lennon Peace Monument will take place on the morning of Saturday 9th October 2010. Joining Julian and Cynthia Lennon will be Ambassadors and other representatives from the EU, Members of Parliament, leaders of the city of Liverpool, the Global Peace Initiative, The Beatles Story, Liverpool ONE and of course the artist Lauren Voiers.

Councillor Wendy Simon, Liverpool City Council's Cabinet Member for Culture and Tourism, added: "This monument will be a fitting way to remember John and an opportunity for everyone to celebrate the legacy that he left for us all - as an artist, a musician and as a campaigner for peace.'

"Liverpool is the ideal destination for such a monument and will be a welcoming place where people can meet under the timeless banner of peace."

The John Lennon Peace Monument is the second peace monument to be gifted by the Global Peace Initiative. The first was gifted to the people of Asia in 2005, was accepted by the President of Singapore and has a permanent home in his country. There are plans for a third monument to be gifted to the people of South America as part of a pledge by the Global Peace Initiative to reach out to all continents with their message.
Автор: AndreyДата: 07.10.10 21:45:33
А так он, похоже, выглядит в реальности (вид снизу).А так он, похоже, выглядит в реальности (вид снизу).
Автор: BobjorДата: 07.10.10 22:00:39
Ребята! Коробки Джона давно вышли! Что вы пишите?! Почему выпускают?


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