Terminal Frost (Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here - Live) -
Time Arrow (Led Zeppelin: Physical Graffiti Tribute) -
Forever Queen (Queen: A Night At The Opera Tribute) -
Dans Ramblers (John Lennon: Rock'n'roll - Live) -
Ракеты (Aerosmith: Toys In The Attic Tribute) -
Юрий Новгородский (Eric Clapton Tribute)
Terminal Frost (Pink Floyd Tribute) -
Time Arrow (Led Zeppelin Tribute) -
Forever Queen (Queen Tribute) -
Dans Ramblers (John Lennon Tribute) -
Ракеты (Aerosmith Tribute) -
Юрий Новгородский (Eric Clapton Tribute) и другие!
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Tour Book Chris Rea 1988 Driving Home For Cristmas England 24 страницы 4000 рублей Tour Book Dire Straits 1991 On Every Street England 40 страниц autograph Chris White (black-left-up) 2012.10.23. hotel "InterContinental Moscow Tverskaya", Chris Whitten (black-center-up) 2017.03.03. “Crocus city Hall”. 12000 рублей Tour Book Gary Moore 1990 Still Got The Blues Tour 20 страниц 5500 рублей Tour Book Genesis 1986 Invisible Tour England 36 страниц 4000 рублей Tour Book Genesis 1987 Invisible Tour Usa 28 страниц 4000 рублей Tour Book George Michael 1988 The Faith Tour 32 страницы 5500 рублей Tour Book Glenn Hughes 2007 Cis Tour 2007 Russia 16 страниц 4000 рублей Tour Book Jon Lord 2011 Jon Lord Compositions Russia 36 страниц 6000 рублей Tour Book Night Ranger 1983 Japan 36 страниц 4000 рублей Tour Book Paul McCartney 1989 World Tour England 100 страниц autograph Chris Whitten (black-center) 2017.03.03. “Crocus city Hall”, Robbie McIntosh (black-right-up) 2019.01.24. "Eel Pie Club", London. 12000 рублей Tour Book Roxy Music 1980 Flesh + Blood 24 страницы autograph Neil Jason (black) 2017.10.07. hotel "Marriott Tverskaya". 6500 рублей Tour Book Scorpions 1991 Tour 90-91 24 страницы 6500 рублей Tour Book Status Quo 1989 Perfect Remedy Tour 1989-90 England 24 страницы 4000 рублей Tour Book Sweet, Mud 2, Rubettes 2015 Glitz, Blitz & 70's Hits England 16 страниц aut 8000 рублей Tour Book Turner, Tina 2000 Twenty Four seven 40 страниц 4000 рублей Tour Book Wham! 1986 The Final England 32 страницы 4000 рублей Tour Book Whitesnake 1981 Come An' Get It England 36 страниц autograph Neil Murray (black-right-down), Micky Moody (black-right) 2015.11.13. “O2 Academy Islington”, London, UK. 12500 рублей Tour Book Whitesnake 2015 The Deep Purple Tour 24 страницы 4000 рублей Tour Book Y & T 1983 Mean Streak 16 страниц autograph Dave Maniketti (black-center) 2014.11.01. “O2 Academy Islington”, London, UK. 7500 рублей
Notes Joe Satriani 1997 10 EasyGuitarTranscriptions With Solo 84 страницы 5000 рублей Notes Joe Satriani 1995 12 Songs Featuring Satch's Usa 68 страниц 5000 рублей