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George "Get Back" sessions incident "discovered"

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George "Get Back" sessions incident "discovered"
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 18.03.02 22:28:31
The UK Mirror Saturday trumpeted a big story about a tape from the "Get Back" sessions involving George "recently discovered" by a collector. The Mirror said the tape, which the story said was from Jan. 8, 1969, seems to have George trying to persude Paul and John to record some of his songs. Despite the assurance of the story this has never been bootlegged, it actually has... on Yellow Dog's "The Best of All Things Must Pass (Part One)." (Thanks, John.) John tells us while part of it was from Jan. 8, some of it was actually from later that month. Looks like the tabloid was fooled.
Here's a transcript of what the story was referring to:

LENNON: I tell you what I'd like to hear after this.
McCARTNEY: After this TV thing?
LENNON: After this show?
HARRISON Yeah OK. You know there's so many songs that I've got that are, like, my quota of tunes for the next 10 years of albums.
Unidentified voice: Yeah.
HARRISON I'd just like to maybe do an album of songs.
LENNON: On your own?
HARRISON But I mean I'd like it so that if, er...
(Voice asks George for his reasons.)
HARRISON Because it would be nice. It would be nice to get them all out of the way and, secondly, just to hear what all mine are like.
LENNON: If we go out there just now (he apparently means in front of the cameras) and say The Beatles are staying together but George is doing an album..."
HARRISON Yeah well, but it would be nice if any of us could have separate things as well. But that way it also preserves this, the Beatle bit of it, more. Because...
LENNON: Then you have an outlet for every little note you want.
HARRISON No because all these songs of mine I could give to people who could do 'em good. But I suddenly realised... no f*** all that, just gonna do me for a bit. (laughter).
Unidentified voices: That's the way.
HARRISON And you know...
Background voices: We wanna do it.
HARRISON With all these tunes, I could do them in a week at the most. I could have it recordable, remixed and everything. Because they're all very simple, you know. I mean, I don't think they'll need much.
(Beatles play "All Things Must Pass, plus short version of "I Me Mine" with Lennon in falsetto.)
LENNON: How did we do it that quick? Is that the end of it?
HARRISON Yeah. It's only so long.
LENNON: We could use it for a commercial. Yeah it's fine. And what do we do about that? It's not that hard to do. I mean for you.
(Song resumes.)
LENNON: All the girls go mad, Harrison visualises. (Then, as George finishes the song) Run along son. We're a rock'n'roll band you know. Ba boom ba boom ba boom ba boom.
HARRISON (on his song "Something"): 'Attracts me like a pomegranate'. We could have that. (Then, later) We could have: 'Where did you go missed the show, I don't know I don't know.' Or 'Where did you go, Mr Joe, Missed the show, I don't know.'
Re: George "Get Back" sessions incident "discovered"
Автор: Слава Савицкий   Дата: 19.03.02 23:08:57   
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Неплохо бы переводить такие сообщения - я английский знаю,
а если кто нет?
Re: George "Get Back" sessions incident "discovered"
Автор: Shena V.M.   Дата: 20.03.02 15:03:13   
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