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Джон Лорд из Deep Purple скончался на 72-м году жизни

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Re: Джон Лорд сыграет с оркестром
Автор: alekksandr   Дата: 17.07.12 10:40:46   
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«Джон переходит от тьмы к свету» Джон Лорд из группы Deep Purple умер в возрасте 71 года.

Один из основателей легендарного коллектива скончался от перенесенной тромбоэмболии легочной артерии. Он страдал от рака поджелудочной железы и в последнее время лечился в клинике Лондона, передает британский NME.

Уже играя в различных группах, до начала 1968 года, музыкант имеющий за спиной консерваторию, был органистом церкви святой Терезы в Лондоне.

Лорд стал соавтором многих песен Deep Purple, в том числе бессмертной Smoke On The Water и был ответственен за культовый органный рифф из Child in Time. Музыкант оставался с коллективом вплоть до 2002 года, затем он занялся сольной карьерой. Лорд неоднократно приезжал с концертами в Россию, как в составе Deep Purple, так и с сольными выступлениями.

Профессионализм Лорда отмечали не только рок-музыканты, но и специалисты в области классической музыки, элементы которой в том или ином виде присутствуют как в сольных работах музыканта, так и в его манере аранжировки.

Помимо Deep Purple он также работал с Whitesnake, Paice, Ashton And Lord, The Artwoods, Nazareth, The Kinks и Flower Pot Men.

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Re: Джон Лорд из Deep Purple скончался на 72-м году жизни
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 17.07.12 10:44:03   
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Re: Джон Лорд из Deep Purple скончался на 72-м году жизни
Автор: Mr. Kite   Дата: 17.07.12 11:46:59   
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Упокой, Господи, душу раба Твоего, Джона.
Re: Джон Лорд из Deep Purple скончался на 72-м году жизни
Автор: Ptichka Webbird   Дата: 17.07.12 12:07:08   
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Мне посчастливилось побывать на репетиции Лорда во время его приезда в Киев в 2010 г и пообщаться с ним во время и после пресс-конференции... .... Ну что скажешь, человечище!!!! Великий музыкант и просто умнейший и обаятельнейший человек.Мне посчастливилось побывать на репетиции Лорда во время его приезда в Киев в 2010 г и пообщаться с ним во время и после пресс-конференции... .... Ну что скажешь, человечище!!!! Великий музыкант и просто умнейший и обаятельнейший человек.
Re: Джон Лорд из Deep Purple скончался на 72-м году жизни
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 17.07.12 12:49:47   
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дорогой Джон, легкой дороги и землю пухом...
ты был такой искренний, человек с внутренней верной струной
никогда не забуду твоей улыбки, когда ты прям со сцены пожал мне руку
спасибо за музыку, Джон, увидимся

слёзы в три ручья...
Re: Джон Лорд из Deep Purple скончался на 72-м году жизни
Автор: K.Eff   Дата: 17.07.12 13:00:38   
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Чуть ли не каждую неделю такие печальные новости. Уходит эпоха, уходят революционеры Великой рок-революции 60-х - 70-х годов.
Для тех, чья юность по-счастью выпала на те года, такие уходы ощущаются особенно пронзительно.
Одно может утешить, великие музыканты уходят, но великая музыка остаётся и останется навсегда!
Почтим его память!
Обсуждение новости: "Джон Лорд из Deep Purple скончался на 72-м году жизни"
Автор: wm   Дата: 17.07.12 13:51:49   
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Re: Джон Лорд из Deep Purple скончался на 72-м году жизни
Автор: Drybushchak   Дата: 17.07.12 14:02:02   
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Ряд музыкантов уже выразили свои соболезнования короткими фразами, в отличие от Ларса Ульриха:
"Ever since my father took me to see them in 1973 in Copenhagen, at the impressionable age of 9, Deep Purple has been the most constant, continuous and inspiring musical presence in my life. They have meant more to me than any other band in existence, and have had an enormous part in shaping who I am. So obviously I'm beyond bummed, saddened and devastated by today's news of the untimely passing of keyboardist Jon Lord.
We can all be guilty of lightly throwing adjectives like "unique," "one-of-a-kind" and "pioneering" around when we want to describe our heroes and the people who've moved us, but there are no more fitting words than those right now and there simply was no musician like Jon Lord in the history of hard rock. Nobody. Period.
There was nobody that played like him. There was nobody that sounded like him. There was nobody that wrote like him. There was nobody that looked like him. There was nobody more articulate, gentlemanly, warm, or fucking cooler that ever played keyboards or got anywhere near a keyboard. What he did was all his own. Including obviously his unique sound. Whatever it was he did with that Hammond organ, the way the Leslie distorted what he was playing and pushed it to some unheard of place, the way he attacked it while he was throwing it around, and whatever the fuck else it was that was going down between Jon and "The Beast", as he called his organ, it was unlike anything before, during or after. That simple.
Deep Purple of course was also an entity all their own, always unpredictable, often impulsive, never repetitive and most of the time, other worldly. I had the good fortune of seeing them three times in Copenhagen between ’73 and ’75, numerous times again on the reunion runs in ’85 and ’87. We even played a couple of gigs in Germany with them in the summer of ’87 and needless to say, every time was an experience that had a major impact on me. Seeing Jon on stage right playing the riffs, the colorings, the textures, the next level solos, intros, outros, blues bits, classical pieces and whatever else came into his head each night AND on top of that keeping up with Ritchie Blackmore song after song, night after night, was the sign of the master of his craft . . . the most accomplished, original and unique hard rock keyboardist that ever walked this planet.
In 1992 when we played Munich on the Black Album tour, Jon Lord and lead singer, Ian Gillan came down to the show and stood in the snake pit the whole time. I was in heaven. Performing in front of members of the band that had meant more to me than anything in my life was a dream come true. And when I got a signed note after the show that they had had to leave and get back to their milk and cookies and be ready for the recording sessions the next day, I was simply beyond psyched. My hero(es) in the fuckin snake pit.!!!!! "Look Mom, on top of the fuckin world!!"
....Full circle for the impressionable 9 year old from KB Hallen in Copenhagen in February '73.
Rest in peace Jon and THANK YOU for everything,
Re: Джон Лорд из Deep Purple скончался на 72-м году жизни
Автор: Ptichka Webbird   Дата: 17.07.12 14:12:28   
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А вот от Рика Уэйкмена -
I first became aware of Jon Lord in the mid-sixties when Hush was released and I bought the album Shades of Deep Purple which was an album way ahead of its time. For obvious reasons I paid special attention to the organ style and sound as it was quite different from how other Hammond players were using the instrument. I became a genuine admirer and fan of Jon that day and remained so with everything he did

We became real friends just a few years ago although we had met on numerous occasions prior to that. We did talks together at music conservatories, we met for lunch and most importantly made music together. We wrote a piece 12 months ago for the Sunflower Jam at the Royal Albert Hall. We wrote this piece together at John Henry's rehearsal studios in London and it was so easy because we had such different styles and because Jon was concentrating heavily on the Hammond and I on synthesizers, the blend was quite magical. The piece was performed just the once and I am told was filmed. although I have never seen the footage.

We sat in the dressing room which we shared at the Royal Albert Hall and made plans to do an album together. We were both utterly convinced that we could come up with something very special as our styles blended so well together. Our love of classical music and also working that style within that of rock music also completed the bond . We arranged to meet up later that month

One week before we were due to meet Jon called me with the news he was ill. He was very positive and actually said he'd never felt better in his life and so he would beat it however long it took and so to bear with our project which went on hold.

We spoke a couple of times after that and the last message I got was that he was responding well to his treatment. The news today has hurt me like no other loss of a musician I have known. I can only thank him for the legacy he has left us all with his great music, great vision and for his kindness as he was one of the most gentle and kind persons I have ever had the pleasure of being able to call my friend. My heart goes out to Vicki his wife and all his family.

Rick Wakeman
16th July 2012

Re: Джон Лорд из Deep Purple скончался на 72-м году жизни
Автор: Ptichka Webbird   Дата: 17.07.12 14:46:54   
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Когда я на пресс-конференции Лорда задавал вопрос, прежде чем ответить, он сказал: У тебя правильная футболка :))Когда я на пресс-конференции Лорда задавал вопрос, прежде чем ответить, он сказал: "У тебя правильная футболка :))"
Обсуждение новости: "Джон Лорд из Deep Purple скончался на 72-м году жизни"
Автор: relayer   Дата: 17.07.12 15:31:22   
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Охоо Земля тебе пухом, герой нашей молодости...
Re: Джон Лорд из Deep Purple скончался на 72-м году жизни
Автор: Drybushchak   Дата: 17.07.12 15:38:21   
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Мик Бокс:
I was truly shocked to hear that Jon Lord 71, had passed away. Jon was one of the all time great, rock keyboard players, and composers, and he had the most amazing Hammond Organ sound ever.
I have known Jon for many years dating back to the late 60's, and he was always the perfect gentleman, and great company.
The musical world has lost a giant, and his contribution to rock music will live on forever.
When people have asked me who was my favourite keyboard player, his name was always first on my lips.
Роджер Гловер:
It’s unthinkable that Jon is gone. My thoughts are for his wife Vicky and all his children and family at this sad moment in their lives. I wish them all strength.
A great sadness and sense of loss hangs over me. Not only has the music world lost a fantastic musician but a gentleman of the finest order. He was a giant in my life, a great friend, a fellow traveler, a teacher, not only of music, but of life. I am devastated at his passing.
Re: Джон Лорд из Deep Purple скончался на 72-м году жизни
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 17.07.12 15:40:51   
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Не стало Лорда.
Легенда рок-музыки и клавишник великих Deep Purple ушёл от нас.
Очень жаль.Для меня эту любимый музыкант со школьных лет начала 70-х...
Re: Джон Лорд из Deep Purple скончался на 72-м году жизни
Автор: Felix   Дата: 17.07.12 17:49:46   
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Re: Джон Лорд из Deep Purple скончался на 72-м году жизни
Автор: sergey-zepp   Дата: 17.07.12 18:36:38   
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Re: Джон Лорд из Deep Purple скончался на 72-м году жизни
Автор: DK67   Дата: 17.07.12 18:55:17   
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Очень, очень жаль...
Во мне с детства боролись две половины за первенство ЛЗ или ДП. (глупо и наивно). Но если бы Джон Лорд был в ЛЗ, то вопрос и вовсе не возникал бы.
Слава Богу, довелось увидеть его на двух концертах в Киеве. Один раз с ДП, второй - с оркестром.

Re: Джон Лорд из Deep Purple скончался на 72-м году жизни
Автор: DK67   Дата: 17.07.12 18:55:31   
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Personal message from Ritchie about Jon Lord's passing:
Jon was not only a great musician, he was my favorite dinner companion. We are all deeply saddened. We knew he was sick but the word was that he was recovering and doing much better. This news came as a complete shock. Without Jon there would be no Deep Purple. He lives on in our hearts and memories.
Re: Джон Лорд из Deep Purple скончался на 72-м году жизни
Автор: Audrey   Дата: 17.07.12 18:57:10   
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Ужас. Очень жаль. Покойся с миром...
Re: Джон Лорд из Deep Purple скончался на 72-м году жизни
Автор: mishana   Дата: 17.07.12 19:21:02   
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Re: Джон Лорд из Deep Purple скончался на 72-м году жизни
Автор: Drybushchak   Дата: 17.07.12 19:51:33   
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Стив Морс:
Jon just died. I'm shocked and don't know what to do, so I'm going to try to tell you a little about Jon.
Jon was the powerhouse keyboard player that brought rock and classical directly together many times. The first was his timeless organ solo on "Highway Star". The next was his "Concerto for Band and Orchestra". I was able to perform with the whole band as it was played at Albert Hall before we toured extensively with it. Just weeks ago, I was able to play on a studio recording of Jon's concerto and share some heartfelt thoughts and words with him.
Jon was the guy that would stop us from giving up on an idea in songwriting because it wasn't immediately obvious. I remember him encouraging me in the studio to keep doing what I was doing as I played around with an idea that I was intrigued with. After writing something as amazing as his concerto, he still had the imagination to hear ideas on top of anything I suggested. He always had a regal, gentlemanly manner. Like any of us, he could get annoyed, but he would only show it with his wry and dry wit.
Mostly, he was upbeat and a pleasure for anybody to be around. His humor was right up my alley, with us exchanging ridiculous thoughts like,"If Brenda Lee married Tommy Lee, her new name would be Brenda Lee......" Or having him finish the tune when an announcement at an airport would start with several musical notes to get your attention. It's hard to give anecdotes that convey an ease that somebody could give you, but he sure had that ability. We all love people that will pay attention to our kids, and years ago he charmed my (then) 5 year old son, Kevin with a Donald Duck imitation even while he was being hurried to get out of the dressing room and go to the green room for after show greetings.
Jon retired from the endless DP tour schedule, but continued to do appearances with original material and performances of his concerto. I knew he missed the band he helped start, but at the same time couldn't stand the relentless travel. From time to time, we would see him on tour, and he would sit in with us. The last time we played, less than a year ago, at the Sunflower Jam at Royal Albert Hall, he had just come offstage from performing with Rick Wakeman. Later I talked with him and his wife about how strange it felt to look around at the keyboards and not see him there at Albert Hall. We promised to do something together. Soon thereafter, we all learned of his battle with Pancreatic cancer. I kept hearing hopeful, positive reports that they might be making progress, but this sudden death caught me totally unaware. I thought we would meet and do a recording project in the future when he recovered from the chemotherapy. Well, we sort of did, but I had to record it and send it to him, as we were in different countries.
If you have friends, family, especially kids, don't ever miss a chance to do or say something special....or simply appreciate the fact that they are there. One day, they won't be.
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