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Terminal Frost (Pink Floyd Tribute) - Time Arrow (Led Zeppelin Tribute) - Forever Queen (Queen Tribute) - Dans Ramblers (John Lennon Tribute) - Ракеты (Aerosmith Tribute) - Юрий Новгородский (Eric Clapton Tribute) и другие!
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Inside the Yellow Submarine : The Making of the Beatles' Animated Classic

Тема: Битлз - битловские фильмы, док. фильмы и видео

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Inside the Yellow Submarine : The Making of the Beatles' Animated Classic
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 11.02.02 15:39:30
Inside the Yellow Submarine: The Making of The Beatles Animated Classic Now more than ever we need this timeless classic to remind us that "our friends are all aboard". Bob Hieronimus, Ph.D. explains how Love is All You Need to conquer all the Blue Meanies in your life, and all the secrets behind this landmark film. After 30 years of research and interviews, Dr. Bob Hieronimus has written the only historical book about this influential "mod odyssey". Inside The Yellow Submarine has over 200 illustrations and is jammed with facts. Introduction written by Sir George Martin!

Why was the movie Yellow Submarine made without The Beatles in the first place?
How can such a peace and love movie have so much controversy surrounding it?
Is it true the artists practically "made it up as they went along"? Were they on drugs?
Who kidnapped the negatives of the unfinished film and held them for leverage?
Did John Lennon really design any "Blue Meanies"?
How you can identify all the "lonely people" in the Eleanor Rigby sequence.
And much, much more!
What Others Are Saying...

"The story of its creation, told here by Robert Hieronimus, is almost as dramatic and as fascinating as the story of the Beatles themselves." --Sir George Martin, Beatles Producer, in the Introduction

"This is probably a more important work than the film it documents." --Erich Segal, Ph.D., one of the Yellow Submarine Writers, in the Foreword

"I consider you THE Yellow Submarine expert." --Geoff Baker, Apple publicist and Beatles spokesperson

"Full of the kinds of things I've always wondered about the movie." --Matt Hurwitz, Good Day Sunshine
Original Cover Art by Yellow Submarine Designer Heinz Edelmann!

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