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Какие вопросы Джаггеру надо задать? Предложите свои вопросы.

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Какие вопросы Джаггеру надо задать? Предложите свои вопросы.
Автор: n88   Дата: 07.02.02 18:38:18
Многие участники имеют инет только на работе и не смогут початиться ночью. Им, и не только им, предоставляется возможность задать свои вопросы через тех, кто сможет это сделать. Обсуждать актуальность вопроса прямо тут.
Re: Какие вопросы Джаггеру надо задать? Предложите свои вопросы.
Автор: n88   Дата: 07.02.02 18:46:15   
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Есть предложение: записать полностью весь чат продолжительностью один час. Как это лучше сделать, чтобы потом разместить в форуме?
Re: Какие вопросы Джаггеру надо задать? Предложите свои вопросы.
Автор: ssw2ssw   Дата: 07.02.02 18:46:56   
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Со страшной силой хочи знать историю
создания песен:
-"Леди Джэйн";
-"Симпатия к Дьяволу";
-"Ангел в моём сердце" (сольник М.Джаггера).
Re: Какие вопросы Джаггеру надо задать? Предложите свои вопросы.
Автор: n88   Дата: 07.02.02 18:57:58   
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Чат с Mick Jagger'ом сегодня! Автор: ИГОРЬ Дата: 07.02.02 07:33:53

http://chat.msn.com/msnlive_feature.msnw?id=artist/mickjagger_feb72002 сегодня, 7февраля по ентому адресу в 7p.m. состоится чат с САМИМ
главным Роллингом. Кто там попродвинутей, скажите скока это будет по Москве. И что- погнали чатица с Михаилом Джегговым? Если у кого то получится- сообщите.

Re: Чат с Mick Jagger'ом сегодня!
Автор: Бека Дата: 07.02.02 08:40:26
Получается, что в 3 часа ночи по московскому времени...
У нас в Бишкеке вообще будет 5 часов утра, но всё равно постараюсь задать мистеру Джэггеру пару вопросов.
Re: Какие вопросы Джаггеру надо задать? Предложите свои вопросы.
Автор: n88   Дата: 07.02.02 20:29:40   
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Записывать чат можно так:

сфкдф: : в чате
сфкдф: здесь я, только вот имя мое исковеркано
ИГОРЬ: А как правильно?
ИГОРЬ: Аааа понял уже
сфкдф: во-во
сфкдф: никаких, как я посмотрю, сдвигов в сторону более нормальной работы чата не наблюдается пока, а жаль...((
ИГОРЬ: Ну что- с Джаггером сёдня будешь чатицца?
сфкдф: неа, у мен рабочий день заканчивается
ИГОРЬ: Это ночью будет..У меня тоже не получится- комп на работе((
сфкдф: та же история
ИГОРЬ: Ребята из форума собираются, можт расскажут потом
ИГОРЬ: Я бы спроси зачем они Билла Уаймена выгнали и ещё- книга Primitive cool соответствует действительности и в какой степени?
сфкдф: висююююю
ИГОРЬ: Читал(а) Мик Джаггер- просто крутой. Недавно на русском вышла?
-------------------18.58: : в чате
-------------------18.58: Задайте вопросы Джаггеру через тему в форуме.

Но надо ли делать запись чата? И кто это будет делать?
Re: Какие вопросы Джаггеру надо задать? Предложите свои вопросы.
Автор: Бека   Дата: 08.02.02 03:39:39   
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Всё, чат прошёл. Длился он не час, как обещали, а гораздо меньше (где-то минут 30-40), потому что Мик свалил на какую-то вечеринку или что-то в этом роде.

Я безуспешно пытался задать ему вопрос, раз двадцать отсылал ему вопросы (и каждый раз что-нибудь новое!), но никакого ответа от Мика не получил. Я расстроен.
Re: Какие вопросы Джаггеру надо задать? Предложите свои вопросы.
Автор: Nicky de Gree   Дата: 08.02.02 04:03:03   
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О черт! Я последний час сижу на работе... с офигенной выделенкой... и просто скучаю в ожидании материалов для работы... ;((( и не знал, что чат с Джаггером... ;((((
Re: Какие вопросы Джаггеру надо задать? Предложите свои вопросы.
Автор: Piper   Дата: 26.02.02 19:28:30   
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Полный текст чата с Джаггером -

log van http://chat.msn.com/chatroom.msnw?rm=onstage
Mick Jagger chat
van 0:44 8-2-02 tot 1:27 8-2-02

Get satisfaction and meet rock and roll star Mick Jagger Check out Mick Jagger's Goddess In The Doorway, album at MSN Music http://go.msn.com/intg/222.asp....windowsmedia.msn.com/preview/Default.aspx?preview=686269

Mick_Jagger_Forever in Onstage1 asks: Hey Mick!!!!!! I love you man, I just want to say your new song is da bomb!!!!!
monkeypooface in Onstage1 asks: Hi Mick, We all think your cool and thats why were here, plus to have a laugh, but if your not busy next week I'm having a bit of a party.
Lumi_Dragon in Onstage1 asks: Hi Mick!I just realized you won't be able to answer to ALL of these questionsso I just wanted to say hi just in case.Words are just words,but I think you're the best, keep going!&don't forget: we have to see you live with the guys in Greece this year!
Bogie125 in Onstage3 asks: This is not a question. I just want to say that I've been a fan since '64 and that I want to thank you for the influence you've had on my life. Thanks.
DishDiva says: See the exclusive online premiere of "Visions of Paradise" ONLY on MSN Music at <http://music.msn.com/preview/?preview=686269>
DishDiva says: Welcome to the fans from Mick's fan site!@
DishDiva says: It's great to have you here!
DishDiva says: Your hosts this afternoon are Trish, Budd, Joan and Mark. If you have any questions about this event or MSN Live, they can help you!
DishDiva says: We'll be starting tonight's show in just a few minutes!
DishDiva says: Thanks for joining us on MSN Live!
AmbidextrousSister in Onstage1 asks: ((((((((((((((((((MICK I LUV U))))))))))))))))))))))
DishDiva says: Tonight we will be joining Mick live from London.
DishDiva says: Welcome to MSN Live! Tonight we are pleased to welcome legendary rocker Mick Jagger to MSN for the very first time!
DishDiva says: Hi Mick!
Mick_Jagger_Live says: I'm really happy to be here doing this web chat. It's kind of late here. I'm just coming from a really big party, so I feel great. Welcome to the chat!
LauraCappe in Onstage1 asks: Is your new album an experiment for you, musically, or is it tried and true rock?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: It's a mixture between the traditional and less traditional. It's a lot of different styles and beats taken further than rock. So it's a good balance between those two things.
Caelux¹ in Onstage2 asks: With being in the industry so long, do you ever see yourself back when you first started and think to yourself, "Oh my god, I actually did those things?"
Mick_Jagger_Live says: (laughs) Of course you always do a lot of embarassing things throughout your career. The most obvious thing is, did I wear that? You always manage to think you were young then, and you don't always want to be reminded of those things.
Mick_Jagger_Live says: When you see it in print, you just want to chuck it away. (laughs)
dolittle84 in Onstage3 asks: How do you keep it fresh, new and exciting after all of these years? Does new material still get you revved and ready to go?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: Yeah. I think you get really excited about new things and want to tell everyone about them and play them for everybody. It's hard to make good judgements about them because you are so excited, but that's the way it should be. You should be excited about
Mick_Jagger_Live says: what you're doing.
SmilingMrschef in Onstage1 asks: Mick is it true that first you wanted Rob Thomas to assist you in producing your newest release?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: I don't think Rob produces, he writes and sings. He wrote a third of the song and sings harmony. And his producer is the head of Virgin Records.
offjerked in Onstage1 asks: when you are onstage, do you think about the moves you make, or do you just make them? Were there any influences on those moves?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: I don't think about them that much. After a while you know you're going to do certain things on certain songs and you have a pattern you use, but if you want to go away from the pattern you can. People tell you if it works or not. Every night you can
Mick_Jagger_Live says: extemporize within those moves. I think that's the norm with everyone. When I was starting out, I used to watch a lot of performers. I watched James Brown, Tina Turner, Jackie Wilson, Joe Tex and Dame Margo Fontaine. And after checking them out I would go
Mick_Jagger_Live says: home and try out those moves. Then you realize Joe Tex was wearing knee pads, and you find out doing the move really hurts. (laughs)
LourMontana in Onstage1 asks: Why did you choose an elephant for your new video?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: (laughs) It's not really a video if you don't have a girl sitting on an elephant.
Stonesdoug in Onstage1 asks: Mick--can you teel us anything about the 40th Anniversary Stones tour yet?-(Stonesdoug)
Mick_Jagger_Live says: No.
vlado325 in Onstage1 asks: What song or songs that you have written are you most proud of as a songwriter?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: (ooohh) I can't think of the answer... "Can't Always Get What You Want." A lot of others. I'm very proud of a lot of them. Some are better than others, but as a whole they're all a great song book, and that's what makes me the most proud.
BillsFan9450 in Onstage1 asks: "Goddess" is a great record, Mick! Have you had any feedback from your bandmates?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: I spent the evening with Ronnie Wood and he loves it!
Re: Какие вопросы Джаггеру надо задать? Предложите свои вопросы.
Автор: Piper   Дата: 26.02.02 19:31:25   
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xXBaby_Gurl1Xx in Onstage1 asks: Mick, your song "Visions of Paradise" is beautiful, who or what inspired you to write it?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: A very beautiful English girl.
leapyleigh in Onstage1 asks: Mick,your daughters sing with you on the new album. Are they your inspiration?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: Yes. They're a lot of fun actually. They're such entertaining girls and they keep me amused. It's a long job, but a very enjoyable one, looking after them.
cutelildragon40 in Onstage3 asks: What is like to be known as a rock leged?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: I feel like one of those old movie stars cast in stone, that never move, especially when my make-up starts melting. From a fur coat company came a legend, What becomes legend? And I think it made you think of Diana Ross and that ruined legends for me.
Lady_Jane688 in Onstage2 asks: What's the real story behind "Agie"?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: I think Keith wrote the first line, I think it was his daughter. It was about love coming to a full stop. The actual name, I'm not sure where it came from, it's not about Angela Bowie. I think it's Keith's daughter's name.
BMarriott in Onstage1 asks: MIck, can we expect a DVD release of "Being Mick"?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: Yes you can! It should be out in the next couple of months and it has a lot of bits on it. I was in France a couple of days ago and was stopped on the streets and asked when the next espisode will come out
ladyblue_eyes1 in Onstage3 asks: Are you turning all your attention to movie acting?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: Not really no. I'm doing more movie producing. I'm in an independent movie this summer called "The Man From Elysian Fields."
LoveYouLive in Onstage3 asks: Was Kenneth Anger very influential on your belief systems?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: No.
Mick_Jagger_Live says: A good question though.
FaithfulA2Z in Onstage1 asks: Mick, I loved your latest, Goddess...it has all the energy of your late seventies/early eighties stuff. I see you capturing a younger audience with it. Are you finding that the case? Getting the attention of younger listeners?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: I have no idea. I think my audience is all kinds of ages from children to grannies really. Bless them all!
Meckblad in Onstage2 asks: Mick, thanks for all the memories! Of all the versions of your songs by other artists, which is your favorite?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: The Dandy Warhol's new single. Nancy Sanatra "As Tears Go By."
dhsr756 in Onstage3 asks: Are any of your kids musicians and do they plan to become recording artists?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: I don't think any of them are starved musicians. I don't know who will eventually do it. I don't know.
oldrockdude1 in Onstage2 asks: Hey Mick, Thanks for all the great music. Whats next?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: I'm going back to my party. (laughs) I was dancing to an Irish fiddle band.
kyx98 in Onstage3 asks: What's Mick short for?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: Michael.
ÅñÐяèW™ in Onstage1 asks: Hi Mick, what's the "message" in Goddess In The Doorway" ? Andrew/Ada,Oklahoma
Mick_Jagger_Live says: Yeah, there's more than one. It's not an album that's supposed to be a message or preachy, it's just emotional ideas. These's not one message, there's several messages.
Lumi_Dragon in Onstage1 asks: Hi Mick!Oh, what question to pick?What has been the most challenging, difficult moment[if there was any ]of your career so far&how would you change what happened if you had the chance?Thanks, waiting to see you live in Greece again with the new tour
Mick_Jagger_Live says: I think the most challenging thing is the first show on a tour because you don't really know what you're going to be doing. And you never have enough time for rehearsal and you never know what the audience will be doing.
Manolis_Varnasactor1 in Onstage3 asks: What do you find as the biggest pleasure in life?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: There's lots of pleasures in your life. You can't just single one out. There's ones of creativity, performing and there's sensual pleasures and your eating and drinking pleasures and there's your intellectual pleasures. Life if full of pleasures and you
Mick_Jagger_Live says: try to enjoy them. Your family is one of those pleasures, and you try to enjoy them and watching them grow up.
Re: Какие вопросы Джаггеру надо задать? Предложите свои вопросы.
Автор: Piper   Дата: 26.02.02 19:32:55   
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UltraSteelFox in Onstage1 asks: What is the meaning behind the title of you're new album?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: It's about the metaphorical woman that you try and reach and and touch her, but she disappears when you try and reach her.
sisterfanny in Onstage1 asks: A few of your recent songs (incl. Stones) have religious references - are you quite spiritual?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: Just a touch of mysticism and a wineglass full of spirituality that I tend to translate into a couple of tunes.
pervasive_one in Onstage2 asks: Important to me. Can you tell me about the Harmonica technics used in Party Doll. Sound more that just harp. New CD is great
Mick_Jagger_Live says: I think "Party Doll" I play at the end. It's a country harmonica tune, and was played without distortion. In country you play cross harp technique. Thanks for that question, I don't get asked that very much.
Quiet2k2 in Onstage3 asks: Can you explain how the Rolling Stones music has become "timeless"?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: It's been around so long.
nugen2 in Onstage4 asks: Where was the term "nanker" derived from? Does or did it have a literal meaning?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: Two mythical characters invented by Brian, Keith and myself.
BballTiger11 in Onstage2 asks: When will you be going on tour again?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: No.
sweetjmb in Onstage1 asks: what is your greatest achievement?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: I have no idea.
Argie64 in Onstage1 asks: What is the biggest lesson you've learned from the women in your life?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: How to wear lipstick properly.
icouldntremembermyname in Onstage4 asks: what is you favorite song to perform live and why?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: I quite like emotional ballads sometimes. I get into that. I quite like doing these tunes like "Sister Morphine" on a big stage.
Mick_Jagger_Live says: It depends on the night, you fancy one more than another. And you should really like them all or you shouldn't be playing them.
Steven in Onstage1 asks: What do you think of the music industry today to when you first began your career?
Mick_Jagger_Live says: The music industry has changed a lot. It used to be a kind of small, amateurishly run thing. It was fun. It's still fun, but people try and have more corprate minds.
DishDiva says: Mick, thanks for stepping out of your party to join your fans from around the world tonight on MSN Live. Best of luck with "Goddess in the Doorway."
Mick_Jagger_Live says: Thank very much for your questions! There were some very interesting things there. I'm sorry I didn't have more time to answer more.

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