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" I Saw Her Standing There "

Тема: Битлз - Please Please Me (1963)

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" I Saw Her Standing There "
Автор: n88   Дата: 07.02.02 06:52:51
I Saw Her Standing There
Я видел её стоящей там
Записана 11 февраля 1963г.
В нескольких секундах отсчета, которым открывается этот дебютный альбом, Полу Маккартни удалось выразить переполнявшее его буйство молодости. Несмотря на некоторую наивность текста и шероховатость музыки, "I Saw Her Standing Here" была классическим рок-н-роллом "Битлз": дуэт Леннона и Маккартни, как будто жующих жвачку в промежутках между слогами, "у-у-у" фальцетом, ставшие фирменным знаком группы, напряженный и в то же время расслабленный стиль игры. Композиция заканчивается триумфальным гитарным аккордом - нет сомнений, "Битлз" заявили о своем приходе.

I Saw Her Standing There
McCartney/Lennon [sic])
Lead vocals: Paul McCartney

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 !
Well, she was just 17,
You know what I mean,
And the way she looked was way beyond compare.
So how could I dance with another (ooh)
And I saw her standin' there.

Well she looked at me, and I, I could see
That before too long I'd fall in love with her.
She wouldn't dance with another (whooh)
And I saw her standin' there.


Well, my heart went "boom,"
When I crossed that room,
And I held her hand in mine...

Whoah, we danced through the night,
And we held each other tight,
And before too long I fell in love with her.
Now I'll never dance with another (whooh)
Since I saw her standing there

Guitar Solo


Repeat last verse
Re: " I Saw Her Standing There "
Автор: Old Den   Дата: 07.02.02 10:52:47   
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"Буйство молодости" в виде отсчёта было переклеено к первому дублю от девятого; весьма неплохо слушается вереница дублей на Unsurpassed Masters - vol.1

Басовый риф, как признавался Макка, он "стащил" из песни "I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU" Чака Берри, причём Битлы её играли на радио и ранних концертах.
Re: " I Saw Her Standing There "
Автор: Slavik   Дата: 08.02.02 09:55:08   
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By Bill Harry - The BEATLES Encyclopedia

I Saw Her Standing There

Penned by Paul in the living room of Forthlin Road under the working title 'Seventeen'. John Lennon amended it slightly, altering the line 'never been a beauty queen' to 'you know what I mean.'

It became the opening track on their debut album Please Please Me. When it became a hit, Paul discussed the genesis of the song in an interview for the magazine Beat Instrumental.

On the subject of learning to play an instrument, Paul advised that rather than use a tutor, aspiring musicians should learn to play by stealing bits and pieces from other guitarists they could listen to. He commented: 'Here's one example of a bit I pinched from someone: I used the bass riff from "Talkin' About You" by Chuck Berry in "I Saw Her Standing There". I played exactly the same notes as he did and it fitted our number perfectly. Even now, when I tell people about it, I find few of them believe me; therefore, I maintain that a bass riff hasn't got to be original.' It next surfaced on The Beatles (No. 1) EP. In America it was included on the Introducing The Beatles and Meet The Beatles albums. The number was also included on the Rock 'n' Roll Music album.

The group had performed it as part of their repertoire during their Star Club season in Hamburg and this raw version is to be found on The Beatles Live at the Star Club In Hamburg, Germany: 1962 albums.

Within weeks of Please Please Me being released, Duffy Power issued a single of the number on the Beatles' own Parlophone label in May 1963, backed by the Graham Bond Quartet. Ron Richards produced it. He told Power, whose real name is Ray Howard, 'The Beatles think you're the best R&B singer in the country.' It failed to make an impact on the charts.

A version by John Lennon and Eiton John is to be found on the flipside of Eiton's 1975 single 'Philadelphia Freedom'. John had appeared on stage with Eiton at Madison Square Garden in 1974 and this number was recorded at the concert. John had announced it as '... a song written by an old fiance of mine called Paul.' The John Lennon performance was also included on an EP issued by DJM Records in 1981, which reached No. 24 in the New Musical Express chart in Britain.

The Beatles also recorded it before a live audience on the 'Easy Beat' BBC programme in 1963. This version was included on The Beatles Live At The BBC CD in November 1994. The version on the Anthology 1 CD was from a Swedish radio recording and Take 9 from the Beatles' original studio session was also included on the Anthology 1 CD.
Re: " I Saw Her Standing There "
Автор: Old Den   Дата: 08.02.02 10:23:54   
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"...and Take 9 from the Beatles' original studio session was also included on the Anthology 1 CD"... не помню такого.
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