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Йоко Оно - 70!

Тема: Yoko Ono (Йоко Оно)

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Вот это да!!!
Йоко Оно - 70!
Автор: Old Den   Дата: 18.02.03 12:20:11
...Да, к старушке здесь явно с прохладцей общественность относится :)))
Бывает, правда, спросят меня: "как оно?", а я и отвечаю: "да скоро 70 стукнет". Вот этот день и настал.

Йоко Оно! Поздравляю Вас с днём рожденья!

Re: Йоко Оно - 70!
Автор: Naty K   Дата: 18.02.03 12:25:42   
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... Да, ....
Йоко - фигура неоднозначная, противоречивая....
С днем рождения !
Re: Йоко Оно - 70!
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 18.02.03 12:32:23   
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Re: Йоко Оно - 70!
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 18.02.03 12:34:52   
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Re: Йоко Оно - 70!
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 18.02.03 12:43:44   
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Happy Birthday !!!
Re: Йоко Оно - 70!
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 18.02.03 12:50:39   
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А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Йоко Оно - 70!
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 18.02.03 14:15:33   
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Данная тема свидетельствует о некотором оздоровлении общего климата на форуме (и в сердцах), и это не может не радовать.
Йоко 70! Батюшки святы!
Присоединяюсь к поздравлениям!
Re: Йоко Оно - 70!
Автор: bk   Дата: 18.02.03 14:21:54   
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А она сама сказала, что после стольких лет конфронтации её стали понимать...
Anyway. Happy Birthday, Yoko!
Вымученная улыбка  
Re: Йоко Оно - 70!
Автор: Dimon   Дата: 18.02.03 15:03:15   
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Как нашей доблестной коммунистической партии:)
Re: Йоко Оно - 70!
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 18.02.03 16:52:19   
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Re: Йоко Оно - 70!
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 18.02.03 17:11:50   
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Все на водопой!
Интервью с Йоко (Часть1)
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 18.02.03 17:55:03   
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А это интервью с Йоко , которое она специально дала по случаю своего Дня рождения.
My life just gets better Feb 18 2003

by Paul Kennedy, Liverpool Echo

As Yoko Ono turns 70 today (Tuesday, February 18) she tells the Liverpool ECHO's Paul Kennedy in an exclusive interview how age won't slow her down.

ALL her life Yoko Ono has suffered sexism and racism. Now, as she celebrates her 70th birthday, she is determined not to suffer from ageism.

"I suffered all my life from sexism, like most women do, and racism, and I thought am I going to add ageism to this?" says the widow of John Lennon in her only birthday interview.

"When I was turning 60 it was nothing, but when I was 69 I was thinking 'oh no am I going to have to fight ageism as well'.

"So I suppose I did feel a little bit bad about that, then I realised the good side, the fact that I should be thankful."

Yoko, who is speaking to me from New York, says she will be marking her seven decades with a grand party arranged by her son Sean, 27, in her favourite New York restaurant.

And last night Yoko, who is showing no signs of slowing down, performed her new dance-style single at a Manhattan club. The track Walking On Thin Ice is a collaboration with the Pet Shop Boys and American DJ Danny Tenaglia.

She says: "I'm very excited that people love the record. I've been asked to come over to Britain and play in some electro clubs and I think I will do that," she says.

"This feels like a new beginning for me with the dance community adopting me and my music. It's a very exciting time for me."

It is difficult to believe that it was more than 20 years ago when John was shot dead outside the couple's home.

Yoko still lives at the Dakota Building she shared with John - a stone's throw from the Strawberry Fields peace memorial. And every day it is a reminder of her youth and her time with the former Beatle.

They married in 1969 and invited the world's press to their honeymoon spent in bed at the Amsterdam Hilton.

"I look at old photographs of John and I and I think that just seems like yesterday," she says. "But it seems to me that age is what you make of it. They say that time is a man-made concept so if you don't make it then it's not there!"

Yoko was 47 when her husband was shot dead in 1981. But in the years they were together, one birthday present stands out.

"The favourite birthday present I ever received from John was when I woke up one birthday in the morning and there was a gardenia next to me on the floor," she recalls.

"It is a flower that I like because its scent is so sweet. It is beautiful. There was this one gardenia on the floor at the side of my bed. Then I saw another and another, then another. I went down the stairs and they were full of the flowers, too. Then, when I got downstairs, there was an ocean of gardenias; they were everywhere. They were so beautiful.

Интервью с Йоко (Часть2)
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 18.02.03 17:56:03   
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"John said it was very difficult to get that many gardenias because they are quite a rare flower, not something you can buy bunches and bunches of.

"He had to order them from all sorts of places. I thought it was a very considerate present because he knew I loved gardenias.

"It must have been very difficult for John to have done something like that. He was very proud that he did it."

Yoko looks a lot younger than her 70 years but says she has no secret recipe for looking good - although she does take hot and cold baths most mornings.

"I don't feel old," she says. "People say I look younger than 70 but I don't really know what the secret of looking young is. I really don't have a recipe for it.

"I do usually take a hot and cold bath in the morning - a hot bath first followed straight away by a cold bath. I do that in the summer especially, although I don't do that for 365 days a year.

"I also like walking. I walk from my apartment to down town kind of thing. That's three to six miles usually, maybe once a week. Listen, I had a very rough life, let's put it that way.

"I think it all has to do with the way you think about yourself really. "

Today's birthday will be a different affair for Yoko who normally celebrates with just a family dinner.

The invitation to the bash, designed by her son Sean, states: "Clothing optional. Chanel No 5 optional. Bring your heart and high heels."

She says: "This is the first time Sean has given me a grand, grand birthday party.

"For my birthday I usually say 'don't make a fuss'; we usually just have a family dinner kind of thing and then Sean would normally just give me a little something.

"But this time he said that because it was a very special birthday he was going to give me a birthday party.

"It is the first time I am getting this kind of birthday party. It's all very grand.

"There's going to be about 200 people invited to a restaurant we like. I am totally excited and we are all going to have fun. I am very touched.

"Birthdays are a time for family and usually it is just that, but this time it will be a bit different and a bit nerve-wracking because I never expected such a huge party.

"I am very proud of Sean, not just because what he has done for my 70th but because I am just very lucky to have a son like Sean."

Yoko adds that getting old is not something to be afraid of, saying: "You shouldn't worry how old you are going to be. Life just gets better and better.

"I am 70 years old and I feel good."

Re: Йоко Оно - 70!
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 18.02.03 17:57:23   
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Yoko calls for peace

by Paul Kennedy, Liverpool Echo

YOKO Ono today called for peace on earth - as the country prepares for war in Iraq.

The widow of John Lennon celebrates her 70th birthday this evening and her birthday wish is for no conflict.

She is even having a "wish tree" at her party and anti-war banners will decorate the restaurant.

In 1969, her and John launched their 'War is Over' campaign buying billboard space in countries all over the world.

The message read: "War is over if you want it - Happy Christmas, John and Yoko".

Today Yoko said: "I would again put out the little message that 'War is over if you want it.'

"It is a very intense time at the moment with the prospect of war and I was thinking is this a good time to be celebrating my birthday, especially as I usually don't.

"So at my party there is going to be a wish tree where people can make wishes. My wish is for peace on earth.

"There is also going to be a war is over if you want it sign on the ceiling, so in a way I am sending a message through my birthday."
Re: Йоко Оно - 70!
Автор: Филипп   Дата: 18.02.03 19:13:51   
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Всей своей славой она обязана Джону. Помните замечательную Инну Чурикову в роли жены барона Мюнхгаузена. По-моему это как раз из той же опреы - "когда мы с моим мужем в первый раз летали на Луну..."
Re: Йоко Оно - 70!
Автор: Nicky de Gree   Дата: 18.02.03 19:34:25   
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Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, Yoko Ono,
Happy birthday to you!

Re: Йоко Оно - 70!
Автор: СизиF   Дата: 18.02.03 19:44:49   
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Филипп, это остроумно. Но кто знает, кем (или чем) бы стал Леннон без Йоко...
С Днем Рождения, госпожа Йоко Оно Леннон!
Re: Йоко Оно - 70!
Автор: Octopus   Дата: 18.02.03 19:55:27   
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Oh, yeah!
Re: Йоко Оно - 70!
Автор: Jools Joyce   Дата: 18.02.03 20:27:14   
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Hold on Yoko

It's alright
You have won the fight

Happy Birthday!
Re: Йоко Оно - 70!
Автор: May Day   Дата: 20.02.03 00:05:33   
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2филипп:да,да.у меня к этому фильму вообще не однозначное отношение.начать с того, что он вышел в 80-м... happy birthday,yoko,any way!!!!!!!!!
Re: Йоко Оно - 70!
Автор: Jools Joyce   Дата: 20.02.03 19:12:12   
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Here's Yoko's response to all of the birthday messages she received at


We stand on this beautiful planet enjoying
the sunrise, the sunset, the change of seasons
the oceans, the mountains, the clear sky
and the lovely towns and cities we've created together

We cherish the moment of peace and quiet
We cherish the moment of having fun
We cherish every moment of warmth and love
We laugh, we heal, and we embrace

With what we've learnt and experienced
With our wisdom and the sense of unity
We protect our world from destruction
For our hearts beat in unison
Even when we fight with one another

We breathe for life
We'll survive
Remember: we are one

Big hug and kisses to each one of you
I feel priveleged to share this time with you
Thank you for being in my life
at times as teachers, as angels, as friends
always as blessings, always with love
Without you, I will not be

Today is the beginning of our joyful lives
Let's dance together in our hearts
and play the game of life
In love

We breathe for life
We will survive
Remember: we are love

My respect and thanks to
Nelson Mandela
Mordechai Vannunu
Aung San Sun Kyi
Amnesty International -International
Not In Our Name -United States
All Weapons into Musical Instruments- Japan
and so many inspired groups and individuals
working to make this a better world

Speak out, shed light,
and stand for peace.

(if you want it)
I love you!
February, 2003
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