is the acceptance of every event in the universe as an extraordinary event.
If you let a coin fall and it falls, the next time it is just by an infinite coincidence that it will fall again the same way; hundreds of other coins on other hands will follow this pattern in an infinitely unimaginable fashion. -Jarry wrote thus.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Pataphysics, an absurdist concept coined by the French writer Alfred Jarry, is the idea of a philosophy or science dedicated to studying what lies beyond the realm of metaphysics. It is a parody of the theory and methods of modern science and is often expressed in nonsensical language. A practitioner of pataphysics is a pataphysician or a pataphysicist.
In the 1960s pataphysics was used as a conceptual principle within various art forms, especially pop art and popular culture. Works within the pataphysical tradition tend to focus on the processes of their creation, and elements of chance or arbitrary choices are frequently key in those processes. Select pieces from Marcel Duchamp and John Cage characterize this. The most prominent mention of pataphysics from this period is in the Beatles's song "Maxwell's Silver Hammer". At around this time, the Paris based Situationist International referred to pataphysics as a new religion. (see pataphysical situation).
Pataphysics is sometimes defined as "the science of imaginary solutions, which symbolically attributes the properties of objects, described by their virtuality, to their lineaments" (from Alfred Jarry's Book Faustroll).
An example of a pataphysical solution to a problem: A group of people have to walk up and down a steep hill several times a day, in order to get from their place of work to the nearest bus stop. The problem is solved by installing a ski-lift to take them up the hill, and distributing skateboards for coming down. Rube Goldberg and Heath Robinson were artists who invented (pictorial representations of) machines of a pataphysical bent.