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Ранее неизданная песня Пола Маккартни

Дата: 10 июня 2011 года
Разместил: Александр Обидин
Тема: Пол Маккартни - McCartney II (1980)
Просмотры: 5566

На официальном канале Пола Маккартни на youtube было выложено видео на ранее неизданную песню Пола "Blue Sway". Песня впервые будет доступна слушателю на бонусном диске специального издания "McCartney II". Переиздание альбома выходит в свет 14 июня.

Paul McCartney recruited award-winning surf filmmaker Jack McCoy to create a music video for his previously unreleased track "Blue Sway." Written nearly 20 years ago, McCartney's never-before released song, "Blue Sway," is available for the first time on the bonus audio disc of the special edition of McCartney II. The music video created by McCoy is also featured on the bonus DVD included in the set. McCartney II will be released on June 14th by MPL and Concord Music Group.

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Автор: Александр ОбидинДата: 10.06.11 01:22:14
Paul McCartney recruited award-winning surf filmmaker Jack McCoy to create a music video for his previously unreleased track "Blue Sway." Written nearly 20 years ago, McCartney's never-before released song, "Blue Sway," is available for the first time on the bonus audio disc of the special edition of McCartney II. The music video created by McCoy is also featured on the bonus DVD included in the set. McCartney II will be released on June 14th by MPL and Concord Music Group.

Jack McCoy has been capturing the surfing vision in a truly unique way. Using a high powered underwater jet ski, the filmmaker found that he was able to travel behind a wave, creating underwater images that have never been seen before.

Over the past couple of years, McCoy set out to capture footage for his surf film, A Deeper Shade of Blue. During the editing process, McCoy put one of his surfing sequences to a song off McCartney's The Fireman album. A mutual friend, Chris Thomas, saw the footage while visiting McCoy in Australia, and when he returned to the UK he gave McCartney a copy of the sequence.

"Paul was pretty stoked with what I'd created. He immediately thought my images might be suitable to go with his unreleased song "Blue Sway." said McCoy.

McCoy spent the next six weeks creating the music video, while also working full days on making A Deeper Shade of Blue. McCoy compiled and edited footage that he filmed off Tahiti's Teahupoo reef to create what became the "Blue Sway" video.

"When I saw Jack McCoy's underwater surfing footage put to the soundtrack of "Blue Sway" I was blown away," said McCartney.

"Blue Sway" won 'Best Music Video' at NYC BE FILM Short Festival this past May, and the video will be featured as part of Surfrider Foundation's summer PSA campaign. Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit grassroots organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of our world's oceans, waves and beaches.

For more information about the McCartney II :
For more information on Jack McCoy's A Deeper Shade of Blue:
For more information on Surfrider Foundation:
Автор: Mux. Бирюков (nECKAPb)Дата: 10.06.11 02:08:18

>Written nearly 20 years ago

Т.е. песня 1990-х бонусом на альбоме 1980-го?
Автор: Beatles4Дата: 10.06.11 06:29:55
а это видео - официальное? т.е. новый клип?


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